National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 949 True murder

"Captain Jiang, cut it open.

Shen Yaowei saw off three saw blades before cutting through the inner and outer plates of the deceased's skull.

Jiang Yuan put down the tea cup, sighed, and started to put on his coat, gloves and hood. Then he picked up a T-shaped chisel and stuck it into the sawed position of the skull. With a "click", the skull was pried open.

Shen Yaowei then stood up, asked someone to wipe his sweat, and said: "It's like using a saw to open two boxes of coconuts. My arms are sore."

This work is indeed similar to opening a coconut. You first cut the outer skin and flesh, and then saw the hard shell open, and then you can see the soft contents inside.

Jiang Yuan first carefully observed the dura mater under the skull. The dura mater is a thin membrane, similar to the white layer of coconut flesh after the coconut is pried open.

The most common and basic surgery performed in brain surgery is subdural hematoma evacuation, which involves incision in the patient's dura mater for the purpose of removing silt or releasing pressure. It is a surgery that sounds high-end, but is actually of average technical content. , many lower-level hospitals have voluntarily or been forced to carry out such procedures.


Because subdural hematoma evacuation is an emergency surgery in most cases. In layman's terms, if you fall on your head, get smashed on the head, or get kicked in the head by a donkey, etc., you may need emergency surgery. To perform this kind of surgery, many local health commissions will require XX kilometers within the city.

Within, there must be a hospital that can do this to prevent patients from dying during transport.

For forensic doctors, subdural bleeding is also a good indicator.

In most cases, the discovery of subdural hemorrhage can be explained as the cause of death. Even if the deceased had other circumstances that led to his death, a big bruise on his head still needs to be taken into consideration.

This is also what Jiang Yuan is seeing now.

"Blunt instrument hits the brain to death." Jiang Yuan cut along the midline of the dura mater, then pulled the dura mater with forceps, pulled it away from the arachnoid mater, exposed the cerebral hemispheres, and gave a conclusion on the spot, and then let Wang Chuanxing Record it and ask the photographer next to you to take pictures.

哢, 哢哢, 哢…

The photographer's SLR clicked a series of shutters.

The light before dusk is the softest and most beautiful time. It reflects on the yellow, white, red and black flesh, giving it a strange and perverted sense of excitement. Just like the "Sour Toe Cocktail" - when a human toe is soaked in whiskey, a legally obtained human toe, the taste of this cocktail,

It is far away from the needs of the taste itself!

"Bag the body, add ice, transport it back, and let Wang Lan do the examination." Jiang Yuan checked several key parts and basically confirmed that there were no other causes of death, and then asked someone to transport the body.

The conditions at the scene are extremely crude, but compared to carrying out an autopsy after transporting the body back, an on-site autopsy can obtain conclusions several hours in advance, which is very beneficial to the advancement of the case.

Because the case itself is actually very simple. The deceased died while participating in a group fight and fighting each other under the watchful eyes of a group of people.

Therefore, as long as the testimonies of eyewitnesses are collected and the people who participated in the gang fight are found, the lower limit of the case is basically maintained. The slightly more difficult part is who the murderer is.

In fact, according to the ordinary thinking mode of ordinary people, everyone involved in a group fight is equivalent to a murderer, but the law is to find the perpetrator of the fatal blow, that is, the specific perpetrator of the fatal act.

For forensic doctors, it is to find the main cause of death.

It is assumed that in the last battle before death, the deceased's neck was tightened by Huang Zhong's bowstring; his abdomen was penetrated by Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear; his left thigh was dragged out of the gap by Guan Yu's Green Dragon Zombie Moon Sword; and his chest was struck by Ma Chao's Tiger Head Zhanjin. He was stabbed by a spear; Li Yuanba hit his head with a gold hammer; his left and right wrists were shot by Liu Bei's swords.

Cao Cao gave him wine; Diao Chan writhed desperately under him...

Even if bystanders know that people are killed by teamwork, they still want to find the most representative person as the murderer. At this time, it’s time to go to the medical examiner.

If subdural hematoma can also be found, then Li Yuanba is the biggest suspect.

Su Shanming from the Changle City Bureau was the person responsible for finding Li Yuanba.

Su Shanming carefully selected a few police officers, and while rushing over, he warned: "Next, you guys will be responsible for this murder case full-time. Let me explain first, a murder case is a murder case, and the murder case comes first. Don't worry about this. What kind of chaos is this, who are the dead, and are the murderers already going to do it?

Being sentenced to death, this is not a problem for you to consider, just concentrate on solving this case! "

yes. "Several police officers responded calmly.

The criminal police detachment itself is actually a relatively high-level investigation unit. The criminal police detachment at the municipal level can even be considered the highest-level investigation unit on the front line. It can be said to be the de facto elite serious crime team. The daily handling is done by the district and county-level units. The case that cannot be solved, the murder case is not only familiar, it can even be called an expert


When several people arrived at the scene, they all looked solemn.

Jiang Yuan had already changed his clothes, washed his hands, and written the first version of the informal report.

Seeing Su Mingshan coming, Jiang Yuan greeted him with a smile, then asked Wang Chuanxing to bring something over, and said: "The cause of death of the deceased was a blunt instrument hit on the head. The murder weapon should be a wine bottle or a round one." Stick. The murderer was taller than the deceased, regardless of his position at the time.

He is at least 10 centimeters taller, and his weight is relatively high..."

Several police officers were originally preparing to fill out the informal autopsy report one after another from Jiang Yuan, but after listening to what he said, they gradually stopped and looked at Su Mingshan.

Su Mingshan also frowned, and those who didn't know thought he was angry.

In fact, Su Mingshan's forehead was indeed buzzing.

Mu Zhiyang had seen too many such criminal police captains, and said to the side: "Captain Su, this is how useful our team Jiang is, you just need to get used to it in the future."

"Is this useful?" Su Mingshan recalled the previous cases. After all, he was not in charge of those cases, so his feelings were not as profound...

Mu Zhiyang smiled and said, "What do you think will happen next?"

"There is nothing to do next." Su Mingshan sighed and said smoothly: "We basically have records of the people who participated in the group fight. Now we just have to see who is the one holding the stick or the beer bottle. . Let’s go back and ask about the attack process in detail. If anyone saw him killed,

If it's the person's head, it's basically stable. "

"There is also a murder weapon." His subordinate reminded him.

"Oh, yes, there is also a murder weapon. Beer bottles are a bit hard to find. A wooden stick is okay. Could it be a wooden stick? Or a steel pipe or something like that?" Su Mingshan came to his senses and began to further confirm the case. , if the murder weapon is found, the evidence chain of the case will be relatively complete. It can be said that

Basically solved.

Compared with beer bottles, wooden sticks and steel pipes, etc., are obviously easier to retain.

Jiang Yuan slowly shook his head and said: "There is a high probability that it is still a beer bottle. From the shape of the contusion wound, it can be inferred that the injury was caused..."

Jiang Yuan only said this sentence, looked up at Su Mingshan, and his desire to explain was reduced a lot. After thinking about it, he said: "This is not a very advanced technology. The reason why wooden sticks and steel pipes are mentioned can only be said to be very The probability is low. Just think about the wine bottle for now.”

It is not uncommon in China for beer bottles to cause injury or even death. Drunk people are prone to fighting and hurting others. It can be said that it is a common ecological pattern in nightlife to carry a big green bottle that they just drank from, or hit people with a large number of big green bottles.

Therefore, in the forensic medical community, those with a little experience will also focus on observing and recording the characteristics of some common injury objects, such as wine bottles, which many forensic doctors can recognize at a glance.

Jiang Yuan had been involved in a beer bottle murder case before. When he encountered it again this time, he felt like he was familiar with solving problems.

However, after Su Mingshan relaxed, he began to feel a strong sense of anxiety, and couldn't help but said: "I'm afraid it's hard to find the beer bottle used as the murder weapon. Maybe it's all broken..."

"According to eyewitness data, the beer the murderer drank that day was local beer. He did not break the beer bottle, but threw it into the garbage dump." Jiang Yuan said this, paused, and said: "Fortunately, the garbage here is basically If you don’t deal with it, you should search hard and you should still be able to find the beer bottle.”

Su Mingshan grimaced, looked at the few police officers he had brought, and then turned to look at the endless mountain of garbage.

Several police officers were surprised and said: "Su Da, this is not what you said when you came..."

"If you don't have enough manpower, I can lend you a few people." Jiang Yuan coughed twice and said: "But since we are going to collect garbage, why not do a garbage classification." I recommend you to read the latest version of this book at sᴛᴏ𝟻𝟻ᴄᴏᴍ Chapters allow you to experience an extraordinary experience without errors or disorder.

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