National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 966 Battle Front

In the office building of the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment, the lights stayed on all night.

Although Jiang Yuan did not urge him, the detectives in the detachment were aware of this. Jiang Yuan has already been invited. If he doesn't work hard, the detachment will be sold next.

The next day, Yu Wenshu also came very early.

As soon as I sat down in the office and took a sip of tea from my cup, several captains pretended to knock on the door and came in.

Yu Wenshu nodded with satisfaction. Although the task force is responsible for Jiang Yuan, Yu Wenshu still needs to control the entire area. His relationship with Jiang Yuan is like that of a producer and a director. The one who contributes money and saves the money and the one who integrates resources is the producer. But when it comes to the specific business aspects and when it comes to using these resources, the director is the most important. .

"How is the situation? You all look good?" Yu Wenshu stood up and sat on the sofa where the guests were.

Several captains took their seats respectively.

The captain of the graphic scout team couldn't wait to say: "We did find something!"

"Oh? Tell me." Yu Wenshu suddenly became energetic.

Why picture detectives are getting more and more attention is because picture detectives can really solve crimes.

The images produced by graphic detectives can often clarify the facts of the case. Compared with suspects swearing poison and dense interrogation transcripts, if a case can be found with surveillance video or any other video evidence, it is almost certain to be solved.

There may be lawyers abroad like Luo Li who talk a lot about privacy, the fruit of the poisonous tree, and the exclusion of evidence. This is not the case in China.

Domestic courts rarely exclude evidence, and because it is the judge who decides the case and the prosecutor who decides to file a lawsuit, even if there is evidence that needs to be excluded, it will be excluded after the judge and prosecutor have seen it. .

In this way, as long as there is information in the image that can prove the facts of the case, the judge's preference for the case will be obvious even if he excludes the evidence in court.

"Based on Team Jiang's modified time of death, we measured the time of the vehicles passing by the body dump site. There are currently four vehicles. The time of passing the pilot test obviously exceeded the normal time limit. We have already started investigating." Picture Detective Brigade With a smile on his face, the team leader introduced this idea about the time limit.

It sounds simple. It is nothing more than determining a normal time at two points before and after the corpse dumping point, and then checking whether the vehicles passing through these two points have obviously timed out.

Because there is no surveillance video at the corpse dumping site itself, but corpse dumping takes time. Even if two people cooperate, they get off the car and walk to the river, go up and down the river embankment, and then run several times carrying the watermelon-sized body parts. It will always take more than a quarter of an hour to delay. If it's slower, it takes at least twenty minutes for one person.

This gave the detective team a starting point for investigation.

However, it is not that easy to operate, because it is not easy to find two suitable points. There are not many surveillance cameras near the corpse dumping point, and even fewer can be clearly photographed. In addition, there are still forks in the middle, so , in fact, it is more than just a calculation of two points.

But no matter what, the detective brigade finally identified multiple suspect vehicles through this plan. Now they only need to go to the door to investigate, ask them why they drove overtime, and then look at the stains on the car and other conditions, and they may find the murderer. .

"Well done!" Yu Wenshu was generous with his words of praise and praised him several times, calming down the captain of the scout team who had stayed up all night before turning his head to look at the others.

"We also found something here." Wan Baoming hurriedly said: "After we traced the origin of the fibers on the deceased, we found three types of woven bags. One of them, the sales volume is concentrated in our Changyang City. In addition, this woven bag The bag happens to be a laminated product, and most of the woven bags we found are fully laminated, so there is reason to believe that these woven bags are used for the first time, or at most for the second time.”

"Can the user be traced?" Yu Wenshu was a little surprised. Woven bags are so popular. In contrast, if the murderer was carrying a LV to contain the body, it would be easier to investigate.

Wan Baoming said: "It's not possible to directly track the user, but we have now defined a range. I think we can visit and cooperate to understand the situation of the missing person."

"Okay." Yu Wenshu nodded. Jiang Yuan had to arrange how to do it later. He wanted to know the progress in advance.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Jiyang's criminal record team and Cao Chujun's kitchen knife team also explained the situation respectively.

Yu Wenshu nodded repeatedly as he listened, and after he finished listening, he said a little strangely: "These lines of yours seem to be quite promising?"

"Yes, the current trend is pretty good." Several people were obviously aware of this problem.

"Multiple fronts are moving forward together————·Okay, that's good. It's worthy of the task force led by Jiang Yuan. Okay. As long as Jiang Yuan's task force can advance, I will support it."

Yu Wenshu said and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing each other's voices, Ma Jiyang smiled and said: "I used to worry about not having any clues, but this time the clues are being pushed forward, so I'm a little at a loss."

When an ordinary task force solves a case, no matter how many ideas or clues it comes up with, in the end, if it can advance one or two without reaching a dead end, it will be a success.

Most of the task forces are working on one clue. When they find that they can't follow it, they can only stop. Then if there are no new clues, they brainstorm again, study a new clue, and then continue to pursue it. It belongs to human beings. Waiting for clues, not clues waiting for people.

In the end, the key to whether a task force can continue is whether there are any clues. As long as there are clues, according to the current system, the homicide task force will continue to carry out the execution. Even if it is difficult to pursue, it will continue to pursue it. Unless it's political.

However, having too many clues is another burden. If every clue is investigated, the cost will keep rising.

In more ordinary murder cases, it is also very common to discard some clues and focus on the most promising ones. This is what Captain Ma and others are worried about.

If reductions were to be made, visits like theirs would definitely be cut down first.

Yu Wenshu did not make such a decision, partly because he did not want to interfere with Jiang Yuan's judgment, and partly because this case was a dismemberment case.

Normal dismemberment cases tend to have no clues. Those with too many clues are rare, so they are rare. Moreover, the case is still some distance away from being solved, so saving money is not yet a priority, at least not in this case.

"Okay, let's go to work. I'm waiting for your good news." Yu Wenshu stood up and sent the captains out.

After leaving the door, several captains looked at each other and their expressions became serious.

No matter how long the front is drawn, in the end, the moment the case is solved, it can only be a breakthrough on one front!

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