National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 967 Take a glance


Jiang Yuan came to the office of the criminal police detachment.

He was quite tired from dealing with insects in the past two days, so he just wanted to clean up his small house in Changyang City and take a rest.

Anyway, he has finished all the forensic work, and the progress of the subsequent investigation will take some time.

Jiang Yuan had just sat down when he saw several captains rushing in.

"Team Jiang, we have traced 6 vehicles now, four of them have no problems, and the other two are still under investigation." The captain of the picture reconnaissance team was the first to talk.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said without replying: "Are you staring at me? What do you want?"

This sentence stopped the conversation of several people behind.

The captain of the Picture Scout Brigade had already spoken anyway, and immediately said: "Speaking of which, we do have some memories that need to be enhanced——"

"Let's take a look." Jiang Yuan didn't care about anyone else and gave priority to solving the problem.

The captain of the photo reconnaissance team immediately took out the notebook he carried with him, opened it, showed several images to Jiang Yuan, and then said: "This car takes the most remote road, and it passes by Yunji Road. It is normal." It was supposed to go to Luzhong Road, but it turned out to be a triangle, so the suspicion was still high. "

Jiang Yuan lowered his head to look at the video and saw that in the blurry video, he could only see a van. The specific model of the ticket could not be clearly seen. It was typical of the performance of old Japanese cameras at night.

Changyang City is a city that installed cameras very early. If you count, various monitoring devices began to be installed at major intersections in the city 20 years ago. Now, with the update of the city interface, not to mention the cameras, the surveillance system has been updated for several generations.

But such treatment is not possible in remote areas. In most remote streets in cities, cameras were installed in conjunction with a certain surveillance system innovation. After being used for ten years, they will not be replaced until they break.

For example, the camera on Maishan Road that Jiang Yuan saw now was probably installed at least seven or eight years ago. The technical level back then was far behind, and the video resolution and so on were limited. It was normal for the camera not to be able to capture the action at night.

Jiang Yuan looked at it briefly, nodded, and said: "We can do video enhancement, let's wait until the afternoon, we can almost complete it in the afternoon."

"That's great. With the support of Team Jiang, our volunteers, the Scout Brigade, will feel relieved!" The captain of the Scout Brigade poured out his emotional intelligence.

Ma Jiyang gave him a disdainful look. After he finished speaking, he stepped forward and said, "Captain Jiang, during the process of visiting ex-convicts here, we compiled a list. My current idea is, can it be compared with the lists from other fronts? Check it out."

"Okay." Jiang Yuan agreed immediately.

The other team captains reluctantly started calling people to update the list.

This case is considered a medium-level case for Jiang Yuan's backlogged case team, but for the Changyang City Bureau, it is already a major case of the year. The criminal police officers who joined the task force were all holding back their energy, thinking To take it down.

Before Jiang Yuan came, everyone might not have been so energetic because the case was very difficult and could not be solved with just a little effort.

The actual situation is also the same. Before Jiang Yuan readjusted the time of death and determined that the body was dumped twice, there was no way to start this case.

The situation at that time was like a patient with fecal incarceration. Even if the door was expanded from one finger thick to two thick, it could not solve the problem. Only when the hard block embedded outside is broken and taken out can it make sense to use force again.

Cao Chujun and others also made reports. After brushing their faces, they stood up and started today's work.

Several brigades work on paper and merge on-site investigation models.

This is also the most common investigation mode for major cases today. Rely on technology to guide the way, and then dig deeper offline.

Domestic criminals are relatively simple, mainly because there are few who can form a team. In this case, criminals who are good at online are often white-collar criminals similar to those in the United States. Many of them have excellent skills, which can even greatly exceed the level of technicians working in the police.

But these people’s offline coping capabilities are much weaker. The same goes for the opposite. Many offline gangs who play tricks and are very good at playing tricks with the police station will be able to fix the evidence in a few seconds when they meet the more advanced technical police. But once the decisive evidence is obtained, Iron Fist will soon It can easily smash the hob meat.

Jiang Yuan stood up on his own, walked a few steps in the office, lit a piece of agarwood, placed it in front of his desk, and took out the Manjushri Bodhisattva pendant he was wearing today. Everyone smelled the incense together and gradually calmed down.

At this time, Wang Chuanxing sorted out the lists of several fronts and asked: "Captain Jiang, are the lists printed out or sent electronically?"

Jiang Yuandao: "It's an electronic version. It's too long to print."

"Okay." Wang Chuanxing added while transferring the file: "They have all made a key list. The key list alone is not long."

"Oh, we have made a key list. Is this the style of the Changyang City Bureau?"

"You should all be a little anxious." Wang Chuanxing understands this feeling of eagerness to make contributions. When criminal police officers encounter major cases, they stay up all night long and are under great emotional pressure. But on the other hand, there are only a few major cases that can be encountered every year, which is also a rare opportunity.

Police officers are not like criminals. They can choose when to do a case, nor can they choose the scale and extent of the case.

Therefore, encountering a major case is also a career opportunity for criminal police. Especially for major cases that are expected to be solved, everyone faces it with the mentality of treating the college entrance examination.

For some people at some times, the occurrence of a major case may be a major life change that is no less than the college entrance examination. If marriage is a woman's second life reincarnation, then a major case is the Nth reincarnation of a criminal policeman, no less than the first tadpole marathon.

This is why so many municipal bureaus lined up to accept Huang Qiangmin's exploitation. In fact, everyone is just suffering on the surface. After a short period of pain, there is long happiness and joy.

Jiang Yuan clicked on the file sent by Wang Chuanxing and saw the dense names of people, as well as information such as gender, age, education, criminal record, etc., and long notes.

The styles of the files compiled by different brigades are slightly different, but overall, they all contain a lot of information.

Jiang Yuan then clicked on a key list and saw that there was more information in it, and many pieces of information were marked with different colors, representing different levels of verification.

Jiang Yuan scanned it roughly and clicked on several other key lists.

To be honest, he also agreed with this approach of key lists.

The progress of several fronts was actually quite smooth, and now it was a process of approaching. If you are unlucky, you may have to continue investigating for a long time. If you are lucky, you may get results soon.

But it doesn’t matter. The timeliness of this case is not that strong. The murderer must have done it like this to evade investigation, which means that his willingness to escape is relatively low. In this case, it is acceptable to investigate a murder case that happened more than a month ago for another month.

And as for the length of these lists, a month will produce results anyway.

Jiang Yuan thought so, pulled out another list, and prepared to take a closer look. The phone on the desk rang.

When he picked it up, he heard Yu Wenshu greet him and said, "Jiang Yuan, I saw the list file sent in the mailbox. I just glanced at it casually, but there is a person's name on all three lists."

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