National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 142 Combat Mech, Bullhead Mecha! (Please Subscribe!)

Under the sphere is a circle of portals, and students have already entered and exited through the gates.

Some were elated, while others were downcast.

Obviously, within this hemisphere is the assessment content.

"The assessment is very simple. There are random combat machines inside these doors. When you go in, just use all your strength and attack them.

"Of course, pay attention to the fact that the combat machine will also fight back. Although it will have an insurance function, it will not hurt your life, but if you still fight hard when you are lost, you may be seriously injured. You can control the speed yourself. If you feel that you can't beat it, you can do it yourself. Come out.

"Yes, teacher!"

The students in No. 7 Middle School shouted extremely loudly at that time.

They originally had this idea.

"Very well, I like you very much."

The assessment teacher who led the team smiled with satisfaction.

The students in this school are good, and he can tell that except for the two martial artists, the others are all here to see the world.

That's how it should be, see your own strength clearly, don't go up and recklessly confess your whole life here.

However, a school with such a large span, from the ninth-rank martial artist to the tenth-rank martial artist, can't even get together. …

It's a bit of a joke.

"Ling Yang, I don't know what the specific content of the assessment is."

Although Su Nianxue was a ninth-rank martial artist, she was naturally a little apprehensive in the face of the special training camp's assessment.

Ling Yang thought for a while and said:

"Since it's a battle, it should be enough to win. Don't worry so much, you are a ninth-rank martial artist, and you have great body skills, it's okay."

Ling Yang said encouragingly.

The teacher of the special training camp next to him smiled.


This assessment is just to test how long you, the students who entered, can last.

If you can survive for 30 seconds, you will pass the test. Otherwise, you can test 300 students in one day?

still win?

Even ninth-rank martial artists are a little nervous, where do you get your confidence as a second-rank martial artist?

"Okay, let's all go in and choose the door yourself.

"Are the assessments inside all the same, teacher?"

Ling Yang said.

The leading teacher of the special training camp didn’t have a particularly good impression of Ling Yang, so he said in a neutral tone:

"It's all a battle, but the machinery of each door is different, you will know it when you go in"~. "

"Oh, well, thank you teacher."

Ling Yang's attitude towards this teacher is also a bit strange.

But I don't have any idea about the teacher of the special training camp. He looks like he is in his twenties, and he is a fifth-rank great martial artist, so he has the capital to be proud of.

"Then I'll take door forty-five.

Su Nianxue said.

"Well, I'm next to you, let's open six."

The two walked towards the door together and entered the rooms of their choice respectively.

The teacher looked at the room Ling Yang chose, and shook his head slightly:

"Although the level of the machine is the same, the skills of each are different. You actually chose this big guy, you are unlucky."

"But for a second-rank martial artist, it shouldn't be a big problem to last for two minutes."

"If it's less than one and a half minutes...the actual combat ability is a little bit hanging..."

The difficulty of the trial will become higher and higher as time goes by...


As soon as he entered the door, there was a knocking sound, and the door behind him was directly sealed.

After a while of darkness, a bright light came on in the room.

The room is huge.

After all, the square of nearly 20,000 square meters, except for the outer circle, was divided into 50 parts in total.

The area of ​​each room is almost equivalent to the size of two standard basketball courts.

It took half a day to build such a large-scale assessment site.

The method of the special training camp is really, a bit awesome.

In front of Ling Yang, there was a ray of light on the ground, the width of a palm, extending out to form a huge circle.

In the center of the aperture, there is a silver and red painted...


Ling Yang's pupils suddenly shrank!

Should mechs appear in the world of martial arts?

The technology of this world is not...

∋Will there be more in the previous life?!

Why did the mechs appear?!

The mecha in front of me is about four meters high, and it looks like a tauren!

That's right, it's the tauren in my understanding.

Mechanical Cow!

The silver and red mechanical tauren held a huge ax in his right hand, and his eyes were temporarily black and did not activate.

"Please ask the students to enter the aperture within ten seconds, and the combat machine will start."

"Exit the aperture and the assessment ends."

"After the assessment is over, please leave the room and wait for the score assessment to be announced..."

A pleasant female voice sounded, introducing the assessment rules.

Simple and direct, just walk into the aperture, activate the mechanical tauren, and you're done!

But Ling Yang was a little worried that Su Nian was snowing.

In all the assessment rooms, there are fighter jets like this mechanical tauren...

It seems that it is not very easy to fight...

"However, the teacher said that the combat machines in each room are different, I hope Xueer's will not be so scary.

Ling Yang could only think about it.

The mechanical tauren measured four meters in length. Scientifically speaking, it might not be able to move very fast. Su Nianxue's walking and dodging is not a big problem.

But to defeat, I am afraid it is not that simple.

The countdown began, and Ling Yang stepped into the aperture.

Suddenly there was a "々․嗡" sound!

The aperture under the feet is brightly lit, as if forming a circle of light barriers.

It has no practical effect, but it greatly enhances the atmosphere.

"What counts as defeat?"

"Twisting off the head of the mecha should be enough, right?"

"I don't know where the energy supply of this mech is."

Ling Yang wanted to make a quick decision, but just as he breathed into the aperture, he heard a fierce engine sound next to his ears!

The eyes of the mechanical bull lit up instantly, and then the body fell down, and the horns on the bull's head pointed at Ling Yang!



Engine bang!

The mechanical bull weighed an unknown amount of tons, but it moved instantly, leaving an afterimage in the air!

Bumped into Ling Yang!

"What?! So fast?!"

Ling Yang originally thought that such a large machine would move very slowly!

However, the mechanical cow surprised Ling Yang as soon as it made a move!

This speed is of course nothing to (Wang Nuohao) Yu Ling Yang, it is as slow as a snail.

But for ordinary students, that's a nightmare!

Is there really a student who can beat this machine?!

Ling Yang didn't even use the Swimming Dragon Step to evade the huge mechanical bull. At the same time, he estimated that with Su Nianxue's agility, it would not be difficult to dodge.

And after this impact, the normal walking speed of the mechanical cow is indeed not very fast, and even the frequency is low.

But with tall legs and long legs, the span of every step is huge!

Ling Yang is also interested in the mechanical bull at this time, wanting to see what kind of combat function this mechanical bull has.

At the moment, he didn't make a move for the time being, so he started to walk around.

The four-meter-tall mechanical bull chased Ling Yang, and swung the huge ax in its hand so fiercely that it would be cut in half with one touch!

..․ delete...

Thank you [My cat doesn't eat fish] big boss monthly ticket support!

(Speaking of the chapter that was updated last night, why can’t the mobile terminal refresh it today? My mobile phone crashed or the website crashed again?).

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