National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 143 Ling Yang's Incomparable Results! (Please Subscribe!)

After the mechanical bull swung the ax a few times, it charged again.

Ling Yang dodged easily, but after the charge ended, the mechanical bull immediately used the second skill!

The huge hooves were raised high, and then they stomped down!

"Boom", like an earthquake!

When Ling Yang sensed it, the entire ground seemed to have a layer of waves rolling towards him!

If you are still standing on the ground, you will definitely be knocked down!

Ling Yang quickly jumped up high!

Of course it didn't miss out.

Using the grandmaster flying ability is a bit too bullying.

While jumping up, Ling Yang looked at the huge timer on the wall.

Exactly ten seconds!

"The first second you come in, launch a charge, and launch the second skill in ten seconds, once every ten seconds?"

Ling Yang has found the rules of assessment.

These battle machines are estimated to launch a special attack every ten seconds.

This is scary!

How many students can make it through?!

I'm afraid most of them have to finish playing in the first second!

Jumping over the shock on the ground, Ling Yang continued to dodge until the 20th second.

The bull head repeated its old tricks, rammed and trampled, but received another ram!

It's getting harder!

At the 30th second, the mechanical bull didn't trample or ram, but raised the huge ax in his hand and hit the ground 243 times!

"Boom boom boom!"

Tap three times in a row!

The three waves of shock are like the back wave pushing the front wave, surging in all directions!

However, the three shocks are only about half a second apart, and they can be easily jumped away.

Immediately afterwards, the mechanical student received two more collisions.

Then it's hacking, chopping, stomping, hammering and hammering...

Thirty seconds later, the interval between skill activations has been reduced a lot, and a wave will be activated within five seconds.

After the 40th second, the three skills of the mechanical bull were released in sequence.


Moreover, Ling Yang could feel that the impact speed was faster, and the shock waves were more violent. The three shocks of hammering the ground became four times, and the intervals between the shock waves were even smaller.

"Is there really a student who can beat this ghostly difficulty?"

Ling Yang expressed doubts.

However, this mechanical bull basically only has these methods. Although it is getting stronger and stronger, it is obviously unable to do anything to Ling Yang.

Feeling that it was almost done, Ling Yang turned over and jumped up, with his body hanging upside down in the air, and he stretched out his hand to hold the two horns of the mechanical bull.

Then the body bowed and retracted with the support of the horns, and kicked on the back of the robot's neck!

There is a crisp sound of "collapse"! (dbde)

As if the steel had broken, accompanied by a burst of lightning and the sound of "sizzling", the huge head of the mechanical bull was directly kicked off by Ling Yang, and it was thrown on the ground.

However, the mechanical cow was able to get up and continue to move after falling to the ground.

"It seems that the power core is not in the head."

"Whatever it is, you shouldn't be able to move if you interrupt the overall support point?"

Ling Yang shot again, his body flashed onto the back of the mechanical bull, leaped high, and directly hit the keel of the mechanical bull's back waist with one knee.

Equivalent to the spine of the human body!


There was a crisp sound, and the headless mechanical cow went limp.

The energy supply is still there, but the power support has been completely destroyed.

Looking at the mechanical bull twitching on the ground and completely losing its fighting power, Ling Yang felt that it should be considered a pass.

But there is no hint.

"Go out and wait for the news, the situation here should be recorded.

Ling Yang looked at the cameras in all directions, which was one of the reasons why he didn't use his ability to step into the air.

Even many methods have not been used, and there is no need to use them.

"Ling Yang, a student from No. 7 Middle School in Ancheng, has finished his assessment, and the results are being calculated..."

There was a mechanical sound and the door opened.

When Ling Yang came out, he found that Zhang Nuoxing and most of the other students from the No. 7 Middle School had come out.

There is only one Su Nianxue left in it.

The teacher leading the team looked at Ling Yang in surprise, and then at his bracelet:

"One minute and three seconds?"

"Even if he enters the battle area without thinking about it, after taking into account the walking time, he will have fought for fifty-five seconds at most!"

"A second-rank martial artist was knocked out in fifty-five seconds?!"

The teachers who lead the team feel very incredible!


This really broke the bottom line, okay!

Normally, warriors of the fifth and sixth ranks, those with higher combat skills, can last for about fifty seconds!

According to previous data, the average time for a second-rank martial artist is around two minutes and five seconds!

Only when the combat machine attack is quite dense and violent, will it be defeated, or go out of the circle directly!


Fifty-five seconds at full count?!

"Ahem, this classmate, it's convenient to ask, when you walked out of the battle circle, did the timer on the wall show the number?"

Ling Yang was a little confused, but he didn't hide anything, and said:

"Forty-seven seconds."

It took about forty-two seconds for him to "kill" the mechanical bull.

Walk out of the circle for about five seconds.

Anyway, the last timer showed forty-seven seconds and a few seconds.

The teacher who led the team looked a little cold.

Such students are a waste of resources!

I don't know how much it cost to pile up the cultivation level to the second-rank martial artist!

If resources are used elsewhere...

His teacher snorted coldly in his heart, looking at Ling Yang already extremely unhappy.

"Wait for the results."

Ling Yang felt a little strange.

What's the matter, I passed the level in 47 seconds, is it too slow?

The selection of this special training camp is so strict?!

I knew I should go up in seconds...

However, Ling Yang didn't think he might be dismissed. At most, he might have wasted a little time because of curiosity and his grades were not good.

After all, there are still many people who obviously haven't passed the level.

"Yangzi, you stayed inside for forty-seven seconds?"

Zhang Nuoxing said.

"Well, what about you?"

"I persisted for 20 seconds and 62, the attack of the battle machine was too fierce.

"I thought I was going to die at the time, but the attack stopped right in front of me, steadily.

Zhang Nuo said.

"I was defeated on the spot! Two seven in one second!"

"It's almost the same with me, I lost as soon as I entered..."

The few first-rank warriors in No. 7 Middle School are basically in the same situation. They just entered the battle circle and were prompted to lose the battle.

But Ling Yang also knew that although those machines looked ferocious, they could be retracted and retracted freely and would not really hurt the students.

Several people waited while chatting.

After waiting for about seven or eight minutes, Su Nianxue, who was covered in sweat, walked out of the door.

"Congratulations, you, classmate!"

The attitude of the leading teacher towards Su Nianxue is completely different from that of Ling Yang!

Before Su Nianxue came out, he was already checking the time again and again, every time his face was full of surprises!

"Ah, this... Teacher, I didn't win, I lost."

The teacher who led the team laughed:

"It's no wonder you won. The combat machine used for the assessment is capable of fighting gold-ranked beasts head-on. Even if a martial arts master comes, it will take a lot of effort!"

PS: There are more than 3,000 flowers this month, except for the author's own votes, ahem... there are also more than 2,000.

Add more at night!.

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