National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 144 Wrong Scoring System? Special Class Nine? ! (Please Subscribe!)

The teacher leading the team said with a smile:

"The standard of assessment is whether you pass or not, it only depends on how long you can last."

"Ninth-rank martial artist, it's not that we don't have special training camps, but the average score in previous years was around 3 minutes and 30 seconds. You went in for 8 minutes and 21 seconds. Excluding the time delay, you also fought for a full eight minutes!"

"Although I shouldn't say this, I still want to congratulate you in advance, classmate!"

Su Nianxue froze for a moment, then looked at Ling Yang.

Ling Yang also suddenly realized...

He knew why the teacher who led the team looked at him so strangely!

It turns out that the longer you persist, the better, not directly win?!

Ling Yang is still surprised, why is the assessment so difficult?

Rank two martial artist, forty-seven seconds...

No wonder the special training camp - the teacher looked down on me.

"Honey, you persisted... Oh no, how long have you been fighting?"

Of course, Su Nianxue is still most concerned about Ling Yang's grades.

Ling Yang shrugged his shoulders:

"Forty-seven seconds..."

"Ah? How will it be calculated?"

"Who knows.

Ling Yang was also a little helpless.

If I had known that I would stay inside for a while longer, I would have developed a relationship with that bull head.

"The second batch of assessments in the fifth district has been completed, please add up the results."

The teacher leading the team stood in front of the semi-circular building with a tablet and said.

After a few seconds, the grades of the eight students in No. 7 Middle School were all displayed on the lintels they chose.

All six failed.

On the 45th, the words "You Jiu" came directly!

The assessment grades are divided into poor, medium, good, and excellent, and the excellent grade is divided into nine grades, which is convenient for more detailed scoring in combination with the examiner's cultivation.

After all, it takes 30 seconds to pass, and warriors with normal cultivation are generally good, and rarely excellent.

The poor and medium levels are basically prepared for people with high levels of cultivation but low levels of actual combat.

A high-level martial artist has passed the level. If he persists for a short time, his score will definitely be low.

Such as Ling Yang......

The teacher leading the team has already given Ling Yang a "poor" in his heart.

It's a pity that the rating is not from him.

Su Nianxue is a ninth-rank martial artist. If she persists for two minutes and fifty seconds, she will get a "good" rating, and if she persists for more than three minutes and five seconds, she will be rated "excellent".

But she persisted for eight minutes and three seconds!

This is the clear data received on the tablet of the leading teacher!

You must know that the difficulty of the assessment increases geometrically as time goes on!

What is the concept of eight minutes and three seconds?!

That is the time when at least a third-rank great martial artist or above can persist!

Su Nianxue relied on Dacheng's swimming dragon technique, but broke a big realm to achieve this incredible feat!

Youjiu is perfectly fine, she deserves her name!

But when the leading teacher saw Ling Yang's grades, his pupils shrank!

"Special Nine?!"

What the hell is this... What the hell is Special Nine?!

Of course he knows that there are ratings for those above You Jiu!

That's Premium!

But he has been selected with the special training camp for several years!

Premium is a never seen before!

It is also known from the mouths of many seniors that gifted students who can reach the special level have existed before!

But that's just a legend!

I don’t know if there will be one in the whole country for a few years!

And it's only super, or "special one"!

Now Ling Yang's grades,?!

If it wasn't for sure that there would be no problems with the assessment system of the special training camp, he would have thought that there was something wrong somewhere!

"Forty-seven seconds and four, that's right!"

"The time record is correct!"

The teacher who led the team felt that his head was about to collapse!

After recovering, he quickly dialed the number of his superior:

Hey, team leader, there seems to be something wrong with me, a student with a performance of 47.04 seconds, the final grade of the assessment is...……special nine!"

"Huh? Special Nine? There will be no problems with the system, right? I'll ask the head team..."

The tone of the person on the communicator was also very puzzled, and he hung up the phone quickly.

About ten seconds later, the communicator of the leading teacher rang.

"Xiao Mo, refresh the page, more detailed information has been sent."

The voice of the "team leader" on the other end of the communicator was a little weird, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Good team leader."

After hanging up the communicator, the teacher who led the team quickly refreshed the page.

I saw that nothing else on the report card had changed, except that at the end of Ling Yang's score column, there were two more blood red bold fonts and a big exclamation point:



The leading teacher is a little confused!

These two words plus a punctuation mark, he knows them all when they are taken apart, but why is it a bit unclear what the meaning is when they are connected together?

There is also a triangular button behind the red letter, on which there is a seal-like word "Secret".

He clicked the button, entered his account number and password, and then saw a video of less than two seconds.

...asking for flowers...

In the video, Ling Yang turned over and jumped into the air, grabbing the two horns of the four-meter-tall mechanical bull with both hands, then stretched his waist and abdomen, kicked the mechanical bull's neck, and tore off the huge bull's head!

Of course, this teacher knows that the power of the mechanical cow is not damaged, just tearing off the head, it just makes it lose an offensive weapon.

But Ling Yang then turned back in an instant, and directly smashed the core hub of the mechanical bull with a knee!

Make it lose its power bearing directly!

Instead of attacking the energy core, but...

Violent Demolition!

The teacher who led the team felt numb when watching this video!

No, from head to toe, even the scalp is numb!

The main body is a combat machine made of S-grade alloy!

Still a mechanical tauren with super fighting power!

Get scrapped twice?!


This means that...

That student almost has the ability to fight gold-level beasts with bare hands?!

This Nima......

Are you dreaming?!

Someone hacked into the special training camp system and made a fake video?!

When he was in a state of confusion, Ling Yang, who didn't know much about this "Special Nine", had the cheek to ask.

"Teacher, what does 'Special Nine' mean?

Ling Yang didn't quite understand whether he passed the test or not.

After all, this "special" is not as common and understandable as "excellent".

The teacher who led the team came back to his senses, seeing Ling Yang so close, he couldn't help but took a half step back in fright.

"Hmm... this is... this is... this is Tejiu... Tejiu is..."

Ling Yang blinked.

He really wanted to ask, did you eat a motorcycle in your mouth?

What about twisting the accelerator here?

"That teacher, I just want to ask, is this Special Nine a pass or not?"

"Pass, pass.

The teacher leading the team wiped the sweat off his brow and nodded again and again!

If this shit doesn't pass the test, it's too much for God!

After watching the video, he even felt that "Special Nine" was lowered!

Ninety! Nine hundred!

"Well..... At one o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow, Ancheng Station, platform 7, base ten trains."

"The boarding certificate will be sent to your communicator later, remember not to change the number at will"

"Thank you, teacher."

Ling Yang, Su Nianxue, and the students from the No. 7 Middle School thanked each other and left the North Square.

"We're going to have a freak coming to our special training camp..."

The teacher who led the team looked at Ling Yang's back and wiped the cold sweat off his brow, then murmured...

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