The beautiful woman said nothing and stretched out her hand.

Hundreds of martial spirits in front of Lin Zhi quickly decomposed into light spots and were absorbed by her, leaving behind balls of light.

Lin Zhi looked at the balls of light.

〖Spiritual plant: Purple Dragon Vine〗

〖Rarity: Rare〗

〖Quality: Full Moon〗

〖Wisdom says: One of the twelve zodiac spiritual plants, and there is also a chance to evolve into a purple vine angel. 〗

〖Spiritual plant: Dogtail Grass〗

〖Rarity: Ordinary〗

〖Quality: ★★★〗

〖Wisdom says: One of the twelve zodiac spiritual plants〗

〖Spiritual plant: Aristolochia〗

〖Rarity: Rare〗

〖Quality: Full Moon〗

〖Wisdom says: One of the twelve zodiac spiritual plants〗

Lin Zhi checked these spiritual plants one by one, and then selected fourteen of them.

Among them are the twelve zodiac signs:

Sage, burdock, tiger tail orchid, rabbit ear flower, snakeberry, aristolochia, sheep azalea, purple monkey flower, chicken arrow vine, dogtail grass, and pitcher plant, one each.

There are two dragon wisterias.

The twelve zodiac signs can combine and evolve into the legendary spiritual plant "Zodiac Tree", and the Zodiac Tree is the material for the legendary spiritual plant time and space walk.

In fact, when Lin Zhi saw the information displayed by the prophet tree, he was very surprised.

There are also zodiac trees in the human alliance, but they are not evolved from the twelve spiritual plants of this Douhun Continent.

Just like the gourmet civilization also has pea shooters, he can only attribute this to coincidence.

In addition, he chose a spiritual plant called "Phalaenopsis", which can evolve into a blue butterfly angel.

So far, his spiritual plants are as follows:

A total of 36 spiritual plants.

The beautiful woman slowly disappeared, and Lin Zhi looked at the remaining light spots. His soul power crushed them and crushed them.

As the soul soil turned over, these crushed spiritual plants were buried in it.

Suddenly, they turned into the purest soul essence, which could be absorbed by the soul-based spiritual plants in the soul soil.

Unlike material spiritual plants, Lin Zhi found that the growth and cultivation of soul-based spiritual plants required the absorption of martial souls or soul beads and other souls.

And their growth requires almost no additional materials.

Then there is evolution. After they recover from the martial soul state to the soul-based spiritual plant state, they can evolve, but evolution is very difficult.

So far, no soul-based spiritual plant has successfully evolved.

Lin Zhi moved his mind and came to the food civilization from the private server.

Then he was teleported back to the spiritual plant continent through the light gate.

Pass the security check.

He found that the security lady stared at him for a long time, and suddenly blushed and stuffed a note to him before leaving.

When he was far away, Lin Zhi saw the contact information on the note, subconsciously rubbed his waist, sighed and covered his tears, and the note fluttered in the wind.

The eleven divine favored people in the tree house had made it impossible for him to stop practicing the Yin-Yang technique every night, and he really didn't want to cause more trouble.

Lin Zhi walked towards the nearest "Spirit Seed Management Bureau".

As one of the important institutions of the alliance, the Spirit Seed Management Bureau has its headquarters in Jingzhou.

The other eight states have deputy departments.

Each county has a general bureau, each prefecture has a branch bureau, each county has a hall, and each town has a station.

The Spirit Seed Management Bureau can only be held by the alliance leader's family, and a rationing system is implemented.

Every spirit seed needs to be checked when it enters and leaves the warehouse, and the procedures for receiving and distributing are extremely cumbersome and strict.

Each spirit seed has a mark from Skynet, and the alliance leader directly controls the data.

Under countless measures, people who are not powerful cannot directly deal with the spirit seed rationing.

Of course, there is still a way to get extra spirit seeds.

In addition, the noble families will try every means to purchase the spirit seeds received by civilians.

There will always be gardeners with no future who can't resist the temptation to sell their future.

For the noble families, hoarding spirit seeds is one of the core strategies.

Lin Zhi went to the Psychic Energy Management Bureau this time to register information and receive the spirit seeds that he had not received before.

He is now a peerless genius.

According to the alliance's allocation system, peerless geniuses can receive 5 spirit seeds every year, without limit.

He has been a peerless genius for two years, and theoretically can receive 10.

In addition, at Yujun University, regardless of talent, every student can receive a spirit seed for free at the beginning of each month. (When the source soil position is full, it will be distributed by points.)

So theoretically he should receive 45+10.

Things went very smoothly, without the imagined plot of playing the pig and eating the tiger, and slapping the face.

Because he is too famous in the alliance at this time, as the only disciple of Meng Xingchen who has been awarded countless honors.

As a key figure who has participated in the legend of civilization promotion, he is the idol worshipped by countless civilian gardeners in the alliance and the dream lover of countless girls.

Therefore, Lin Zhi was warmly welcomed into the Spirit Seed Management Bureau as soon as he entered. He followed the procedures to register and test the number of soul soils, then checked the information and verified his identity. He received a large box of spirit plants.

Lin Zhi opened the box. There were 10 layers in total. From the first to the ninth layer, there were nine colorful spirit seeds as big as table tennis balls wrapped in runes.

The tenth layer was stacked with 1 spirit seed.

A total of 82!

Lin Zhi instantly understood that the calculation method given to him by the Psychic Energy Management Bureau was that he had nine spirit plants when he was an ordinary gardener before, so as a county student, he could receive 5 per month and could receive 81 soul soil positions.

Then he received 5 per year. From the time his qualifications became peerless to now, a total of more than 2 years, that is 10.

This was the first time he got so many spirit seeds, and Lin Zhi was very happy.

Finally, he could plant all the spiritual plants in the soul soil.

The extra spiritual seeds can be used as spare seeds.

If there is no good choice for the spiritual plants he planted, he can only reluctantly eradicate them and then plant them again.

After receiving the spiritual seeds, he returned directly to the food civilization through the light gate.

In this replica of the food civilization world, he can be digitized, with a very high safety factor, and can concentrate on cultivating spiritual plants.

Under the guidance of the personnel on the light gate of the food civilization, he was placed in a house.

Then he unfolded the source soil field and entered it.

At this time, 81 pieces of soul soil with an area of ​​5,000 square meters and a thickness of 10 kilometers appeared in front of him.

36 tall spiritual plants were full of vitality, and he was in it, like an ant in an ancient primeval forest.

Opening the box, the spiritual seeds slowly floated up under his control.


Lin Zhi's eyes swept across the soul soil field, and the center of each piece of soul soil collapsed into a pit, and the spiritual seeds fell into the pit one by one.

[It is detected that you are planting the 37th to 81st spiritual seeds. Please choose from the following 100 spiritual plants. ]

[Choose 1: Red beans]

[Choose 2: Black beans]

[Choose 3: Mung beans]

[Choose 4: White beans]

[Choose 5: Soy beans]

[Choose 6: Purple beans]

[Choose 7: Blue beans]

[Choose 8: Corn]

[Choose 9: Morning glory]

[Choose 10: Jasmine]

[Choose 11: Palm tree]

[Choose 12: Black lotus]

[Choose 13: White lotus]

[Choose 14: Purple lotus]

[Choose 15: Green lotus]

[Choose 16: Red lotus]

[Choose 17: Golden lotus]

[Choose 18: Iron heart lotus]

[Choose 19: Water lily]

[Choose 20: Twin lotus]

[Choose 21: Green vine]

[Choose 22: Black sesame]

[Choose 23: White sesame]

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