National Gardener: I can choose the evolution path of spiritual plants

Chapter 167 Nut: I don’t believe you won’t choose me this time?

[Select twenty-four: gray sesame]

[Select twenty-five: pine tree]

[Select twenty-six: willow tree]

[Select twenty-seven: poplar tree]

[Select twenty-eight: peach tree]

[Select twenty-nine: locust tree]

[Select thirty: cypress tree]

[Select thirty-one: banyan tree]

[Select thirty-two: oak tree]

[Select thirty-three: oak tree]

[Select thirty-four: walnut tree]

[Select thirty-five: osmanthus tree]

[Select thirty-six: orchid grass]

[Select thirty-seven: boxwood tree]

[Select thirty-eight: plum tree]

[Select thirty-nine: jujube tree]

[Select forty: elm tree]

[Select forty-one: erythrina]

[Select forty-two: fir tree]

[Select forty-three: apricot tree]

[Select forty-four: Pear tree]

[Choose 45: Persimmon tree]

[Choose 46: Ginkgo tree]

[Choose 47: Maple tree]

[Choose 48: Plum tree]

[Choose 49: Nuts]

[Choose 50: Explosive mushroom]

[Choose 51: Vegetable question]

[Choose 52: Watermelon]

[Choose 53: Stump]

[Choose 54: Psychic Tata wood]

[Choose 55: Krypton vine]

[Choose 56: Toona tree]

[Choose 57: Catalpa tree]

[Choose 58: Cuscuta]

[Choose 59: Red mushroom]

[Choose 60: White mushroom]

[Choose 61: Black mushroom]

[Choose 62: Green mushroom]

[Choose 63: Purple mushroom]

[Choose 64: Fire Ganoderma lucidum]

[Choose sixty-five: Snow Ganoderma lucidum]

[Choose sixty-six: Blue Ganoderma lucidum]

[Choose sixty-seven: Golden Ganoderma lucidum]

[Choose sixty-eight: Listening to the wind grass]

[Choose sixty-nine: Shadowless grass]

[Choose seventy: Seeking shadow grass]

[Choose seventy-one: Trace-revealing grass]

[Choose seventy-two: Hearing sound grass]

[Choose seventy-three: Five-flavor grass]

[Choose seventy-four: Breathing grass]

[Choose seventy-five: Soul-summoning grass]

[Choose seventy-six: Soul-inducing grass]

[Choose seventy-seven: Traceless grass]

[Choose seventy-eight: Silent grass]

[Choose seventy-nine: Tasteless grass]

[Choose eighty: Breathless grass]

[Choose eighty-one: Soulless grass]

[Choose eighty-two: Soulless grass]

[Choose eighty-three: Climbing rose]

[Choose 84: Spring Orchid]

[Choose 85: Spring Sword]

[Choose 86: Black Orchid]

[Choose 87: Magnolia]

[Choose 88: Gladiolus]

[Choose 89: Red Peony]

[Choose 90: Yellow Chanlan Orchid]

[Choose 91: Fallen Leaf Orchid]

[Choose 92: Tiger Orchid]

[Choose 93: Orchid]

[Choose 94: White Orchid]

[Choose 95: Cold Orchid]

[Choose 96: Huilan]

[Choose 97: Light Wave Speaker]

[Choose 98: Red Lycoris]

[Choose 99: Field Bindweed]

[Choose 100: Peony]

Seeing the text popped up in the cultivation manual, it was fortunate that Lin Zhi's soul was as strong as the blazing sun, otherwise it would have been idle.

This time, there were a hundred choices at once, and he was asked to choose 45 of them.

These hundred choices dazzled him, and he didn't know how to choose for a moment.

With a long sigh, Lin Zhi decided to choose materials according to the legendary spiritual plants he was going to synthesize.

The legendary spiritual plants he was going to synthesize at present:

Eternal Barrier, Infinite Skynet, Time and Space Walk, Catching Wind and Shadow, Sound and Trace Disappeared, Four Elephant God Tree, Christmas Dawn, Four Seasons Beauty.

According to the spiritual plants he already had, Lin Zhi chose nuts, iron heart lotus, tree stump, spiritual energy Tata wood, krypton gold vine, Chinese toon tree, catalpa tree, wind listening grass, shadow seeking grass, trace grass, hearing grass, five flavors grass, breathing grass, soul summoning grass, soul-inducing grass, shadowless grass, traceless grass, silent grass, tasteless grass, breathless grass, soulless grass, soulless grass, green vine, nephrite, explosive mushroom, white lotus.

A total of 26 spiritual plants.

In this way, except for Four Seasons Beauty, he has gathered all the evolution materials of the first seven legendary spiritual plants.

It is worth mentioning that the combined evolution of legendary spiritual plants can also be combined with the same spiritual plants as the main body.

The most typical one is the lotus with concentrated colors.

Lin Zhi had read prehistoric novels in his previous life and knew the power of lotus in prehistoric times.

The names of these legendary lotuses are basically the same as what he remembered.

Through the evolution method, Lin Zhi felt that if the lotus evolved to the extreme, it might really achieve the effect ability that matches their names.

So, Lin Zhi chose the five lotuses of red lotus, golden lotus, blue lotus, black lotus and purple lotus in seconds.

Then, he chose gray sesame and field bindweed to prepare to synthesize Tianxiang Zhiton.

Through the prophet tree, Lin Zhi had a hunch that Tianxiang Zhiton combined with infinite skynet would make his air supremacy reach an unprecedented level.

What made Lin Zhi happiest was that due to the large number of choices, the prophet tree made a lot of knowledge emerge in his mind.

The synthesis methods of Ruyi, Shenyan Pea, and Muguang Baokui also appeared in his mind.

Shenyan Pea can be synthesized with Five-Colored Shendou, Brilliant Starry Sky, and Twelve Constellations into the legendary spiritual plant "Fallen Star".

Muguang Baokui can be combined with Chaomu Lingxiao to form "Sun and Moon in the Sky".

Ruyi can be combined with Wanjian Guizong to form "Wanbao Ruyi".

So, Lin Zhi decided to choose red beans, yellow beans, black beans, white beans, and mung beans that make up the five-color magic beans.

There was only morning glory that made up the morning and evening sky.

He did not see any relevant choices for the Yin-Yang tree.

He also did not see the materials that made up the brilliant starry sky.

The watermelons, blue beans, red mushrooms, and willows that made up the twelve constellations.

Although blue beans, red mushrooms, and willows are not lower-level spiritual plants like golden power beans, nuclear mushrooms, and hollow willows.

But the evolution of spiritual plants belongs to the network evolution similar to Digimon. Under the effect of the cultivation manual, there is still a chance for abnormal evolution.

Then, he decided to choose the palm tree, osmanthus tree, pine tree, oak tree, magnolia, boxwood tree, plum tree, fir tree, erythrina, peach tree, plum tree, spring orchid, spring sword, black orchid, gladiolus, yellow candy orchid, tiger-striped orchid, orchid, white orchid, cold orchid, Huilan, and fallen leaf orchid, which are the twenty-two spiritual plants that make up the ten thousand swords.

Finally, the spirit plants were counted and found that there were more than ten plants to choose from. After comprehensive consideration, he decided to temporarily give up the "Fallen Stars" and "Sun and Moon in the Sky" that could not gather all the materials.

After the selection, Lin Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. The choices given to him by the cultivation manual this time dazzled him. The choice was dizzy.

"In this way, I have gathered the synthesis materials for nine legendary spirit plants."

Lin Zhi rested for a moment and read out his choice.

As he spoke, the spirit plants in the soul soil in front of him sprouted rapidly like bamboo shoots after rain, and then grew up.

Soon, the evolution choice popped up in front of Lin Zhi, and he chose according to the established evolution path with ease.

From full stars to full moon, and then to sunrise.

Then he learned the conditions for the coronation of these spirit plants through the prophet tree.

In a blink of an eye, another half a year has passed.

Seeing that most of the spirit plants in the soul land were successfully coronated, Lin Zhi smiled with relief.

"Next, it is to condense the light crown and transform it into a divine ring."

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