Through the system, we learned that this is related to the evolution level of the devil virus.

Original viruses rated F do not count.

Starting from the E-level virus, it can only make the devil reach the lower ninth level.

The D-level demon virus can make demons reach the median ninth level

If you want to be promoted to a high level, you naturally need the virus to evolve to C level.

As for what level the B-class virus can bring a demon to, I don't know.

Anyway, it will definitely further improve your status.

Suddenly, Chen Xi, the succubus sister, interrupted Lin Zhi's thoughts, "Brother, are you worried?"

"It's become less safe out there."

Lin Zhi said.

"We understand, we see it on the news."

"I want to form our own force, firstly to protect ourselves, and secondly to help you take revenge."

Lin Zhidao said that the Yueguang sisters' parents had been intensively quarantined by the Hefu before. Due to their serious illness, they were humanely destroyed, so the Moonlight sisters had hatred towards the Hefu.

Of course, if they knew that they were virus spreaders, they might be even more hateful.

But Lin Zhi is not afraid. With his gift of lasting love, as long as time goes by long enough, when they discover the truth in the future, they will probably forgive themselves.

What's more, when they find out in the future, they will have become stronger and will not be afraid.

"Form a force? Yes!" said my sister Chen Xi.

"I listen to my brother." My sister said to Lu.

"Okay, this is my plan..."

"By the way, brother, what is the name of our force?"

"Jiuyi Church!"

"Jiuyi???" The succubus sisters looked confused.

"It's similar to the current Vulcan Church. They believe in the God of Vulcan, and we believe in the God of Nine."

"Why not the Charming God?"

"There's no reason, don't think too much, it's just an ordinary name."

Lin Zhi didn’t want to explain his all-powerful experience in Macau casinos, so he quickly changed the subject:

"Next, you need to use your bewitching ability to infect new succubi, and control as many as you can. When there are enough succubi, we will use the succubus to attract more demons."

The ability to bewitch is only possessed by mutant demons.

What is a mutation source demon?

It's the virus that mutated from this demon.

For example, Kawato Ikki was the first to mutate into a Balrog, Watanabe Shinno was the first to mutate into a troll, and the Moonlight sisters mutated into a succubus at the same time.

The viruses in all similar demons originate from the bodies of these mutant demons, so they have natural suppressive power.

That’s why the ability to bewitch can take effect.

"I understand, brother."

"Then let's get started!"

Lin Zhi said, "Let's start with our villa area. The suburbs happen to be low-risk areas, and prevention and control is lax."

Then he got up and returned to his yard, went to the underground garage, and loaded boxes of canned meat into the car.

Half an hour later, Lin Zhi drove out of the garage and came outside the Succubus Sisters' courtyard.

"Brother, why are there so many cans in the car?"

"Hefu does not allow residents to go out and wander around. It is not easy to knock on the door. People are quarantined at home and food sources are scarce. In the name of delivering supplies, it is easier for us to knock on the door."

"I understand."

30 seconds later, the car stopped next to the Succubus Sisters. Lin Zhi opened the trunk. Chen Xi, who was walking over, took down a box of cans and knocked on the neighbor's door.

"Who is it?"

The window on the upper floor of the villa was opened and looked outside the courtyard.

"Chenxi, what's the matter?"

"Aunt Suzuko, I still have some canned food at home. I'll bring it to you to try."

"Ah, how embarrassing is this? It is not convenient to purchase supplies during the quarantine, so you should keep it for yourself."

"There is still a lot stored at home, and our sisters can't finish it even if it expires. Auntie, you have helped us a lot before, so don't refuse."

A single woman named Suzuko opened the courtyard door. Chen Xi looked into her eyes and immediately activated her bewitching ability.

The virus rushed towards Suzuko's face as she breathed, and in a moment of trance, it had successfully parasitized her.

"Here, Auntie!"

Chen Xi smiled.

"Thank you Chen Xi."

Lingzi didn't notice anything strange and warmly welcomed Chen Xi into the house for a cup of tea.

"No need, Aunt Suzuko, I still have things to do."

Chen Xi smiled and refused.

The virus has just become parasitic and needs a period of time to grow. When the other party awakens its ability and becomes a demon, the bewitching effect will be fully exerted.

At that time, any order that does not threaten the other party's life will be carried out. But at the same time, the other party is unable to detect it, and his behavior is no different from that of a normal person.

In the next half day, Lin Zhi drove a car with cans, and distributed two trucks of cans under the succubus sisters' knocking on the door in turn.

In the entire villa area, except for the lonely elderly people and some families who do not meet the conditions for the succubus virus, the rest of the villas have been canned by the succubus sisters.

Anyone who wants to become a succubus can be a male or female, but first of all, they cannot be children under 14 years old or adults over 35 years old.

Because the breeding ground suitable for the growth of the succubus virus is people with strong hormones.

Especially men in their 20s and women in their 30s are the best targets for the succubus virus to grow.

In the afternoon, after resting for a long time, in the second half of the night, the succubus sisters spread their wings behind them and flew outside the villa area.

The succubus virus gives the succubus horns or horns, a tail, and bat wings.

So the succubus sisters can fly.

Taking advantage of the night, the two flew out of the villa area and sneaked into the houses. When they met a suitable person, they would spit out a breath of virus-carrying air on the sleeping face of the other person and activate the bewitching skill.

If the other person was awakened, they could only knock him out.

In the next few days, the succubus sisters slept during the day and went out to spread the succubus virus at night.

Now the virus has been greatly strengthened, and the virus grows very fast. In three days, it can infect a person and make him a critically ill patient.

When the succubus virus occupies most of a person's body cells, cell fusion and human body transformation begin.

On the fifth day, the infected person became a lower-level succubus.

When the succubus awakens, it will not be able to suppress its emotions and become extremely crazy.

Succubus with a family will destroy other family members because of madness.

For a time, many reports of family members being squeezed into mummies and dying appeared in the Tokyo Daily.

Single succubus, regardless of the lockdown order, sneaked into the homes of single women or men at night to vent their crazy emotions.

For a time, many criminal cases occurred in the suburbs, making the police superintendent extremely busy every day.

Even the power of the blockade of each community has weakened a lot.

This has once again accelerated the rampantness of the succubi.

Their personnel movement has invisibly spread a large number of viruses, and soon the virus has ravaged most of the suburbs.

On the 70th day of the virus release, Lin Zhi spread out the map of Radiation Island on the table at home and drew circles in various cities.

Through various news reports, he is analyzing the current situation of Radiation Island.

First of all, Tokyo, except for the suburbs that were isolated due to the infection of the succubus virus, the remaining residents have been vaccinated.

In several cities around Tokyo, most people have also been vaccinated.

Kyushu, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe and other large cities with large populations have already started vaccination.

In just ten days, more than 10 million people have been vaccinated.

In addition, many counties around Fukushima fell and became a paradise for trolls.

In Hokkaido, many cities were occupied by the Church of the God of Fire.

Cities such as the Fukuoka map were divided by the newly emerged Church of the Abyss.

Therefore, the current situation of the entire Radiation Island is that from Shikoku on the left to Kanto on the right, it belongs to the actual control area of ​​the government.

Kyushu is controlled by the Abyss Church, Hokkaido is controlled by the Vulcan Church, and the Northeast is controlled by the trolls.

As for succubi, except for sporadic appearances in various districts, the most are in the suburbs of Tokyo.

However, under the orders of the succubus sisters, the succubi are well-behaved and even willing to go to the sea to make contributions in order to vent their emotions reasonably. Therefore, apart from being isolated, they did not provoke the government to take more severe measures.

After all, in the suburbs of Tokyo, succubi are uncontrollable except when they awaken, and they are well-behaved, sensible and obedient at other times.

It would be bad if the measures were too drastic and caused public outrage.

You know, the biggest wish of the lsps on the Internet is to have a succubus girlfriend...

As for other occupied areas, the government did not use weapons such as missiles to clean up the ground.

Because the island country is too small, every inch of land is valuable.

First of all, the sequelae of missile bombing are too great.

Moreover, it is impossible to kill powerful demons.

For example, in the battle with the Flame Demon, it was found that the powerful Flame Demon could stick together and revive even if it was broken into pieces after being bombarded by ordinary missiles.

Secondly, missile bombing takes time and cannot quickly cover the entire area. This situation easily causes the virus to mutate.

Once the pressure is too tight, the virus mutates and becomes more difficult to deal with.

The Flame Demon virus is the best example.

Third, although the occupied areas are all infected, not everyone has defected to the Church of the God of Fire or the Church of the Abyss.

Most people are relatively "honest and decent" ordinary people.

Even many virus awakeners spontaneously confront these churches.

Finally, these occupied areas have military regions and arsenals.

And the military regions have extremely rich war preparedness materials, and there are even military bases established on the other side of the ocean.

If the pressure is too strong, the two sides will bombard each other with hot weapons.

In addition, there are small forces established by various ambitious people.

Just the internal friction makes them busy.

The Hefu also plans to wait until all the people are vaccinated and retake the country through emotional substances.

Therefore, what Hefu can do is to use cement walls and steel mesh with a thickness of tens of meters to enclose the borders of various regions.

Then, with the help of heavy weapons and military guards, ordinary infected people have no ability to break through the defense line and spread the virus.

Powerful demons cannot break through the blockade under fire suppression.

Moreover, Hefu also has its own trained demon warriors.

Blast the powerful demons into pieces, and ordinary demon warriors can devour the opponent and completely wipe them out.

Hefu is too busy now and can't spare any hands. The people in these areas are also busy and need time to consolidate their territory.

So the two are temporarily at peace.

The situation in the demon-occupied area is very consistent with Lin Zhi's idea.

The demons vent their emotions wantonly, or destroy, or maintain order, or realize their ambitions, and they are growing rapidly.

The Hefu-controlled area makes Lin Zhi uncomfortable. Seeing that the number of people vaccinated every day is increasing, Lin Zhi is full of pain.

The succubi bewitched by the succubus sisters are too slow to spread the virus. Since the suburbs have been completely isolated, the speed of infecting new succubi has dropped sharply.

The remaining sporadic virus outbreaks were quickly eradicated once discovered in various places.

Since the day before yesterday, the number of infected people has reached more than 15 million, and the number of animals has reached more than 30 million, most of which are fish in the radiation sea.

Although Kyushu Island, Hokkaido Island, and Fukushima area are occupied, these areas are sparsely populated, and coupled with the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled who could not bear the virus and the people who died in the turmoil, there are only more than 15 million people left.

At the same time, most of the population of more than 150 million are in Honshu Island in the middle of the radiation island.

These infected lives can provide more than 50 million infection points every day, and the remaining three abilities of the virus have been upgraded to level 8.

But Lin Zhi is not satisfied.

Once all the 150 million people in Honshu Island are vaccinated, the main task will be over.

In 10 days, while spreading the virus and practicing with Lin Zhi day and night, the succubus sisters have upgraded three levels.

Lin Zhi also conceived the next plan during these days.

At present, the Jiuyi Church is basically formed.

With the succubus sisters as the leaders, the selected young and beautiful succubus are the backbone archbishops, and the rest of the demons are elite bishops, priests, godfathers/saints, forming a church with up to 10,000 people.

Church members will privately contact those who have been vaccinated and are not afraid of virus infection, and then spread the word and teach for the other party to seduce.

Unlike the seduce that only the mutant source demon can use, seduce is a unique ability of succubus.

People who have been vaccinated will not be infected again, and the virus in their bodies is also inactivated, but people have seven emotions and six desires after all, which does not prevent succubus from seduce.

Especially the succubus virus carriers, under the transformation of the virus, one by one, they become beautiful and have a body against the sky. Although they are still not as good as the succubus sisters who are 100% compatible with the virus, they are many times stronger than those stars.

Reproduction is the instinct of life.

Succubus has too much advantage in seduce people's hearts.

At the beginning, under Lin Zhi's instructions, the succubus was still seduce ordinary people, and then some prevention and control forces, police superintendents, and government employees were seduce.

Then, there are some wealthy businessmen, elites, and old cadres.

So, Lin Zhi found that old cadres are easier to seduce...

Succubi easily broke into the power institutions of the government, although they were in some grassroots and unimportant positions.

But the operation of the government requires the power of the grassroots.

Although the grassroots were vaccinated first, and their abilities are still growing.

But not everyone is determined.

Taking the point to lead the whole, the Succubus Church sneaked into the dark and began to quickly discover that after the two-pronged approach of seduction and virus transmission, it began to spread from the Tokyo area to other parts of Honshu Island.

Soon, on the 85th day of the virus release,

Under the control of the Succubus, the speed of vaccine production slowed down.

Because the production links of various raw materials slowed down, the transportation links slowed down, the management links slowed down... The execution links also slowed down...

At this time, nearly 30 million people have been vaccinated.

Tokyo and other major cities have basically resumed normal operations.

The situation in the demon-occupied area has also become clear. The three organizations of the Church of the God of Fire, the Church of the Abyss, and the Trolls have completely controlled the occupied area.

At the same time, Shikoku Island also fell, and an organization called "Shocker" appeared.

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