This made Lin Zhi speechless at the time, thinking to himself, could it be that it was formed by a middle school boy?

After cooling down the vaccination speed, Lin Zhi was ready to go a step further.

That is to prepare concentrated liquid of the virus, and then the bewitched people in the vaccine transport team will release it in various regions.

As long as people are infected first, the vaccine will be useless!

Nowadays, there are too many grassroots personnel bewitched by the succubus, and the grassroots of the Hefu have been infiltrated like a sieve.

As long as it is not murder, arson, or serious illegal and disorderly behavior, those who are mentally weak and seriously bewitched will do it.

The spread of the virus is very hidden, and there is no psychological pressure. Soon in the next few days, the virus broke out again in densely populated areas of major cities.

There is no way, the virus is too difficult to prevent.

Even if there is no human transmission, it is still hard to prevent, not to mention that many people spread the virus secretly.

After the three-day virus incubation period, millions of people were infected in an instant.

Although it was immediately controlled by the Hefu, and the surrounding cities began to strictly isolate at home again, there were still a steady stream of infected people found afterwards.

After nearly three months of fighting the virus, the government finally showed signs of fatigue.

On the 90th day of the virus release, more than 10 million people on Honshu Island were infected, and 1 billion infection points were accumulated.

Lin Zhi got up early and prepared to strengthen the virus. He had a hunch that this virus strengthening would be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Lin Zhi opened the virus panel and chose to strengthen the transmission ability.

He had never thought that he would continue to strengthen the transmission ability, but thought that the virus's adaptability could mutate and it was against the will of heaven.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If there was no continuous mutation of the adaptability in the early stage of the virus transmission, there would not be such a slightly advantageous situation today.

However, at present, the most useful ability for Lin Zhi is the ability of bewitching.

Only by firmly grasping the big stage of the 91st Church and the Radiation Island, he has a chance to end.

As the 1 billion infection points are consumed, the virus information suddenly changes.

Virus: Demon virus

Evolution level: D

Enhancement level: lv9

Virus effect: Demonization (after being infected with the virus, there is a chance to gain demonic abilities and become a demon.)

〖Virus ability〗

Ultimate transmission: The virus acquires the ability to infect all vertebrates, can be transmitted through droplets, and can survive in the external environment for 3 days.

Advanced·Bewitching: The mutant source demon acquires the ability to bewitch others. The bewitcher can control the homologous mutant virus infected person who is one level or five levels lower than himself through the mutant source virus

Infection enhancement: lv9 (0/10 billion)

Resistance enhancement: lv8 (0/1 billion)

Transmission enhancement: lv8 (0/1 billion)

Adaptation enhancement: lv8 (0/1 billion)

Lin Zhi closed the system panel with satisfaction, and continued to practice with the succubus sisters until now. They have reached the upper first level.

The virus level is now D, which theoretically can only make the demon grow to the middle ninth level.

But the succubus sisters broke through the middle ninth level and became the upper first level.

However, when it comes to upper demons, the growth rate is much slower. In the past, when they practiced with the succubus sisters, their growth rate was very fast, increasing day by day and changing with each passing day.

Now it is not possible. If you want to upgrade, you can only sigh that there is a long time to come.

However, Lin Zhi discovered another function of his physique, which is that it can enable people to break through the limit of the evolution level of the virus itself and reach a level that others cannot break through at present.

The upper level one and the middle level nine seem to be one level apart, but they are one level apart.

The suppression of the level, the succubus sisters can easily bewitch the demons of the middle level nine.

Lin Zhi saw that a bold idea suddenly arose in his mind, that is, to use the ability of the succubus to bewitch and control the entire Hefu, the emperor, the leaders of organizations such as the Church of the God of Fire.

If the entire radiation island is controlled in his own hands, wouldn’t it be possible to cultivate the virus in any way he wants?

Lin Zhi called the succubus sisters and told them his idea.

"This is impossible. They are determined and cannot be bewitched at all." Succubus sister Chenxi said.

"Yes, brother, the ability of charm is different from the ability of bewitching. It does not forcefully control a person's mind.

It is done through various factors such as temptation, inducement, guidance, hallucination, and even the body.

The weaker the will, the easier it is to be charmed. When the ability of charm is planted in the heart of a person, the charm can be continuously strengthened, and finally the other party can be corrupted and become a puppet.

On the contrary, if a person is determined, then charm is not useful.

The cabinet ministers who hold great power in the government, the emperor in the imperial palace, and the leaders of major forces, if they do not have a firm will, they will not sit in that position and have such achievements.

So brother, this will not work."

Sister Chaolu explained.

"Sure enough, the charm ability is strong, but not outrageous. It is not like bewitching, which can control people without limit as long as the conditions are met."

Lin Zhi nodded to show that he understood, and ordered the succubus sisters to continue to infiltrate various forces. If the charm cannot be used to charm the determined rulers, it is also useful to charm the old cadres at the grassroots level.

For the next few hours, Lin Zhi and the succubus sisters conducted a daily practice.

After the training, Lin Zhi in sage mode opened his phone and checked the news.

Several headlines caught his attention.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Seeing Lin Zhi's expression change, the succubus sisters asked.

"The government has issued five governance policies."

Lin Zhidao said, "Currently, of the four radiated islands, only Honshu Island is in the hands of the Hefu. Tens of millions of people have been infected, and the Hefu's rule is already crumbling."

"So, they enacted new policies and reforms?" Chen Xi asked.

"Yes, look at these five policies."

Lin Zhi pointed to the content on his phone and smiled and said, "As expected of the Prime Minister, he has too many talented think tanks. As soon as these five strategies were implemented, the chaos on Radiation Island disappeared in an instant, and the order on Honshu Island was completely stabilized."

The succubi sisters looked quickly and saw five goals and related content listed one by one in the news.

The general content is:

First, Juro Inaka cultivated a bacterium that could produce emotional substances in large quantities, and then successfully stole the ability of this bacterium by guiding the Nizosan virus.

What’s even more amazing is that the emotional substances produced by this virus are produced according to changes in the human body’s mood.

Anger produces substances related to anger.

Sadness produces sadness-related substances.

This virus is different from previous viruses.

The original tauropod virus does not produce emotional substances after it parasitizes into the human body, but it can cause the human body to lose control of its emotions, and then the human body produces emotional substances because of the loss of control of its emotions.

This is to encourage others to produce for your own consumption.

The viruses that have been cultured now, after parasitizing the human body, not only stimulate the body to produce emotional substances, but can also produce emotional substances themselves.

This is self-produced and sold.

The emergence of new viruses has solved the shortcomings of viruses that make people lose control of their emotions.

When the virus cannot be eradicated and the infection cannot be stopped, the government has announced that it will vaccinate everyone as much as possible.

However, for areas with medium and high risk of virus transmission, measures to use helicopters to spray new viruses will be implemented.

As long as the virus in the infected person's body is replaced by the new virus, the emotional loss caused by the virus can be avoided.

By this time, Hefu had not eliminated the virus, but it could be considered a victory over the virus.

All the beneficial effects of the virus have been achieved, and the only risk of emotional loss is gone. Whether or not you are infected is no longer important.

Of course, the premise is that the Taurus virus will no longer continue to mutate in extreme directions.

For example, if you mutate a fatal ability, you can harvest everyone in a matter of minutes.

For vaccine recipients, the new virus cannot be used to stabilize mood because the virus is not active in their bodies and cannot produce emotional substances.

Hefu also has a way, which is to take emotional bacteria tablets to achieve the purpose of stabilizing mood by ingesting emotional bacteria into the human body.

After the shortcomings of the virus are solved, people don't have to worry about losing control of their emotions, and the unrest on the Radiation Island will naturally subside.

The second policy is that the Hefu announced the expansion of the army. Anyone aged 18 to 25 can join the army. The Hefu is preparing to expand the size of the army to one million troops.

The third is to streamline the power agencies. The current power structure of the Hefu is too bloated. We are preparing to merge powers, shrink the powers, eliminate the worms and corrupt elements, purge the die-hards, and reorganize a new streamlined Hefu.

The fourth is to establish the Extraordinary Affairs Bureau and set up branches and detachments in major cities on Honshu Island.

The Bureau of Extraordinary Affairs requires elite demons with clean financial status to enter. They are usually selected from among police superintendents, police academy veterans, and veterans.

They are responsible for maintaining order in the area and dealing with demonic criminals who violate laws and disciplines.

The fifth one is the Demon Pet Contest.

This fifth article really stunned Lin Zhi for a moment. After reading it, he understood what was going on.

This is a rule discovered by a certain sociologist.

It turns out that the gene for fear of humans is already deeply embedded in the bodies of animals.

Especially rats, poultry and livestock, cats and dogs, etc.

After being infected and becoming demon species, they may not be afraid of ordinary humans. When facing humans who are also infected by the demon virus, they will still be naturally afraid.

If you feed them from an early age, you can tame them to become your pet companions.

The relationship between demonic humans and demonic animals is actually the same as the relationship between ordinary people and their pet cats and dogs.

In order to prevent the islanders from being bored after gaining power, Hefu announced the establishment of the Demon Pet Contest.

There are daily competitions, weekly competitions, monthly competitions, annual competitions, as well as junior, intermediate and senior competitions.

Through the Devil Pet Competition, you can get bonuses, fame, real estate, vehicles, etc.

The five policies, starting from the dangers of the virus itself, the military, political circles, social management, and people's psychology, instantly prevented the imminent collapse of order.

Lin Zhi knew that Hefu had been able to produce emotional bacteria for a long time.

However, the previous people in power in Hefu envisioned immunizing the entire population, and then relying on emotional substances to make money and control the residents.

That has more terrible benefits than white powder.

A country dominated by capitalism, while ensuring order and stability, does not focus on the people, but on interests.

The reason why we are releasing emotional bacteria now is because we are forced to do so.

If thunderous measures are not taken, within a few days, Honshu Island will be completely infected by the virus, and then turmoil will break out and order will be destroyed.

At that time, all we can do is use fighter planes and missiles to clear the ground.

After reading these policies, Lin Zhi understood that everyone on the infected radiation island was safe.

The next step is to maintain temporary peace so that these infected people can continue to grow and continue to provide infection points for themselves.

When most people grow to be mid-level demons, they can stir up unrest and harvest infection points.

Killing a demon with a median rank of ninth level can provide 10,000 infection points.

Killing a demon of the first level above can provide 20,000 infection points.

Killing a demon of the ninth level above can provide 100,000 infection points.

As long as 100 million people grow to the upper demon, 10 trillion infection points will be obtained.

As for why to provoke unrest?

Because only unrest, life and death stimulation, and strong evil thoughts brought by the seven emotions and six desires can accelerate the growth of demons.

The biggest reason why the succubus sisters can grow to the first level above in a very short time is that the succubus virus mutated from their bodies, with a 100% fit, coupled with the day and night training of Lin Zhi, who has a special physique.

With a good physique and hard work, it is not surprising to grow to an upper demon.

Ordinary demons are not good. At present, the mainstream is still mostly demons below the fifth level below.

A small number of demons can strengthen themselves to the fifth level below the fifth level.

Only a very small number of people with huge ambitions, firm beliefs, strong emotions, and strong physiques can reach the level of middle demons.

As for the ninth level above the middle?

Lin Zhi estimated that only the leaders of organizations such as the Church of Vulcan, the Trolls, and the Church of the Abyss could barely achieve this.

If we follow this step by step, the demons will grow too slowly.

There are only 9 months left before the deadline for the main task. It is hard to say whether 100 million people can be strengthened to mid-level demons by then.

So it is necessary to create chaos, stir up trouble, and accelerate the growth of demons.

If the Radiation Island can return to the Warring States Period, there will be a hotbed for the accelerated growth of demons.

But at the same time, we can't stir up trouble too early.

Because it's too early to stir up trouble, it will be bad if a large number of low-level infected people die.

The best time for them to die is after they grow into mid-level demons.

At the same time, people should at least have awe for life.

If the virus does not complete its evolution, the system will wipe out all mankind, so in order to save all mankind, Lin Zhi can only choose to limit the spread of the virus to the Radiation Island.

In this way, the risk is transferred to the Radiation Island, and the harm of the virus will be relatively smaller.

Although the ancestors of Radiation Island committed many evil deeds, not all the current residents are descendants of evildoers, nor are they all bad guys.

There are still innocent people.

If more innocent islanders can survive while completing the task, Lin Zhi thinks it is still very good.

Therefore, it is necessary to grasp a degree.

Let the infected people get familiar with their abilities first and increase their self-protection means.

Ambitious people will definitely show their talents and join the tide of the times, while innocent people who abide by the law will still live peacefully at the bottom of society.

The growth rate and upper limit of demons are linked to the demons in their hearts.

After a period of time, the two types of people will be clearly distinguished. At that time, those high-ranking guys will definitely not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

On the 95th day after the virus was released, the situation on Radiation Island was completely stabilized.

Lin Zhi sorted out the situation as usual.

Nearly 50 million people were vaccinated to build immune systems.

120 million people were infected.

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