Various vertebrates on land were also not spared. Even though most of them were killed by the government before the bandits were eliminated, there were still as many as 80 million animals alive.

Among these animals, the largest number were sparrows, mice, small reptiles, toads, cats, dogs, chickens, ducks, pigs, etc.

The number of fish infected in the radiation sea was fluctuating, sometimes high and sometimes low. Lin Zhi guessed that it was because the virus stimulated the ferocity of the fish, and evolution required a lot of nutrition.

There were no abundant plants in the sea and it could not photosynthesize, so it could only rely on a large number of predators.

Therefore, the number of infected fish did not increase quickly, but fluctuated.

In addition, the radiation sea was covered by an isolation cover, and fish from the outside could not come in and replenish the number.

So at present, the number of infected fish is only more than 100 million.

The number could not be increased, but the dead fish brought hundreds of millions of infection points to Lin Zhi.

Since yesterday, more than 300 million infection points can be continuously generated every day.

In just five days, enough 1 billion infection points have been accumulated again.

Originally, Lin Zhi's idea was to accumulate 10 billion infection points, continue to strengthen the transmission ability, raise the bewitching ability to the limit, and evolve the virus to C, so as to unlock the restrictions on the upper level of the demon.

Later, he thought that he should slow down.

First of all, unlocking the level restrictions will further widen the gap in strength between demons. The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. A small number of people occupy 99% of the resources, which is not conducive to sustainable development in the long run.

At the same time, affected by their own physique, the succubus sisters are not restricted in improving their own level, which can further widen the level gap between the succubus sisters and other demons.

Secondly, the bewitching ability is too amazing. It is a magical skill for the succubus sisters, and it is also a magical skill for those such as the source flame demon and the source troll.

In the future, they need to be harvested, so let's suppress their growth first.

Finally, Lin Zhi feels that the lives that can be infected on the radiation island have been infected.

At this stage, it is unnecessary to continue to strengthen the transmission ability to a higher level, which is a pure waste of infection points.

Instead of strengthening the ability to spread, it is better to strengthen the virus's adaptability.

Hundreds of millions of lives are currently infected, which is a great environment for the virus to grow and mutate.

Lin Zhi has not forgotten that he will be scored after completing the main task. Every time the virus mutates, he can get 5 points.

In addition, the Nirvana ability is also very important.

Now the virus in the infected body can produce and sell emotional substances by itself because of its ability to steal emotional bacteria, so it is "not very keen" to stimulate the host's emotional out-of-control.

In short, the virus is "lazy".

The ability of Nirvana is very interesting.

Before, when Lin Zhi strengthened his adaptability from level 7 to level 8, Nirvana was upgraded from primary to intermediate, and the change surprised him:

Intermediate Nirvana: When the host's emotions are out of control, the body is severely overdrawn, or severely injured, and lethal drugs are no longer suitable as a breeding ground for the virus, the virus individual will take the opportunity to invade the nervous system. When the invasion degree reaches more than 50%, it will affect the host's thinking consciousness and logical method, and quickly repair itself, so as to be reborn in Nirvana.

Compared with primary nirvana, intermediate nirvana has become affecting the host's consciousness.

If it goes further, wouldn't it directly replace the host's consciousness?

The demon virus has no concept of good and evil. If it replaces human consciousness, it only has the instinct to grow stronger, without wisdom, and it is relatively easy to fight monsters in the later stage.

Lin Zhi decided to strengthen it and immediately consumed the 1 billion infection points that had just been accumulated to strengthen the adaptability.

At present, more than 1 billion infection points have been credited in more than 3 days, and he can afford it.

As the adaptability is strengthened to level 9, the nirvana ability changes instantly.

Advanced nirvana: When the host loses a certain seven emotions and six desires corresponding to its own virus, the virus will take the opportunity to invade the nervous system. When the invasion degree reaches more than 50%, it will control the host's thinking consciousness, logical method, and nirvana rebirth.

After reading the introduction, Lin Zhi couldn't help but frowned.

The virus ability has indeed been enhanced, but it has suddenly become useless!

Because the emotional bacteria studied by Inaka Juro perfectly overcome the emotional material needs of the virus.

At present, all humans and animals infected have replaced the virus in their bodies with a new virus that has the ability to produce and sell itself. Even when they are sleeping, the emotional substances needed by the virus are produced.

So, this Nirvana ability is useless!

At the same time, he has a question in his mind.

That is the enhancement of the virus. Is the ability that appears set in advance? Instead of changing randomly according to the actual situation like mutation?

Forget it, wait a few more days, first strengthen the remaining two abilities to level 9, then the time will be almost right, and raise the bewitching to level 10 to upgrade the virus to C.

In the following days, Radiation Island seemed to calm down.

The expansion of the army of the government was completed, and millions of carefully selected soldiers who had been vaccinated and successfully awakened the devil's ability were organized into 100 divisions and belonged to the ten legions.

The vaccinated devil soldiers need to continue to be vaccinated to become stronger and cannot be infected by new devil viruses.

The virus in the body is not active, and it cannot be bewitched by the devil.

After training, the will is firm and will not be bewitched.

It can be said to be a nearly perfect warrior.

It is worth mentioning that the news reports that these ten legions are ten legions with different demonic abilities.

In addition to the known fire demons, thunder demons, trolls, cowards, and succubi, there are five unknown demons that have not been announced.

But Lin Zhi knew that the seven demons were: Horned Demon, Frost Demon, Demon Knight, Scythe Demon, and Transfiguration Demon.

When a new mutation of the demon virus appeared, the system would issue a prompt immediately.

Through previous news reports, Lin Zhi judged that the emergence of the seven demons was definitely not accidental, but a long-planned one.

In the laboratory of Inaka Juro, more than one million mice, three months, and hundreds of thousands of volunteers, the experiment finally produced results.

Ten kinds of demons, a million troops, plus various hot weapons, the rule of the government in Honshu Island is as solid as a rock.

Lin Zhi speculated that when the training of the recruits was over and they adapted to the abilities of the demons, it would be time for the government to recover Kyushu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku.

The reorganization of the power structure of the government was completed, and the cabinet ministers headed by Kosha Hosoyuki killed a large number of conservatives and diehards, and cleaned up dozens of families at the top.

In the end, a new government was established with the prime minister's final say and rapid governance efficiency.

The Extraordinary Practical Bureau has taken shape, and now ambitious people no longer dare to openly sabotage and cause trouble.

When people awaken their demonic abilities, people from the Extraordinary Practical Bureau will go to protect them to avoid causing damage, and sign agreements and treaties with these people, registering them for management.

The pet competition is even more popular, allowing people who have nowhere to vent their emotions to find an outlet, and the competition is hot.

Various demon cubs are purchased and cultivated, and many related companies are established. Those who seize the opportunity make a fortune and rise from it.

People's attention is shifted to the ranking of the pet competition.

Everything is thriving and thriving.

Lin Zhi knows that under the calm water, waves are rising.

120 million humans and more than 200 million animals are infected. The viruses in their bodies are multiplying, dying, reborn, and growing all the time.

With more bases, the possibility of mutation will increase.

Emotional substances only supply the needs of viruses, stabilize people's emotions, and solve the disadvantages of viruses forcing people to lose control, but cannot directly control people from having seven emotions and six desires.

As the saying goes, when you have a sharp weapon, you will naturally want to kill.

When a person suddenly awakens his demonic ability, his thoughts will be different.

As time goes by, the evil thoughts and ambitions in his heart will expand.

The seven emotions and six desires can be constantly satisfied, but ambitions will never be!

Tokyo has been unblocked recently. Lin Zhi occasionally goes out shopping and finds some demonic ability users who are diligently "cultivating".

There are even special "demon strengthening class" training institutions.

The authoritative experts in the education field have published a systematic explanation of strengthening cultivation, called "Three Days of Strengthening, Five Days of Improvement", which is said to be selling well.

The social atmosphere actually has a sense of déjà vu of spiritual revival and comprehensive cultivation.

Lin Zhi is very satisfied and just needs to practice seriously.

When I stir up trouble, you can just put your knowledge into practice.

In addition, religion has also become popular.

In major cities on Honshu Island, some churches have quietly become popular.

Their behavior is hidden, their bases are mysterious, and they are parasitic on Honshu Island like a cancer. Since the Supernormal Practical Bureau has just been established, it cannot solve these religions for a while.

Lin Zhi discovered through the eyes of the Jiuyi Church that these religions seemed to be supported by ancient families that radiated all over the island.

He immediately understood that the establishment of the new Hefu had cleared a large number of stubborn and pedantic elements at lightning speed, streamlined the bloated institutions, and governed better.

Why are the governing institutions becoming more and more bloated? One power is divided into many? Even pouring tea and water can be divided into two positions?

It is convenient for these ancient families to arrange family descendants in them.

The children of the Ministry of Railways go to the Ministry of Railways, and the children of the Forestry Bureau go to the Forestry Bureau.

Ordinary talents take exams and interviews. If you have a family background, you can go directly to get gilded.

But the streamlining of the Hefu instantly hit these families and offended many vested interests.

Some ancient families saw that they could not eat meat and had no soup to drink.

Well, they can only go down to grab it.

They were originally behind the scenes, controlling the big chaebols and associations. In the current huge changes that have never been encountered in ancient and modern times, how could they not seize the opportunity?

These churches are puppets and pawns launched by the ancient families.

As long as they succeed, they can make the family go further.

"These people who were fooled by the church are just working for others!"

Lin Zhi knew that no matter who was the winner, the only ones who benefited were the ancient families.

Even now, there are still figures of ancient families.

History is like a picture scroll, unfolding to watch the passage of thousands of years.

How many heroes have appeared on this land?

Because of opportunities, they were pushed to the forefront in the turbulent times.

The business they did never failed in the end, but countless people paid the price of their lives in the process.

Finally, they became successful and famous. The heroes ruled the world for many years. Their families, like the lifespan of dynasties, can only die with the demise of history.

On this stage of the world, all living beings are just backgrounds, supporting roles, and cold digital symbols in history books.

Ordinary people live a mediocre life, coming and going like flowing water, and have been reincarnated countless times. Have mortals left traces in the world?

But the ancient families are different. They parasitize among the countless living beings, and the centipedes die but not stiff.

Once he takes off on the wind, he will soar up to 90,000 miles.

Lin Zhi sorted out the clues. Currently, the Xinhe Mansion, headed by Gongche Hoshinoro, is actually controlled by the three ancient families of Gongche, Jiusan, and Anbei.

And the other "political families" of Radiation Island, such as the Ma Seng Family, the Puppy Family, and the Futian Family, were kicked out of the core of power.

Among these churches, there are three figures.

In addition, there are other secondary ancient families.

There are dozens of churches hidden in the shadows of Radiation Island.

Lin Zhi can understand why they set up churches.

Because of beliefs, it is very metaphysical. The church is originally a trick, but if the believers really believe it, the beliefs they generate can actually be fed back to the leader and promote the growth of the other party.

This is the personal experience of the succubus sisters.

At the same time, the church is also the best tool to fool the world.

For Lin Zhi, the more forces and the more chaos, the better.

I am not afraid of people having ambitions, I am afraid of not having ambitions.

During this period, Lin Zhi moved from the suburbs of Tokyo to a remote rural village.

Since the development of the Jiuyi Church, there are many wealthy businessmen among the people who have been enchanted, and there are more than a dozen people from third-rate ancient families among the succubus and the enchanted.

The third-rate ancient family has little power in Tokyo, but it is a "dominant force" in a small place.

So it was easy to build the church headquarters in this remote countryside.

The headquarters was built 50 meters underground in the village, with pure metal walls, covering thousands of square meters, and divided into four floors with each floor of 5 meters.

Lin Zhi felt at ease when he moved to the headquarters.

After the whole nation was infected, it was too dangerous for him, an ordinary person, to stay in the suburbs of Tokyo.

One day, the succubus sisters led 10 girls aged about 16 to 18 to Lin Zhi's room at the church headquarters.

"Brother, the Elf Church, the Angel Church, and the Dog God Church have agreed to form an alliance with us. You asked them to find some good succubus seedlings, and they also sent them."

The succubus sister Chenxi pointed to the girl behind her.

"Well, very good. These churches are supported by first-class ancient families. The alliance will be very beneficial to the development of the Jiuyi Church."

Lin Zhi smiled and looked at the 10 girls behind Moonlight Chenxi.

The 10 girls were extremely beautiful in both appearance and figure, more beautiful than 99% of the beauties in the world.

They were only slightly inferior to the succubus sisters.

But Lin Zhi was relieved soon. This was normal because the 10 girls had a good foundation.

In addition, they were transformed by the virus and became succubus, so the 10 girls naturally became extremely beautiful.

Lin Zhi looked at their personal panels and found that they were all demons with newly awakened abilities of the lower level.

The 10 girls were named Ma Sengxi, Xiao Quan Yaoyao, Fu Tian Mi Tao...

"Brother, they have never been touched by anyone!" The succubus sister Chaolu whispered next to him.


Lin Zhi was stunned, and then he realized that these 10 girls were infected by a new virus. The new virus was self-produced and self-sold, so when they awakened their abilities, they would not lose control of their emotions and could still suppress their emotions.

"Well, you did a good job!"

Lin Zhi looked at the 10 girls and smiled.

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