After reading the choices between the two spiritual seeds, Lin Zhi fell into deep thought.

What should I choose?

In previous battles with others, he knew that his shortcoming was that he had no defense and control. The pea shooter's attacks were not suitable for ever-changing battles, which meant that he lacked close combat.

Among the eight choices, although the two economic spiritual plants, sunflowers and pitcher plants, are good, they are not necessary. It is enough for him to have the knowledge tree.

Nuts and Caiwen performed very well in the college entrance examination, but Lin Zhi found that although Nuts had strong defense, they were too bulky and had many blind spots in defense.

Cai Wen's damage is very high, but the disadvantage is that he is extremely fragile. He is more suitable as an assassin than a warrior.

The effects of tree stumps and explosive mushrooms are too single, especially the explosive mushrooms, which consume a lot of resources every time they are used to regenerate.

In comparison, in terms of control and defense, clay moss is more preferred as a forest plant.

Lin Zhi chose the remaining spiritual seed to sprout into Wutong.

The reason for choosing this one is just as introduced in the selection manual: it is called Wutong!

What is sycamore?

Simply put, it is a tree.

To put it more complicatedly, the phoenix sings on a high hill. The phoenix trees are growing and the sun is rising there.

Lin Zhi's fruits of knowledge were not in vain. Not only did he have a wealth of knowledge, at least 80% of his basic knowledge about Ling Zhi was at his fingertips.

According to the historical records of this world, the phoenix tree is the king of trees. Most phoenix trees are just ordinary spiritual plants, but a small number can evolve into rare and rare spiritual plants called "Qifeng Qingtong".

Qi Feng Qingtong continues to evolve, and has a chance to evolve into the Baitong that is rare in a century. The Baitong that is rare in the century can evolve into the gilded Huangtong that appears once in a thousand years.

The gilt phoenix tree also has a chance to evolve into the once-in-a-lifetime "nirvana red phoenix tree".

If you are an ordinary person, even if you know the potential of Wutong, you will not be able to really cultivate it successfully. Lin Zhi is different. He has a choice manual. Every time Wutong evolves, he can choose the best way.

As Lin Zhi made his choice, the spiritual seeds in the two pieces of soul soil in front of him quickly sprouted buds and began to grow.

A spiritual seed turned into fluffy moss and spread against the ground, dyeing the blue soul soil green, like a carpet.

A spiritual seed pulls out a green stem, pointing straight upward, and its leaves as big as a cattail fan unfold one by one.

Soon, moss covered all nine pieces of soul soil, and the sycamore grew into a tree dozens of meters high.

Seeing that the growth of the two spiritual plants was slowing down, Lin Zhi sat cross-legged and took out a bunch of materials and some spiritual energy.

"It's time to practice Yin and Yang!"

Lin Zhi followed the exercises in his mind.

This technique is mainly about refining Taiyi and analyzing various attributes of energy. Taiyi means chaos, and void energy is "chaos energy". It does not distinguish between attributes, and it can decompose various attributes.

Psionic energy is the purification of void energy. Whether it is spiritual plants or humans, it can be absorbed very well. It also does not have attributes.

Putting a pile of spiritual energy in front of him, Lin Zhi ran the body-training technique, and the energy turned into gas and was absorbed by the pores of his body.

At the same time, he swallowed various five elements materials such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth into his belly. These materials were smelted by the stomach fire and turned into the most basic nutrients, which were absorbed through the small intestine and pumped by the heart to transport the blood to the limbs.

The breath transformed into spiritual energy travels through the body and then combines with these nutrients and enters every cell. The cells of life are like precision factories. As the nutrients arrive, they immediately start operating at full capacity.

These nutrients are broken down, reorganized, and react with the cells in various ways, and then grow, strengthen, and optimize the cells, and eliminate some old, weak, sick, and disabled cells.

At the same time, the strengthening of cells will produce various waste materials.

Lin Zhi didn't know what was happening at the micro level. The external manifestation is that he feels heat spreading throughout his body, and sometimes he is in excruciating pain. His body becomes strong and black impurities are discharged from his pores.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but he felt the power in his body rising steadily.

He didn't stop the operation of the technique until the surrounding spiritual energy was almost completely digested.

"My body refining level has reached the Red Moon level?"

Lin Zhi controlled the pea shooter to attack his arm, but the attack of hundreds of peas could not leave a single white mark!

This clearly shows that his physical strength has reached the Red Moon level!

"It is indeed a supreme body training technique. After more than ten years of training from childhood to the eve of the college entrance examination, my predecessor's physical strength is only at the peak of Baichen, and is still far away from Luchen."

Lin Zhi was delighted with the power of this body-training technique. In just a short period of practice, his physical strength jumped from white dust to the two realms of green star and blue star, and reached the red moon! .

But then he frowned again, because he found that he wanted to continue practicing, but he made little progress.

"Yin Yang" is indeed very powerful, but its practice also requires a lot of precious materials. Don't look at the fact that his physical strength reached the red moon after just one training session. The price was that he spent more than 1 million points to purchase various materials.

"It's a pity that the academy can't get together the materials needed to cultivate to Ziyang. Even if it can, I can't afford them."

Lin Zhi searched the academy's redemption list but couldn't find the required materials. In addition, he had very few points left for various purchases these days.

"The next step is to increase the strength of the soul. Sure enough, the stronger the body, the better it can carry the soul. Even though it has been refined by millions of years of sophora wood heart, it is not easy to continue refining the blue-star soul beads. Now it is refined My body reaches the red moon, and I feel a sense of hunger in my soul!”

Lin Zhi took out a box and opened it to reveal 10 blue soul beads.

The quality of the soul contained in this blue-star soul bead is 10 times that of Lu Chen.

Lin Zhi first took out one to refine and absorb.

Then he discovered that the Red Moon-level body strength could easily absorb the Blue Star Soul Bead.

His soul strength reached Blue Star without any bottleneck. Then, he continued to refine and absorb soul beads, and even refined and absorbed the 10th Blue Star Soul Bead before his brain felt swollen and painful.

"We really can't continue to absorb soul beads in the short term. We can only wait for a period of time for the million-year locust wood heart to refine and nourish the soul."

Lin Zhi checked his own status with great satisfaction. His soul level has now reached the Blue Star level, and he is only one step away from catching up with those peerless geniuses and reaching the Red Moon level.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face.

Although his soul status has not reached the level of Red Moon, only Blue Star, his soul soil has turned from blue to red due to his talent!

Red soul soil is a thousand times more efficient in cultivating spiritual plants than white soul soil!

Under normal circumstances, a star-level spiritual plant takes 30 days from germination to maturity. It needs to evolve 5 times from starless to five-star. A total of 54 times of strengthening can reach the five-star strengthening limit.

Each enhancement requires 10 days to accumulate psychic energy, plus 30 days for the body to grow, for a total of 570 days.

This is the efficiency of planting spiritual plants on white land. If fertilizer is used, the time can be reduced by half, that is, 285 days.

When green land uses fertilizer, it only takes 28.5 days, blue land only takes 2.85 days, and red land only takes 0.285 days!

Then there are the moon-level and sun-level spiritual plants. Like the star level, they also need to be strengthened nine times and evolved five times.

At the monthly level, promotion requires 30,000 days, and each enhancement requires 10,000 days, a total of 570,000 days.

If it is cultivated on blue soil, the process takes 7.81 years. If it is cultivated on red soil, it only takes 285 days to cultivate a full moon level extreme enhanced spiritual plant.

At the daily level, promotion requires 300,000 days of accumulation, and each enhancement requires 100,000 days, a total of 5,700,000 days.

Similarly, if it is cultivated on red soil, it will take 800 years to obtain a Blazing Sun Ultimate Spirit Plant, while on purple soil it will take about 80 years...

When Lin Zhi's soul soil turned into red earth, his four spiritual plants began to grow wildly and quickly absorbed the energy of the void.

In just a few hours, the four spiritual plants accumulated enough energy to advance to the moon level.

As long as they use evolutionary materials and spiritual energy, they can step into the moon level.

However, Lin Zhi's own points were running out, and he couldn't help but look at the fruitful tree of knowledge.

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