"It seems that this wool must be harvested!"

The next day, Lin Zhi woke up the three girls early in the morning, and then pointed to the fruit of knowledge in the room.

"This is the fruit that was born under the influence of the halo yesterday. You divide it and then go to the exam to gain points."

Lin Zhi said.

Fu Hua and Yan Ruyu nodded quickly.

Yan Linger said:

"How to divide it?"

"My teammates and I are indistinguishable from each other. How about you, seven of me and three of you, is that okay?"

"Fifty-five points, I can use 1.5 times the credit points to compensate."

"Two times. After all, we won't need it in the academy."

"Okay, that's it!"

Next, the girls began to eat the fruits of knowledge, while Lin Zhi asked Yan Ruyu to continue to exert a halo to condense more fruits of knowledge.

Lin Zhi plans to cooperate with other freshmen gardeners to spread the great cause of wool harvesting to the entire freshmen group.

But at 8:30 in the morning, he received news from the school.

I need to meet with my tutor today.

From the message, he learned the name of his mentor.

Meng Xingchen!

Professor Meng's son.

Meng Xingchen, the Holy Crown Mentor known as the "Meteor Disaster"!

According to the rules of the academy, only exceptional geniuses will have one-on-one tutoring from Saint Crown Realm instructors.

For other students, the instructors are only in the Purple Yang realm.

After seeing Meng Xingchen's name, Lin Zhi immediately understood that the reason why one of the opponent's Holy Crown instructors took the initiative to choose him was probably because of Professor Meng's relationship.

Lin Zhi arrived at the location notified by the college in advance, only to find that a handsome middle-aged man had been waiting for a long time.

How handsome are middle-aged men?

Lin Zhi couldn't describe it in any words, he just felt that even the top celebrities on the Internet were not one ten thousandth as good as him.

The handsome middle-aged man is otherworldly, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, like an immortal descending to earth.

Seeing Lin Zhi arriving, the other party's eyes dropped.

"The physical strength of the Red Moon Realm, the soul strength of the Blue Star Extreme. Yes, although not as good as a peerless genius, but compared to most people, you are already very good. Especially as an ordinary gardener..."

Meng Xingchen's words were full of admiration. After examining Lin Zhi, he continued, "Father said that you were a rough jade that was almost buried. I didn't believe it at first, but looking at your college entrance examination results and your current state, it is indeed the case. The difference between a peerless genius and an ordinary gardener The difference is only the amount of soul soil. The reason why your strength is not as good as that of a peerless genius is the difference in resources and family conditions. "

"So, teacher, I plan to use the fruit of knowledge to earn points..." Lin Zhi said his plan. He wanted to ask himself whether his behavior of gathering wool would be stopped or even punished by the college.

Meng Xingchen couldn't help but frown when he heard Lin Zhi's plan.

According to the rules, there was nothing wrong with Lin Zhi's approach.

But asking most freshmen to earn millions of points would have a huge impact. This is equivalent to advancing several years of the college's budget in one year...

However, no one can be rich without windfall. If a civilian student wants to surpass those peerless geniuses from aristocratic families, he can only obtain a large amount of resources...

After thinking for a while, Meng Xingchen said:

"It doesn't matter, just go ahead and do it, I'm here!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

Lin Zhi quickly thanked him, already thinking that he had to repay his mentor for having earned points.

"Well, you have a knowledge tree and can quickly master a lot of knowledge. Therefore, there is not much I can teach you. What you lack now is practical experience."

Meng Xingchen said, "The most important tool for a gardener is spiritual planting. I will teach you some of the alliance's secret techniques. Your soul is now Blue Star, and you can learn the secret techniques of the Six Paths."

"Inherited secret techniques?"

Lin Zhi showed surprise.

In addition to spiritual plants, the most important thing for a gardener is the secret technique of inheritance. However, the secret technique of inheritance is treasured by the alliance and can only be learned by joining the 36 County School.

"There are a total of 72 secret arts that can be learned in the freshman stage, including sound transmission, eavesdropping, remote viewing, sensitivity, sniffing, leaping, rapidity, teleportation, camouflage, concealment, breath concentration, without a trace, and flying swallows. , light body, stone skin, huge strength, violent... you can choose six."

Meng Xingchen introduced the secret techniques to Lin Zhi one by one.

In the end, after comprehensive consideration, Lin Zhi chose Sound Transmission, Leap Step, Rapid Movement, Teleportation, Concealment, and Breath Condensation.

The reason why he chose these was because Lin Zhi felt that he had spiritual plants for fighting and physical training for defense, but he only needed to hide himself and escape.

"Very good. These secret techniques are good choices and can greatly improve the survival rate in the wild." Meng Xingchen was very satisfied with Lin Zhi's choice.

"Next, I will teach you how to condense the secret crystals and engrave the secret lines."

Meng Xingchen demonstrated one by one for Lin Zhi...

The teaching lasted for several days, and Lin Zhi barely mastered the six secret techniques.

But there is still a long way to go before he can condense the crystallization of the secret technique, imprint the secret technique into the sea of ​​consciousness, and become a gardener.

"The next step is to practice diligently to achieve the goal of making perfect. Only in this way can you succeed in imprinting the secret technique in the future."

Meng Xingchen continued to warn, "In the next month, you need to defeat all the elite gardener freshmen and return to the 25th place."

On the weekend, Lin Zhi, Fu Hua, Yan Ruyu, and Yan Ling'er gathered in the villa conference room.

"After a week of hard work, we have completed all the courses." Fu Hua said.

"Unfortunately, the courses for God's Favored Ones are much less than those for Gardeners. On average, each of us can only earn about 100,000 points." Yan Ling'er sighed.

"According to your request, I have passed the news of the fruit of knowledge to Ma Baiyun and others. I believe they will come to you soon." Yan Ruyu reported.

"Well, I know."

Lin Zhi accepted the 50,000 points from Yan Ling'er, and took 210,000 points from Yan Ruyu and Fu Hua, and began to open the school website to exchange.

Spiritual energy and fertilizer are the cheapest, and a large amount can be exchanged for a few thousand points.

The main part of Lin Zhi's points is mainly evolution materials. With a 7.5% discount on the Honorary Alumni Medal, his 210,000 points are equivalent to 280,000 purchasing power. With the remaining points before, Lin Zhi not only gathered the materials for the four spiritual plants to advance to the Moon Stage, but also had extra materials for Fu Hua and Yan Ruyu to buy materials for practicing the Nine Saints Hedao Sutra.

Well, the one who spent the most points was mainly Fu Hua, who needed to practice from scratch. Yan Ruyu is a sophomore, and her physical strength has reached the level of Blue Star. She just needs some materials to switch to practicing.

In the afternoon, the materials were delivered to the villa.

Lin Zhi moved the evolutionary materials, spiritual energy, fertilizer, etc. into the source soil for comprehension, and then began to advance.

[It is detected that your spiritual plant "Clay Moss" has the conditions for evolution. Please make a choice:]

[Choice 1: Rapid growth]

[Choice 2: Fire immunity]

[Choice 3: Enhanced viscosity]

[Choice 4: Energy fungal blanket]

[It is detected that your spiritual plant "Wutong" has the conditions for evolution. Please make a choice:]

[Choice 1: Thick trunk]

[Choice 2: Flourishing branches]

[Choice 3: Well-developed root system]

[Choice 4: Strengthened flower fragrance]

[Choice 5: Fruitful]

[Choice 6: Dense leaves]

Based on the rich knowledge in his mind and his own needs, Lin Zhi selected five best evolutionary routes for Clay Moss and Wutong.

Now he has read a lot of books and knows that the evolution of the star level is mainly to evolve the potential of the spiritual plant, such as strengthening branches and trunks, immunity to damage, etc. The evolution of the moon level is the development direction of the spiritual plant, and the evolution of the sun level is to finalize the evolution path of the spiritual plant.

Due to the rich knowledge and clear goals, he easily made the choice of star level evolution.

Next, it was the moon level. Looking at the choices on the panel, Lin Zhi began to make a choice.

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