
Lin Zhi couldn't help but look solemn, straightened up and looked at Meng Xingchen solemnly.

"Don't be nervous. Today we are going to talk about history and what is civilization?"

Meng Xingchen smiled.

"History? Civilization?"

Lin Zhi couldn't help but was stunned. He had the Knowledge Fruit Tree in hand. All the courses in the college had been completed. All the books in the library were memorized in his mind as long as they were authorized to be read.

As for history, the alliance has been familiar with everything from official history to unofficial history, and even biographies, etc. for tens of thousands of years.

So, what might be the name of this history lesson from the instructor?

"Before the lecture, I want to ask a question. That is, do you know the origin of spiritual seeds?"

Meng Xingchen looked at Lin Zhi.

"Of course, spiritual seeds come from the World Tree, and every year the World Tree produces a certain number of spiritual seeds."

Lin Zhi answered quickly.

"Then let me ask you again, how many spiritual seeds does the World Tree produce every year?"


Lin Zhi looked at Meng Xingchen in confusion. How could he answer such a question?

"A total of 19,131,876 per year! Do you know why this number is?"

Lin Zhi shook his head, and he was surprised at the same time. He never expected that the World Tree would only produce less than 20 million spiritual seeds a year.

You must know that nearly 100 million gardeners awaken in human civilization every year. Even if ordinary gardeners were to distribute one spiritual seed a year, hundreds of millions of spiritual seeds would be needed to satisfy everyone.

"Because each World Tree can only produce 36 spiritual seeds every year."

"So, we have 531,441 world trees?" Lin Zhi was surprised. He only remembered that civilization only had one world tree named "Technology".

"No, it's because we directly or indirectly conquered 531,440 civilized worlds!!!"

Meng Xingchen said slowly, "Since the ancient times of mankind, we have discovered the time and space nodes leading to the heavens and the world. So we discovered that the outside world also has spiritual plants and gardeners.

After thousands of years of human development, we have come to the conclusion that all worlds have the same root and origin, and every world where a gardener is born has a world tree. "

"I see. No wonder the history of civilized wars often records that human ancestors would merge with the World Tree after conquering other worlds." Lin Zhi suddenly had a new understanding of the historical documents in his mind.

"Yes, every time a world is conquered, the World Tree of our civilization can devour and digest the opponent's World Tree, and then grow. As the World Tree grows, it will naturally bear more fruits."

Meng Xingchen continued, "At the same time, as the World Tree grows, the upper limit of our gardeners' ranks will also be raised, and the upper limit of the ranks of spiritual plants will also be relaxed.

In ancient times, the Blue Star realm was the upper limit of one's status, but now, the divine ring is the end point for a gardener. It is not difficult to use secret techniques to break through the bottleneck of the world and reach half-step legend. "

"Teacher, in this case, isn't the World Tree equivalent to an ownerless spiritual plant? Or equivalent to the spiritual plant of the entire civilization?" Lin Zhi asked curiously.

"Haha, your opinion is wrong."

Meng Xingchen lowered his face and said seriously, "Yggdrasil has a spirit. In the eyes of Yggdrasil, our civilization is just a group of vessels for cultivating sub-strains.

The war between civilizations is actually the competition between world trees for nutrients and devouring each other's victims of evolution.

In the thousands of years since humans became gardeners, in the wars with alien races, generations of human ancestors fought bloody battles and sacrificed countless generations to achieve today's immortal civilization.

It is precisely because of the sacrifices of countless people that the World Tree can produce enough spiritual seeds every year to be distributed to the new generation. "


Lin Zhi was surprised. He didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this.

The spiritual seeds of these new generation gardeners were saved by their predecessors at the cost of death.

"However, you don't have to worry. At present, the value of World Tree to mankind far outweighs the harm it causes."

Meng Xingchen changed the topic and said, "The reason why I am talking about this today is because we will spend the next time in the world of wild beasts."

"World of Wild Beasts?"

"The World of Wild Beasts is the native world of the 'Dragon Civilization', which is also an immortal civilization. It is also one of the eight immortal civilizations that we humans have conquered at the same time in the past ten years." Meng Xingchen told an astonishing news.

What’s so surprising is the news that humans are at war with eight immortal civilizations at the same time!

As far as Lin Zhi knows, the civilized races in the world are divided into different levels of civilization based on the highest level unlocked by the civilization.

According to different upper limits of personality, they are called: Savage Civilization, Bronze Civilization, Silver Civilization, Hematite Civilization, Golden Civilization, Extraordinary Civilization, Immortality Civilization, Legendary Civilization...

From ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, modern times, modern times to the modern period, human civilization has directly or indirectly defeated 531,440 barbaric civilizations through wars against aliens, and then it has been promoted step by step to the "immortality civilization".

After the Immortal Civilization, it is said to be the "Legendary Civilization". According to past experience, as long as human civilization defeats eight civilizations that are also "Immortal Civilization" and devours each other's World Tree, it can successfully advance to the "Legendary Civilization".

However, never in the history of mankind has it taken the initiative to start a war with as many as eight civilizations of the same level at the same time as it is now!

He didn't understand, why didn't the alliance slowly start to attack civilizations one by one?

Without asking, Meng Xingchen took the initiative and said, "You must be wondering why we are fighting eight civilizations at the same level at the same time instead of trying to figure it out slowly? The reason is both complicated and simple, that is, internal and external troubles!"

"Internal and external troubles?"

Lin Zhi was puzzled.

"Have you ever heard of a saying? That is, since ancient times, dynasties have been destroyed by weakness, and only the Han Dynasty has been destroyed by strength. Foreign aggression refers to the fact that these same-level civilizations around our civilization have reached a preliminary alliance agreement, and mankind has been isolated!"

Meng Xingchen's face was dark and he said, "As for the internal worries, they are the increasingly prominent class conflicts between the aristocratic families and the common people!"

"Class conflict?"

Lin Zhi suddenly remembered that he had read a book on the development of civilization in the library before.

In the ancient times, human civilization existed in the form of tribes. Everyone regarded the world tree as a god, and tribes conquered each other or united with foreign countries.

In ancient times, the sages of the human race unified the tribes, formed a loose tribal alliance, and elected the common master of the world. The common master of the world implemented the abdication system. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors led the human race to develop and become stronger from generation to generation.

As the human race became stronger, civilization was formed.

In ancient times, the ancestors of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties established dynasties, divided the princes into feudal lords and fought against foreigners, thus forming the prototype of aristocratic families.

In modern times, during the Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States, Qin, Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, the aristocratic family became stronger and stronger. Even if dynasties changed, the aristocratic family would never be destroyed.

With the development of productivity, thousands of alien worlds were conquered, human civilization flourished unprecedentedly, people's wisdom expanded, and the Ming Dynasty, the last dynasty in modern times, became increasingly prosperous.

However, when the dynasty reached its peak, it was the aristocratic family that benefited, but countless people sacrificed.

As a result, the uprising that overthrew the Ming Dynasty broke out, and the aristocratic families transformed themselves into the greatest saviors, annihilated the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, and established an alliance.

During the Alliance Era, aristocratic families learned from the lessons learned from the demise of the Ming Dynasty and other dynasties, and established a parliamentary system to check and balance each other.

They no longer control civilized resources in the name of the royal family, but instead set up groups and plutocratic companies to plunder civilized resources.

These groups on the surface are controlled by members of the aristocratic families, and their behavior is upright and upright, and there is no fault in it.

Secretly, there are countless "white gloves" used to handle all kinds of dirty work.

The simplest relationship is the relationship between Yujun University and the Aristocratic Family. Yujun University is the "White Moonlight" launched by the Yujun Aristocratic Family.

The director of the logistics department is the "person in charge" of dividing the cake among the top leaders of Yujun University.

The fat businessman and his like are the "white gloves" that make the logistics department bigger and stronger and cut the cake.

The person in charge of the canteen is a "tool man" used by fat businessmen and others to extract profits and can be discarded at any time.

Canteen managers and others are "temporary workers" for the canteen person in charge.

A dog chain tied the group of people from high to low into a stable chain of interests.

Lin Zhi was thinking a lot, but was interrupted by Meng Xingchen.

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