"The change of dynasties has made the family alliance realize that if they only focus on sucking the blood of civilization, the dynasty will decay sooner or later, and then they will have to overthrow it and start over.

The first-class families will last forever. During the change of dynasties, only the royal families, a few second- and third-class families and countless people will perish.

However, for the aristocratic family, even if you change the dynasty, I will be immortal forever, but every dynasty change carries great risks, and the risks come from other worlds.

In history, there are many incidents where the nation was almost wiped out due to the change of dynasty, invasion by foreign tribes, and genocide.

Internal fighting is just a reshuffling of the cards between the aristocratic families. Different from the invasion of aliens, the best treatment for a noble family is to be the lackey of the new master.

Therefore, for a first-class family, it is most beneficial to maintain their rule as much as possible and prolong the life of the dynasty.

But for second- and third-rate families, if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold them up, and if they reshuffle the cards, they may have the opportunity to become the first-rate family. Therefore, they don't care about the length of dynasty change, they will only parasitize on the body of civilization and suck blood unscrupulously. "

Meng Xingchen paused, picked up the drink on the table to moisten his throat, and continued:

“With the development of civilization, the core of life needs is resources, or wealth.

Wealth is equivalent to countless interconnected ponds. When resources and wealth pools circulate normally and there is little difference between most ponds, it means that civilization is functioning well and healthy.

When individual ponds merge and grow, swallow up the water in other ponds, and cease to circulate, the operation of civilization begins to dry up or even die. "

"I understand this. Therefore, once a dynasty reaches the end of history, there will be an uprising and then the cards will be reshuffled."

"Yes, attacking the local tyrants and dividing the land are the most obvious examples. The purpose of reshuffling the cards is to 'open the guillotine and release the water', break the stagnant pond, and civilization can naturally operate again."

Meng Xingchen nodded, but sighed, "Unfortunately, times have changed! In the Ming Dynasty before the alliance, there was not much difference in status among everyone, and there was often a possibility of reshuffle. But in modern times, everyone under the divine ring is an ant. The Aristocratic Family controls the most powerful people with divine rings, and its status is unshakable, so although it is possible to reshuffle the cards, it is difficult. "

Lin Zhi nodded to express his understanding.

The divine ring is different from other personalities. The strong ones with the divine ring have the power to destroy the world. If a reshuffle war is launched between aristocratic families, the result will be a loss of lives. Even if the reshuffle is successful in the end, the entire civilization will be wiped out. , the result is to be eaten by aliens.

In the divine ring war, there is no winner.

"Therefore, there are only two ways for civilization to resolve class conflicts. One is to increase investment in fighting alien races to shift the contradictions. The other is to attack more worlds, obtain more resources and wealth, and make the profit pie bigger. ”

Meng Xingchen concluded, "Therefore, this time the Alliance couldn't wait to start a war with eight civilizations at the same level at the same time. The purpose is very simple. One is to consume the burden of civilization and shift conflicts, and the other is to make the cake bigger."

"However, the aristocratic family's appetite is never-ending. To make the cake bigger, they will only add more knives, forks and chopsticks, which is nothing more than drinking poison to quench their thirst." Lin Zhi said.

"It is true, but civilization will create classes and wealth differences. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. As long as human beings have seven emotions and six desires, a harmonious society will be impossible to achieve. Countless sages have wanted to find a solution, but they have never been able to achieve it. It is difficult to delay the final decay of civilization by treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. "

After Meng Xingchen finished speaking, he took out a map and handed it to Lin Zhi, saying, "You are only a freshman now, so you don't have to worry too much about civilization issues. Your current task is to follow me to the World of Wild Beasts in two days. I will give you some instructions." Practical teaching.”

"Practical teaching?"

"Yes, wars between civilizations will naturally be dealt with by the alliance's legions. This time in the World of Wild Beasts, the 36 county universities will organize peerless geniuses to be escorted by corresponding instructors to the battlefield in person. The purpose is to experience the war and conduct practical teaching. "

"Since the organizer is a peerless genius, why would I participate?" Lin Zhi asked.

"To be precise, the tutors of peerless geniuses are at the Holy Crown realm, which is enough to deal with most crises in the world of wild beasts. Therefore, the 36 County University only organizes peerless geniuses to go to the battlefield for training. But there are exceptions to everything, and your strength is not weaker than peerless geniuses. Genius, it just so happens that my realm is also the Holy Crown."

Meng Xingchen smiled and said, "Go back and prepare. First, build a tree house, and then prepare supplies for cultivation and living. We need to stay for at least a year this time. If the war lasts for a long time, we may need to stay until you graduate from college." "

"Ah! So long?"

Lin Zhi was surprised.

"War is uncontrollable!"

Saying goodbye to Meng Xingchen, Lin Zhi went to the college website and exchanged supplies according to the list given by Meng Xingchen.

The auxiliary materials needed for this tree house are numerous and expensive.

What kind of space crystals, five-color sand, heart of living spring...all are priceless.

Although Lin Zhi earned nearly 10 million points by selling fruits of knowledge and relying on new gardeners to pass classes, he still could barely afford the resources needed for the tree house.

Meng Xingchen did not say that on average, thousands of tree tumors are produced every year in the world, and only a handful of gardeners own tree houses.

Generally, only those with strong divine rings can have the connections to obtain tree burl and the resources to build tree houses.

Despite the high cost, Lin Zhi still feels that it is well worth the money.

Not to mention anything else, just the storage space in the basement and the moon well in the backyard are huge profits.

In addition, the existence of the tree house is to give the gardener a layer of protection. When fighting, there is no need to worry about the danger from the air, behind, side and underground. You only need to defend the attack from the "gate" in front.

Finally, the gods can live in the tree house.

This is very helpful for traveling in other worlds. The gods live in the tree house. The tree house is integrated with the source earth field and can be stored in the void. There is no need to pay attention to the gods being attacked all the time.

After spending a few days, Lin Zhi finally compiled the tree house successfully.

Then, he found that his tree house was very different from the tree house shown by Meng Xingchen.

His source earth was only 900 square meters, so the front and back yards were also 900 square meters.

He also built a three-story tree house, but currently only 3 rooms can be built.

The hall on the first floor, the second bedroom on the second floor, and the master bedroom on the third floor.

The roof is not open.

The basement is only 100×100×10 cubic meters.

I consulted Meng Xingchen online and learned that the tree house is a growth type and will be improved with the gardener's status.

However, the current tree house is enough.

The second bedroom was for Fu Hua, Yan Ruyu, and Yan Ling'er, and the master bedroom was allocated to himself.

On the first night after the tree house was built, the four did not return to the villa, but slept in the tree house to experience the tree house.

When he woke up in the morning, Lin Zhi found that the effects of the tree house were not only those introduced by Meng Xingchen, but also had a slight effect of restoring the mental state, nourishing the soul, and nourishing the body.

After he got up and went downstairs, he found that Fu Hua and the other two girls had bought various items early in the morning to decorate the hall.

In fact, all the furniture in the tree house can be completed by grafting various spiritual plants through the grafting technique.

But at present, Lin Zhi has no time to do this, and secondly, he has not learned the grafting secret technique, so he can only let the three girls toss.

He left the source soil field and came to the outside of the villa, and found that the other supplies ordered last night had also arrived.

Spiritual energy, fertilizer, various evolutionary materials, furnaces, quenching tools and equipment, basic living supplies, etc.

With a wave of his hand, he collected dozens of trucks of supplies into the tree house warehouse.

After the points were used up, he went to Meng Xingchen to report.

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