"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

As soon as Lin Zhi laid his eyes on the tank, he was yelled at by it.

"Brother, don't be offended. Xiaolan was like this when she was alive, and she didn't change it even after she died."

Huzi explained quickly and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand, leaving a black oil stain.

"Xiaolan? Before his death?"

Lin Zhi was full of doubts. Since coming to the World of Wild Beasts, he found that the knowledge he had learned in Yujun University and the 12 years of senior high school at its predecessor had become a thing of the past.

There were many new terms and new knowledge that he had never understood before.

"Oh, Xiaolan was also alive before, but she died in battle. Well, this is the alliance's military secret, do you want to listen?"

Huzi looked at Lin Zhi.

"Military secrets? Let's forget it."

Lin Zhi quickly shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. Since you are a student of Yujun University, there is no need to keep this secret from you. How can we humans be invincible and fight against eight enemies in another world? It's because of the technological achievements!"

Huzi showed his white teeth and said proudly, "Around the human territory, human civilization is called the fifth natural disaster by aliens."

"The fifth natural disaster?"

Lin Zhi was stunned. This was the first time he heard this statement.

I remember reading novels in my previous life, and there were similar descriptions of natural disasters. The four major natural disasters were omnics, undead, insect swarms, and players.

What the hell is this fifth natural disaster?

"I also heard what others said. We humans relied on the technology tree to build Skynet. The gardener with the mechanical spiritual plant and his beloved ones will not completely disappear after death. As long as the soul is not destroyed immediately, It can be transmitted to the Skynet world through... well, through the watch or mobile phone on your hand and other devices connected to the Internet." Huzi said.


Lin Zhi was really shocked. This was something he had never known, and no one had told him. There was no record of it in various books, and there was never any relevant content on the Internet.

"Don't get excited, this function also has many shortcomings. For example, it must be connected to the Internet. If you are in another world, you must build a large base station. We have one behind Guancheng.

In addition, the more powerful the soul is, the more traffic it takes to transmit into the Skynet world, and the cost is high.

Also, you cannot die too many times, otherwise it will easily lead to memory loss and soul damage. "

Huzi was talking nonsense, and Lin Zhi was completely shocked by the soul transmission technology.

He said, "In this case, doesn't it mean that even if the mechanical gardener dies in battle, he can be resurrected through the mechanical body?"

"That's about it, but I heard that ordinary creations have no vitality, and the human soul will be rapidly depleted. Only mechanical spiritual plants are the most suitable second body.

However, there is no mechanical system in wild spiritual plants. Only the gardener and the God's Favorite who signed a contract with him can parasitize in his own spiritual plants. After other gardeners or ordinary people die, they can only stay in the virtual Skynet world. "

Lin Zhi nodded.

That's right. If human beings could truly control life and death, they would be too powerful.

It turns out that the so-called rebirth is actually a bug.

First, Skynet preserves the soul, and then because the soul is not destroyed, it can maintain the immortality of the gardener's soul soil realm and mechanical spiritual plants.

It just so happens that although the mechanical spiritual plant is a living body, it does not have the characteristics of its own soul, so it can be perfectly parasitized by human souls.

Therefore, after the gardener dies, he parasitizes his own mechanical spiritual plant. After the mechanical spiritual plant is destroyed, as long as the soul is uploaded to Skynet in time, the mechanical spiritual plant can be restored again, achieving a perfect cycle.

Lin Zhi understood the principle in an instant.

At this time, Huzi continued to point to the psychic tower and beacon tower on the distant city wall and said, "They were all warriors who died in the war with the aliens. After their death, their souls were placed in the mechanical spiritual plants and continued to guard the Great Wall." . The soul that lives in the beacon tower was the gardener during his lifetime, and the soul that lives in the psychic tower, the mechanical puppet, the tank, and the fighter plane is the favored one."

"I see!"

Lin Zhi immediately understood everything. No wonder how a battalion with a total of more than a thousand people including the God's Beloved could defend a section of the Great Wall that was 50,000 kilometers long, including Guancheng.

50,000 kilometers is equivalent to more than one circle around the earth in the previous life. Even the supersonic aircraft in the previous life would take more than a day to fly.

The world in this life is too big. Without Meng Xingchen to carry him, and without taking the teleportation array, even if he landed from the Black Ice Continent closest to the Great Wall, he would have to walk across the continent for more than half a year.

The Great Mechanical Wall stretches from the westernmost edge of the Black Ice Continent to the middle of the Aoki Forest in the east, with a total length of almost 900 million kilometers.

The Great Wall has 900 million kilometers, and only one gate will be set up every 50,000 kilometers to station a battalion of troops.

Lin Zhi had never understood before that even with the height of the Psionic Tower and the Great Wall itself, more than 1,000 people couldn't defend such a long distance, right?

Now, he learned the truth from Huzi.

It turned out that all the mechanical spiritual plants he saw had human souls in them.

No wonder I have heard a sentence before:

The mechanical Great Wall of human civilization will grow.

The reason is that the Great Wall is made up of mechanical spiritual plants.

Mechanical spiritual plants, like other spiritual plants, can naturally be cultivated, grown and evolved.

Especially after merging with humans, listening to Hu Zi's wishes, the integration of man and machine will not only make it easier to control the spiritual plant, but also fine-tune the direction of the growth and strengthening of the spiritual plant, achieving more than 90% chance of successful positive evolution.

No matter how powerful human beings are, it is impossible to build a city in another world that is 900 million kilometers long, more than 100 meters high, and more than 300 meters wide, with 180,000 gates in a few decades.

In fact, every part of this Great Wall is composed of mechanical spiritual plants parasitized by countless sages of mankind.

When Lin Zhi looked at the Great Wall again, what he saw was no longer the cold metal, but "our flesh and blood to build a new Great Wall!"

It turns out that the reason why humans have been able to defeat alien civilizations and achieve immortality is precisely because of the sacrifices of countless sages from generation to generation!

Thinking of this, he thought of the rat head in the cafeteria of Yujun University, of the cursed psychic energy exchanged for him by the Logistics Department, and of the logistics disruption caused by the Guangmen tofu shoddy project.

He couldn't help but be filled with resentment towards the blood-sucking worms in civilization.

If the Great Wall is breached, these sages of the human race...

Lin Zhi didn't dare to think about it.

"Hey, I'm just chatting with you, and I'm only doing half of my job."

Huzi sighed, "Please go to the warehouse and get some bags of extraordinary metal. I need to patch this tank."

"Can any extraordinary metal be used?" Lin Zhi asked.

"Of course not, but the warehouse resources are not that complete now. The trauma is not a problem, so we can only make do with it."


Under Huzi's guidance, Lin Zhi went to the warehouse to collect supplies.

Then, he saw a ragged folk adventure group surrounded by several pink-faced teenagers in gorgeous clothes.

"What kind of beggar dared to block our young master's way? He wasted time and failed to exchange for fire seeds, which caused the evolution of our master's spiritual plant to fail. Can you afford to pay for it?"

A young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said sternly.

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