
In the ragged crowd, a strong man stared at the arrogant guy with his eyes wide open.

If there was no one holding him back, the axe in his hand would probably hit the other person's head.

"Let me tell you, my young master is the second son of the current head of the Wen family. Wen Qingyu, you are blocking the way here and delaying my young master's fire change. Can you afford the compensation?"

"Captain, we can't let him change. I heard that there are less than 100 fires left in the warehouse, and he wants to change them all by himself." The strong man who was stopped shouted

So, a middle-aged man walked out of the ragged crowd and clasped his fists to the pale-faced boy and said, "Young Master Wen, can you leave some room for this matter? A member of our Yanqi team was injured and urgently needs fire to survive. Please..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the boy, "I am at a critical moment in the evolution of the spiritual plant. If you delay time, you will only lose one team member, but I will lose the future of a spiritual plant! I still know what is important and what is not."

"You..." The strong man struggled and waved the axe to hit him.

"Haha, impotent rage. These 100 fire seeds have been locked by me for half a month using honorary military ranks, and no one has ever exceeded my authority. Why don't you go and exchange them?"

The pink-faced boy sneered, "They are just trash who don't work hard to improve their honorary military ranks! Don't you see what kind of stuff you are? After decades of cultivation, they are just dogs. The strongest of a group of people is only at the peak of the Red Moon Realm. This level of cultivation is despised by the doorkeeper in my house."

The sharp-nosed and monkey-faced boy next to him also echoed: "Master, even if they work hard for a lifetime, they are still trash. How can they compare with your family's thousand years of struggle?"

"Fuck you, you locked up military supplies for half a month in wartime just to book materials for upgrading spiritual plants, your uncle!"

The strong man cursed.

"I have an honorary military rank, and there is no law that prohibits me from occupying military supplies in wartime. But you... went to the Red Fire Desert to complete a reconnaissance mission, and it was delayed for three days. You still have the face to exchange fire seeds to save people?"


Through the conversation and the explanation of the person next to him, Lin Zhi finally figured out what was going on.

The two sides of the dispute, the pink-faced boy is the second son of the current head of the Wen family, a third-rate family in Yu County, named Wen Qingyu. His brother Wen Baiyu is an elite genius and is a classmate of Lin Zhi.

Wen Qingyu's talent is worse. He is just a genius with 63 pieces of source soil. He did not get into Yu County University, but inherited an honorary military rank with the help of his family's relationship and entered a military school in Yu County.

Then, through family relationships, he was transferred to the Wild Beast World Army for internship and gilding. After graduation, he can at least get a battalion commander position.

The so-called honorary military rank is the military rank awarded by the alliance to soldiers who have made great contributions. There is no real power, but they can enjoy corresponding treatment and can be inherited.

This policy is actually very good, but the disadvantage is that it is inherited. No matter how great a person's contribution is, how can it last forever?

In other words, how much contribution does a person need to make to satisfy the welfare of lasting forever?

Wen Qingyu relied on his honorary military rank to lock up the 100 fire seeds in the Guancheng warehouse, ready to exchange them for use when his spiritual plants needed evolution and breakthrough.

Fire seeds are strategic materials and are widely used in mechanical spiritual plants. Except for using military merits to exchange in military camps, it is difficult to buy them from the outside world.

There is an unwritten rule in general alliances, that is, the fire needs of frontline soldiers should be given priority over logistics personnel, and then over ordinary people.

After all, sometimes fire can save a soldier's life.

However, this unwritten rule is not written in the law. According to the law, officers with military ranks can indeed lock up military funds for a period of time.

The original purpose of formulating this law was to enable military officers to control the distribution of logistics materials so that everyone would not scramble and exchange them randomly, causing logistics problems.

Times have changed, things have changed, and now, this law has become a cancer.

However, although the alliance seems to be strong, various institutions are becoming more and more bloated and inefficient. This "small problem" cannot be easily changed.

So, contradictions arise.

On this side, the ragged men belonged to the Yan 7th Team under the "Flying Swallow" Corps stationed at the Great Wall.

They were on a reconnaissance mission before, but due to some accident, they returned three days late. The Flying Swallow Corps had already exchanged positions with the Sparrow Corps and left.

A member of the Yan 7th Team was injured during the mission and urgently needed fire to heal his wounds. He came to exchange fire, but was told that the fire had been locked by Wen Qingyu.

So there was a conflict.

"How can we let them exchange fire?"

Lin Zhi asked the person next to him.

"Of course, the rank is higher than the other party. In fact, the Yan 7th Team has made great contributions this time. It should not be difficult to exchange a fire, after all, they have detected important intelligence.

But the news is sent back to the headquarters, and then confirmed, and finally the process of upgrading the rank to the rank is completed in all manuals. It will take at least half a month, but time waits for no one. If it is delayed for a few more days, the member will die."

"Where is the battalion commander?"

Lin Zhi thought of Mu Yuan. The other party is the battalion commander, so the authority should be enough, right?

"Hey, Wen Qingyu's honorary rank is also battalion commander!"

"Fuck you!!!"

Lin Zhi was stunned. My goodness, has the Wen family gone crazy? Letting a second-generation rich man inherit the rank of battalion commander?

"What's so surprising about this? There are so many detachments in Yu County, Sparrow, Flying Swallow, and Blue Bird are all funded by these families. Although the Wen family is only a third-rate family, it is also a thousand-year-old family that ordinary people can hardly reach!"

"With him in Guancheng, Captain Mu's control over logistics materials will be very weak."

"Not entirely, there are still certain restrictions on honorary military ranks, but these 100 fire seeds really can't do anything to him."

The person next to him said.

"Is there no other way?" Lin Zhi asked unwillingly.

Emotionally, rationally, and in his heart, he really didn't want to see the ugly face of Wen Qingyu.

As a member of human civilization, he would never want to see a termite that parasitizes on civilization and sucks blood hurt the hearts of the soldiers who defend their country.

"Are there any solutions? Maybe there is. That is military merit. The military merit system is controlled by the intelligent computer, and it is difficult for outsiders to interfere. The most important thing is that the increase and decrease of military merit are all real-time.

100 military merits can be exchanged for a lifetime honorary captain, 10,000 military merits can be exchanged for a lifetime honorary battalion commander, 1 million military commanders, 100 million military commanders, 10 billion military commanders, and 10 billion military commanders. If the military merits reach 1 trillion, the alliance can allow you to establish your own legion."

"In other words, as long as I can get a million military merits, I can directly exchange for a lifetime honorary commander?" Lin Zhi suddenly thought of the Scale Fire Magnesium Super Metal Ingot worth 10 billion that Meng Xingchen left for him.

I wonder how much military merit can be exchanged for Scale Fire Magnesium?

At Yujun University, due to the nature of welfare, only 1 point is needed to exchange a piece of Scale Fire Magnesium.

In the outside world, super metals are strategic materials, and one piece is worth tens of thousands of credit points.

He curiously clicked on his watch, connected to the military network manual, and checked the military merit exchange list.

Soon, the exchange price of Scale Fire Magnesium appeared in front of him.

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