Mu Yuan stared at the bird-beaked man riding on the bird in the air with a serious expression, and remained silent.

Around him, thousands of birds surrounded the air tightly.

These wild birds and beasts were different from the cannon fodder produced by the bird tree outside the Great Wall. Each of them had at least the peak rank of Blue Star.

The red bird in front of him was a wild beast of the Purple Sun rank.

"Today, my Red Phoenix Tribe will sacrifice you!"

The bird-beaked man waved his hand, and the bird under him turned into a beam of fire and rushed towards Mu Yuan.


Mu Yuan threw a tin nut and smashed it at the opposite side.

The bird spread its wings, and a red light instantly split the tin nut in half.

Its whole body passed through the two halves of the nut.

Mu Yuan leaned forward with his left hand, and countless metal vines woven into a big hand grabbed the bird.

The bird's figure was like a ghost, dodging the attack, and it opened its mouth and spit out a big fireball.

Mu Yuan fell down in a hurry, and the birds chased him closely, clawing at his head.

Other birds also surrounded him.

"Not good!"

Mu Yuan killed several birds that rushed up and dodged quickly, knowing that if he continued like this, he would be defeated sooner or later.

As one of the four golden tribes in the wild beast world, the gardener of the Red Phoenix tribe is like the gap between the children of the 36 counties and ordinary people in human civilization.

The strength of the wild beast summoned by the bird-beaked man is simply outrageous. He is at the peak of the Purple Sun Realm, but he was suppressed and could only run for his life.

Soon, Mu Yuan had nowhere to escape, just when the bird was about to pierce him.

Suddenly, the bird in the air suddenly stopped.


The bird-beaked man frowned and looked around.

The next moment, an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"How is it possible, how is this possible!!!"

He quickly jumped off the back of the bird, waved his hand, and summoned a huge mushroom on the ground.

As soon as he jumped onto the mushroom, a gray eagle flew over the red bird behind him.

If he had run a second later, the gray eagle would have pecked a big hole in his head.

"What happened?"

The bird-beaked man opened his soul land in doubt, and saw that there were fiery red grasses growing in his soul land, which flickered.

"Impossible, why can't Fenghun Linglan control these wild beasts?"

The next moment, he was so angry that he found that the birds in the sky were flying downwards, and he saw that the tree house below disappeared, and a green sycamore tree as high as 100 meters appeared.

The pink trumpet-like flowers on the sycamore tree competed for beauty, and there were dense spirit insects crawling on the branches.

The birds rushed to the sycamore tree and circled around its crown. Only the fiery red bird landed directly on the top crown, then pecked off a fat spirit insect, swallowed it into its stomach, and made a pleasant bird cry.

As it chirped, the remaining birds scrambled to land on the branches below.

"Impossible, how could my Phoenix Soul Lily plus the attraction of blood talent be out of control!!!" the bird-beaked man roared.

Under the Qifeng Qingtong, Lin Zhi picked a translation fruit that was produced by the "Unknown Aura" from under the Knowledge Tree. After eating it, he understood the language of the bird-beaked man.

Hearing his doubts, Lin Zhi couldn't help but laugh.

What Phoenix Soul Lily, is it worthy of Qifeng Qingtong?

What's more, just yesterday, Qifeng Qingtong, Laotan Pea, Fungal Mat Farm, and Knowledge Fruit Tree successfully accumulated enough accumulation for the Crescent Moon to evolve into a Crescent Moon.

After Qifeng Qingtong evolved, it gained the ability of "Tree Charm".

This is an ability to amplify the tree's own attraction.

For the birds led by the phoenix, the attraction of the qingtong tree is the most attractive among all the trees. Coupled with the effects of "tree charm" and spiritual insects, Lin Zhi was a little nervous at first. After really attracting the other party's birds and turning enemies into friends, he felt that this was natural.

If the qingtong tree that inhabits the phoenix in this world cannot attract the phoenix birds, then no other spiritual plants can attract them.

Lin Zhi's mind moved, and the red bird attracted by the qingtong tree soared into the sky, leading other birds to pounce on the bird-beaked man.

Facing the army of birds, the bird-beaked man was full of despair. Among the 81 spiritual plants in his source soil, 36 were phoenix soul lily, which together formed a soul control illusion array, which was a means to control the phoenix birds.

The gardener in the wild beast world also uses wild beasts as the main combat force, but there are also many branches, such as the violent soldier flow that produces wild beasts.

The summoning flow that controls wild beasts, the change flow that changes wild beasts, the parasitic flow that transforms wild beasts, etc.

His summoning style relies entirely on the birds he summons and controls. The remaining 45 spiritual plants are all production and logistics, similar to the mushrooms he summoned earlier, all of which are used to produce food to feed wild beasts.

Now that the birds have rebelled, he is suddenly worse than an ordinary person.


A gust of wind blew past him. It turned out that Mu Yuan had found a good opportunity. He dodged and captured him.

"Student Lin, control these birds to help defend the city. Be quick!" Mu Yuan captured the bird-beaked man, quickly landed on the ground, and flew to the Great Wall with Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi moved, and Qifeng Qingtong followed him.

Then he indirectly controlled the birds to move.

Soon, the two arrived at the top of the Great Wall.

Lin Zhi found that because there was no resource reserve, the place where this section of the Great Wall was destroyed, after the gardener's spirit was transmitted back to the central intelligence brain of the regional network, there was no way to summon mechanical spiritual plants again, which caused the Great Wall to be riddled with holes.

The puppet soldiers under the Great Wall had long been eliminated. Only a small number of psychic towers and gardeners of the Sparrow Legion on the Great Wall were still driving field tanks, fighter jets, etc. to fight the enemy.

In just a few minutes, the number of soldiers stationed in this fortress dropped sharply from thousands to less than a few hundred.

Lin Zhi moved his mind and transmitted the order to kill the enemy through Qifeng Qingtong.

The red bird moved immediately. Behind it, thousands of birds of at least the Blue Star Realm joined the battlefield, and the originally disadvantageous situation was reversed instantly.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the enemy's insect beast army was defeated.

Weak, the insect beasts produced by production-type spiritual plants are too weak, most of them are cannon fodder at the level of Baichen and Luchen.

Further away from the battlefield, hundreds of natives suddenly panicked.

The natives led by them were several bird-beaked men, who looked somewhat similar to the previous bird-beaked men.

"What's wrong with Feng Qi? Why is he attacking his own people?"

"I don't understand. Why is he crazy? Didn't we promise not to take action and let him take the credit for the siege? Isn't he satisfied?"

"This is simply too much!"

"Wait, look at the top of the city..."

"What, Feng Qi was captured? Hey, look at that tree..."




"That's right, it's it... the immortal fire tree in ancient legends." Someone showed a greedy look

"Don't be delusional. With this immortal fire tree, our Chifeng clan can't do anything to the other side. Let's retreat. It won't work here. We can only take a detour. It's important."


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