The red bird stagnated in the sky. It spit out a hot fire dragon and penetrated the tall abyssal cordyceps in the distance. Then it swept through the bird tree, defeated the bubble kelp, and completely destroyed the enemy's production units.

Then, it hovered in the air and returned to Qifeng Qingtong.

Other birds returned similarly and alighted on the branches.

The war came to an end for the time being, and Lin Zhi couldn't help but look carefully at the red birds on the Qingtong tree.

First of all, it is ruled out that this bird is a phoenix, and it does not look like a red bird. It looks like a sparrow magnified hundreds or thousands of times.

The only difference from the sparrow is that its body is red, and its feathers are as hard as iron and shimmer with cold light.

Lin Zhi curiously took out the phoenix feathers he had obtained from Liu Bugui before and compared them with the feathers on the bird.

At this time, Feiqiao seemed to sense something and opened his eyes to look at Lin Zhi.

Immediately, Lin Zhi seemed to see disdain in its eyes.

I saw the phoenix feather in my hand suddenly being forcibly pulled into the sky by a force, and the bird opened its mouth and spit out a fireball.

The fireball covered the bird's feathers, and in just a few breaths, it melted into ashes.


Lin Zhi was stunned. It was hard to imagine that the so-called phoenix feathers were just burned into ashes. Needless to say, this thing must be fake.

Can fake phoenix feathers activate the teleportation array?

Lin Zhi already had the answer in his mind.

So, the Dog Lovers Association was deceived by the indigenous people?

The so-called bird feathers they took to activate the altar were fake at all, so this mission was a cover from the beginning. So what was the purpose of the indigenous people deceiving the Dog Lovers Association?

Lin Zhi couldn't figure it out and didn't want to guess. He directly told the news to Mu Yuan who had returned from cleaning the battlefield.

At this time, Mu Yuan looked sad and said, "Thanks to you in this battle, we were not defeated. However, there are only 217 people left in the battalion of more than a thousand people."


Lin Zhi said slowly.

"Sacrifices in war are inevitable, and we have been prepared. But what I cannot accept is that the Great Wall was breached."

Mu Yuan's tone was heavy.

The myth that mankind's mechanical Great Wall is unbreakable has been maintained for thousands of years and has long become the belief of soldiers.

If the Great Wall is breached, people's faith will collapse and there will be no morale left.

"This is not something we can decide. I just discovered new information!"

Lin Zhi recounted what he had just discovered about the authenticity of the Phoenix Feather.

"This information is very important, I will report it right away!"

Mu Yuan quickly opened the virtual screen of his watch and sent a communication request.

However, as soon as he opened the screen, he saw an order from the Sparrow Legion headquarters:

"The defense line collection plan failed, everyone abandoned the Great Wall, collected resources and gathered them through the teleportation array, and then used the legion as a unit to build a war fortress."

War fortress is another form of the Great Wall, which is a "nail" type military facility.

In the current situation, the human legions are short of supplies and the regional network can barely support them. If they continue to adopt the Great Wall model, they will only be defeated one by one.

Changing to the war fortress mode means giving up the black ice continent that has been conquered for decades.

But at the same time, there is no pressure to guard the long border.

This is undoubtedly the best solution at the moment.

The predecessors have said that if you save the land and lose the people, you will lose both the people and the land. People and land are saved, and people and land are saved.

Immediately, Mu Yuan ordered the supplies to be collected and the teleportation array activated.

In fact, there is nothing to deal with. The supplies have been exhausted, and most of the city is composed of mechanical spiritual plants. After they retreat, the gardener Yingling directly returns the mechanical spiritual plants to the origin, and then commits suicide to return to the local Skynet.

The way the Gardener Heroic Soul commits suicide and returns is to return to defense faster.

Of course, after they leave, a heroic spirit with "Light Wave Trumpet" and "Teleportation Formation Lotus" will be left behind.

Because the teleportation array requires the use of the network, soul transmission also requires the use of the network.

After everyone was sent away by him, if he, who owned the light wave speaker, did not have an Internet connection, his soul would not be able to be uploaded after he committed suicide.

If his soul wants to be uploaded, he needs to commit suicide. His suicide will cause the light wave speaker he owns to disappear and the Internet will be disconnected.

Therefore, his fate was destined to be death.

When he heard the news, Lin Zhi felt uncomfortable, and the figure of the gardener's heroic figure grew taller and taller in his heart.

After returning the golden stalagmite VI to the source soil, he, Mu Yuan and others set up a teleportation array and left this place.

After all the living people left, the gardener heroes who made up the Great Wall also took back the mechanical nuts, psychic tower wood, iron heart lotus and other mechanical spiritual plants that made up the city wall.

Then, they committed suicide and returned to the regional network.

The Great Wall, which was a hundred meters high and had no end in sight, disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, leaving only a teleportation array and light wave morning glory in place.

These two spiritual plants harbor the soul of a gardener.

Black Ice Continent, the original "Sea Shrimp Tribe".

Lin Zhi followed Mu Yuan and others through the teleportation array, only to feel a bright white light, which was so exciting that he couldn't open his eyes.

The world around him was spinning, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a huge basin surrounded by "mountains".

If you look closely, you will see that the so-called mountains are actually made of mechanical nuts.

"Here we are, the fortress formed by our Sparrow Legion!"

Mu Yuan opened his mouth and led more than two hundred people behind him out of the teleportation array.

As soon as they came out of the teleportation array, Lin Zhi found that they were in a huge square. There were teleportation arrays on the edge of the square, and many battalions with serious personnel shortages came out of them.

He even saw that the number of people who walked out of some teleportation arrays was less than the number of hands.

"Hey, it seems that not only us, but almost all the cities have been attacked."

Mu Yuan sighed.

"After all, the incident happened suddenly. Who could have thought that the light gate would fail, the Skynet would be disconnected, and the enemy's surprise attack would be launched almost at the same time?"

Lin Zhi comforted.

At this time, a man flew from the sky with a handsome boy.

Lin Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at the boy next to the man.

Coincidentally, he knew this person, it was Ji Wuming.

And the man with him looked 70% similar to him.

"This is our Sparrow Corps leader, Ji Long." Mu Yuan introduced Lin Zhi in a low voice.

Oh, that's it.

No wonder this person looks so much like Ji Wuming, it turns out that they are both Ji family members.

Ji Long flew to the high platform in the center of the square, looking at the miserable soldiers, sadness appeared on his face, and he said with tears:

"Warriors, I, Ji Long, thank you for your dedication and sacrifice for human civilization!"

As he spoke, he bent down deeply and bowed.


The soldiers shouted hurriedly.

"I'm sorry, there was a problem with our logistics department. A hateful corruption case occurred, which led to the Light Gate incident. Civilization will give you and the dead soldiers an explanation. The culprit must be punished with nine generations of his clan!"

Ji Long continued, "But now is not the time to pursue responsibility, but we must persist until the Light Gate is repaired and Skynet is reconnected. Only in this way can we avoid being pushed back to the Purple Gold Floating Island, and the blood and sweat of countless ancestors for decades will not be in vain!"

"For civilization!"

The soldiers shouted below.

"For humanity!"

The roars were deafening. For people like Lin Zhi, it was hard for him to imagine why these soldiers could sacrifice their lives for civilization and shed their blood without fear of life and death.

But not understanding did not prevent him from being full of respect for these soldiers.

It is precisely because of their successive and fearless sacrifice that human civilization can go through the hundreds of thousands of years of other civilizations in just five thousand years and advance from barbarism to immortality.

It is because of them that civilization can prosper and countless people live in a relatively peaceful environment.

"However, our supplies are not enough to last for five days! Defending is just waiting to die, so our Sparrow Corps will take the initiative to attack, go deep into the enemy, hunt, plunder, and destroy the enemy tribe!"

Ji Long waved his hand, and a huge mechanical warship appeared in the air, with circles of divine rings on the warship, dazzling.

"Warriors! Are you willing to kill the enemy with me?"

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