National Job Change, I Rely On Exploiting Summoning Creatures To Become Stronger

Chapter 75 Synthesize [Phantom Mask], The Capitalists Have Made A Lot Of Money!

"1.8 million damage?"

"How... is this possible? Damn guy, you're clearly so strong, yet you've been hiding and not coming out..."

Looking at the blood-red damage in the sky, the misty woman was first shocked and incredulous. Then, that shock and disbelief turned into anger and humiliation.

She had thought she was the most powerful!

She had repeatedly threatened others before!

She had thought others were like mice, hiding and not daring to come out!

She had confidently advised others to hand over the legendary components, wanting to compensate them!

But little did she know, in the eyes of others, all her actions were like that of a clown.

She angrily took out a mask shimmering with purple light and threw it on the ground. Then, she swiftly disappeared.

Only a few drops of tears of grievance remained, floating in the air like sparkling diamonds.

"I, the Ice Fairy, have never been so humiliated! This matter is not over!" The misty woman returned to her dormitory at Yalong University, full of resentment.

"The final legendary component of the 'Illusion Demon Mask' is finally in hand!"

Looking at the purple mask on the ground, Ye Chuan's mind moved, and in the next instant, that mask shimmering with a faint purple demonic light appeared in the 'Shadow World'.

System prompt: "Congratulations on successfully collecting all nine components of the legendary equipment 'Illusion Demon Mask'. Please confirm if you want to synthesize the complete 'Illusion Demon Mask'?"

"Reminder: After synthesizing the complete 'Illusion Demon Mask', the level of its use will increase to level 30!"

"What? After synthesizing the complete 'Illusion Demon Mask', the level of its use will increase to level 30?"

"Isn't this a scam? I'm only level 10, and you're giving me level 30 equipment. So, this 'Illusion Demon Mask' wasn't meant for me at all!"

Looking at the system's reminder, Ye Chuan's face instantly darkened, feeling very unhappy.

Finally obtaining a piece of legendary equipment, but not being able to use it, was truly a disappointment.

Moreover, the most frustrating part was that among all the professionals participating in the legendary battle, let alone the misty woman, who could use it immediately after obtaining it, the other seven disposable characters, although they couldn't use it right away, with their levels in the twenties, they wouldn't have to wait long.

But for him, the true victor, it would be a long time before he could use it.

It was simply infuriating.

The more Ye Chuan thought about it, the angrier he became. He was about to give up on synthesizing when a flash of inspiration suddenly crossed his mind.

"Wait, I remember, my talent 'Spiritual Armament' seems to be able to change the level of equipment according to my level?"

"Then if I first convert the legendary components of the 'Illusion Demon Mask' into 'Spiritual Armament', and then synthesize the complete 'Illusion Demon Mask', will the new 'Illusion Demon Mask' be level 30 or change according to my level?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan's eyes brightened, and his spirits lifted.

He first checked his talent to make sure he hadn't remembered the attributes of 'Spiritual Armament' incorrectly, and then he began to use his talent 'Spiritual Armament'.

System prompt: "Detected that you have the new equipment 'Illusion Demon Mask' legendary component. Are you sure you want to use the talent 'Spiritual Armament' to convert it into a spiritual armament?"

Reminder: "After converting the 'Illusion Demon Mask' into a spiritual armament, it will change according to your level. Once your level exceeds 10, the level of the 'Illusion Demon Mask' will also exceed 10. The changes in level and attributes will make the 'Illusion Demon Mask' become an independent equipment that can no longer be used to synthesize a complete legendary equipment!"

"Once the level of the 'Illusion Demon Mask' reaches level 11, it can no longer be used to synthesize a complete legendary equipment?"

"Fortunately, my current level is just 10. Even if I convert the 'Illusion Demon Mask' into a spiritual armament, I can still use it to synthesize a complete legendary equipment!"

Looking at the content of the reminder, Ye Chuan's eyes slightly lit up, then his lips curled slightly, and without hesitation, he chose to confirm.

System prompt: "Conversion successful. Your 'Illusion Demon Mask' legendary component has been successfully converted into a spiritual armament!"

System prompt: "Detected owner of [Spirit Armament], has completed a career promotion, [Spirit Armament] advancement function is officially open."

[Spirit Armament: Legendary component 1, Dark Gold component 1, Silver component 12, overall evaluation: Silver-tier Spirit Armament.

Advancement task 1: Golden-grade equipment essence (0/24).

Advancement task 2: Experience points (0%)."

Friendly reminder: "The advancement task of [Spirit Armament] can only be triggered after completing a career promotion! If the existing advancement task is not completed, a new one cannot be triggered."

"Is the advancement function officially open?"

Looking at the sudden system prompt, Ye Chuan's eyes lit up and he became excited.

Indeed, the talent of [Spirit Armament] mentioned that after transforming equipment into [Spirit Armament], its quality can be improved.

But until now, Ye Chuan hadn't figured out how to advance.

Only now did he realize that this [Spirit Armament] advancement function would only appear after he completed a career promotion.

Ye Chuan carefully looked at the advancement tasks and immediately had an idea.

Let's not talk about experience points, which only showed progress without indicating the exact amount needed. However, with his current leveling speed, no matter how many experience points he needed, it didn't matter.

The difficulty lies in the requirement of 24 golden-grade equipment essences.

It should be noted that a piece of golden equipment can at most yield one golden-grade equipment essence when decomposed.

Having 24 golden-grade equipment essences meant that he had to decompose 24 pieces of golden equipment, which was not a small number.

"I currently only have one piece of golden-quality [Shadow Shoes], but this golden equipment is a rare level 9 golden equipment. It's obviously impossible to use it for decomposition."

"Perhaps I can exchange this golden equipment with my teacher for a few pieces of golden equipment of other levels."

Ye Chuan pondered while stroking his chin.

Because bosses below level 10 were extremely rare, and there were almost no high-level bosses, equipment below level 10 was considered very scarce.

Especially those high-quality equipment, they were even rarer.

The same golden equipment, a level 9 golden equipment was worth at least a hundred or even a thousand times more than a golden equipment of level ten or above.

Even those level 50 or 60 golden equipment didn't have the value of a level 9 golden equipment.

In the end, rarity determines value.

Unlike level 10 and above equipment, which can be crafted by secondary professions, dropped in high-difficulty instances, or obtained from field bosses, the sources are diverse.

Therefore, although golden equipment above level 10 is still very expensive, it is much cheaper compared to level 9 golden equipment.

Of course, the most important reason among them is the [Novice Career Promotion Assessment].

Level 9 is a critical period for participating in the [Novice Career Promotion Assessment]. All professionals are desperately pursuing top-quality equipment in order to achieve a high score.

As a result, the prices of their equipment naturally differ from other equipment.

According to Ye Chuan's knowledge, the Tianxing City Professional Guild has collected a large number of level 9 top-quality equipment specifically for rent to those participating in the [Novice Career Promotion Assessment]. Unfortunately, even after so many years, they still haven't managed to gather a complete set of level 9 silver equipment.

From this, one can understand how rare level 9 high-quality equipment is.

Therefore, what Ye Chuan said before, treating the [Ultimate Trial Set] as the Ye family's heirloom, was not an exaggeration.

It's just a pity that the current [Ultimate Trial Set] has become the [Spirit Armament], so it's impossible to treat it as an heirloom anymore.

"I wonder where Xiya is now. Hopefully, she hasn't been captured again!"

"I still need to quickly become stronger and then go to the Elf Clan!"

Thinking of the family heirloom, Ye Chuan's mind once again flashed with Xiya's pure and shy eyes, that kind of youthfulness was truly moving.

"No, I can't think about it anymore, I have to focus on the task at hand!"

Ye Chuan shook his head vigorously and then clicked on the equipped 【Phantom Demon Mask】, and selected synthesis.

System prompt: "Are you sure you want to synthesize the complete legendary equipment 【Phantom Demon Mask】?"

"Just this?"

Ye Chuan quietly looked at the system prompt, and only after two seconds, he suddenly laughed.

"Even the warm reminder is gone, it seems that there won't be any problems with this synthesis!"

Ye Chuan smiled slightly and selected confirm.

In the next instant, the 9 pieces of 【Phantom Demon Mask】 legendary components instantly fused together with Ye Chuan's 【Phantom Demon Mask】 as the core.

With the fusion of the 9 masks, the purple light in the void became stronger and stronger.

And that, is also the symbol of legendary history.

The original 【Phantom Demon Mask】 was just a legendary component, so the purple magic light was very faint. But at this moment, the complete 【Phantom Demon Mask】, the purple magic light was rich, mysterious, and profound, giving people a feeling of depth.

Just like facing a purple ocean.

System prompt: "You have successfully synthesized the legendary equipment 【Phantom Demon Mask】!"

【Phantom Demon Mask: Mask, legendary equipment, elf armament, level 30, defense +4200, HP +42000|all attributes +4200.

Attached attribute——————Legendary Mask: After equipping the Phantom Demon Mask, you can create three false identities for yourself, with customizable names, appearances, and attributes, and be immune to reconnaissance skills of players below level 90.

Explanation: This is a very special equipment, originally a level 30 legendary equipment that can only be equipped by players above level 30. But because of the talent of 【Elf Armament】, you equipped it in advance, and its attributes have not been weakened.】

"Hiss, am I going crazy!"

"A piece of equipment, actually has all attributes +4200?"

Ye Chuan carefully looked at the attributes of the 【Phantom Demon Mask】, and couldn't help but take a cold breath, because this was simply too abnormal.

You have to know, how much attributes does a normal level 10 player have?

Having all attributes between 300-400 is already very good.

But him?

A 【Phantom Demon Mask】, actually provides a full 4200 attributes.

This is simply defying the heavens!

"It truly is a legendary equipment. This equipment, no matter which level 10 player it's given to, I'm afraid it can instantly boost their strength!"

"Unfortunately, besides me, there are no other level 10 players who can equip a level 30 legendary equipment!" Ye Chuan looked at the attributes of the 【Phantom Demon Mask】 with a smile, almost laughing crookedly.

However, the basic attributes are not the most important!

The most important thing is the additional attribute.

The original 【Phantom Demon Mask】 was just a legendary component, so the attribute was very simple, it didn't even have a name.

Only at this moment, after synthesizing the complete legendary equipment, the attribute became complete.

And it also had the name of 【Legendary Mask】.

It must be said that it truly is a legendary equipment's attribute, even the name of the attribute carries the word "legendary", and the effect is also very powerful.

【Scouting skills for professionals below level 90 immune!】

It's simply invincible!

What is level 90?

Ye Chuan only said one thing, that is, including the Asian Dragon Empire, the highest level professionals in the entire Yuanxing Alliance are only level 79!

And compared to level 90, level 79 is still two levels lower.

In the Yuanxing Alliance, which includes human NPC forces, they are considered the greatest super strong.

So, what does it mean to be immune to scouting skills for professionals below level 90 can be easily imagined.

Unless encountering a scouting treasure that surpasses the rank of the "Phantom Demon Mask", no one in the entire Yuanxing Alliance can see his true attributes.

"With this "Phantom Demon Mask", I can finally be completely at ease!"

"As long as my abnormal attributes are not exposed, everything will be fine! From now on, I am just a "Skeleton Summoner" skilled in summoning and sea tactics."

Ye Chuan touched his chin with satisfaction.

Just then, a system prompt suddenly appeared.

"The Legendary Battle has ended. In 10 seconds, all professionals who participated in the Legendary Battle will return..."

"You have lost 2.72 million+ skeleton soldiers in this Legendary Battle!"

"You have successfully activated the talent "Legacy Plunder", gaining +135,826 physical power!"

"You have successfully activated the talent "Legacy Plunder", gaining +68,622 spirit!"

"You have successfully activated the talent "Legacy Plunder", gaining +68,518 intelligence!"

"You have successfully activated the talent "Legacy Plunder", and you have obtained the talent "Thorn Aura" at level Iv1 * 2. With the fusion of the same talent, your "Thorn Aura" talent has reached level Iv3... (King's...)"

"You have successfully activated the talent "Legacy Plunder", and you have obtained the talent "Command Aura" at level Ivl. With the fusion of the same talent, your "Command Aura" talent has reached level v3..."

"You have successfully activated the talent "Legacy Plunder", and you have obtained the talent "Copper Skin Iron Bones" at level Ivl * 7. With the fusion of the same talent, your "Copper Skin Iron Bones" talent has reached level v10...

[Soul Talent 6 - Thorn Aura: Passive, lv3, when receiving physical attack damage, it will rebound 40% of the damage to the enemy. This aura can be shared with all friendly units within a range of 1000 meters.]

[Soul Talent 7 - Command Aura: Passive, lv3, increases the basic attack power of all friendly units by 50%. This aura can be shared with all friendly units within a range of 1000 meters.]

[Soul Talent 9 - Copper Skin Iron Bones: Passive, lv10, defense +50,000.]

Indeed, it's a super harvest!

"135,000 strength attribute, 68,000 spirit and intelligence attributes!"

"In addition, "Thorn Aura" has increased by 2 levels, "Command Aura" has increased by 1 level, and the "Copper Skin Iron Bones" talent has increased by 7 levels!"

"Well, the "Copper Skin Iron Bones" talent is now at maximum level! Unfortunately, at maximum level, the "Copper Skin Iron Bones" talent only adds 50,000 defense!"

"At this stage, it looks good, but in the future, it will be tough!"

After all, that misty woman is only level 34, and her AOE skills have over 80,000 damage, while her single-target skills have at least 120,000 damage. 50,000 defense is not enough!

But it seems that what I need is a strong early-stage talent!

After all, I already have enough late-stage talents. At this stage, a talent that can increase my defense by 50,000 in one go is more powerful than many late-stage talents!

As for the problem of not being powerful enough in the late stage, by then, I should have been able to brush up on my physique attributes.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan's mood suddenly became even better.

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