National Job Change, I Rely On Exploiting Summoning Creatures To Become Stronger

Chapter 76 Wave A Million Troops, His Majesty's Reward Has Arrived!

A few seconds later, the 10-second countdown finally ended.

As the surrounding world quickly blurred, in the next instant, Ye Chuan's figure had returned to the 14th floor of the Heavenly Tower.

Ye Chuan glanced at the situation in the Shadow Space and discovered that the seven NPCs inside had disappeared.

"Sure enough, this damn system only knows how to cause trouble!" Ye Chuan shook his head with some frustration.

"Fortunately, my gains this time are already substantial!"

Ye Chuan looked at his attributes:

[Attribute Panel]

[Name: Ye Chuan]

[Profession: Skeleton Summoner (Trainee)]

[Level: Level 10 (-0%)]

[Basic Attributes: Strength 376,000, Agility 8,718, Constitution 9,170, Spirit 193,000 [Intelligence 193,000]]

[Special Attribute: Luck 10]

[Health: 195,000]

[Mana: 5.41 million]

[Physical Attack: 1.13 million]

[Spell Attack: 580,000]

[Defense: 146,000]

[Movement Speed: 881.8 meters/second]

[Attack Speed: 88.18 times/second]

"195,000 health, 5.41 million mana, 1.13 million physical attack, 580,000 spell attack, plus 146,000 defense and a basic movement speed of 881.8 meters/second!"

"Sigh, my current strength is really abnormal."

As soon as Ye Chuan looked at his attributes, he couldn't help but be amazed.

Because these attributes were truly abnormal.

For example, the mana value reaching a staggering 5.41 million.

With such a huge amount of mana, when casting the "Summon Skeleton Technique," he could summon 1.08 million level 9 skeleton soldiers in one go.

To put it simply, it was like summoning a million-strong army with a wave of his hand.

Compared to the "City War God's Return" summoning a hundred thousand army, it was nothing in front of his "Summon Skeleton Technique."

Another example was the basic movement speed of 881.8 meters/second.

If he were to use the "Wings of the Elf" skill and the "Shadow Space" skill, his maximum speed would probably reach 88,180 meters/second.

That was a speed of 88.18 kilometers/second!

No matter what kind of aircraft, they could only eat his dust from behind.

In short, every attribute had greatly increased compared to before.

His strength had also undergone a qualitative change compared to before.

However, although the gains were great, there were also some not-so-good aspects.

That was, the size of the Shadow Space had once again increased!

Previously, it was only a radius of over 23,000 meters, but now it had directly become a radius of over 190,000 meters.

Spread out, it was enough to cover over ten thousand square kilometers.

Even the vast Tianxing City outside could be enveloped by his Shadow Space, more than a thousand times over.

Once it appeared in the outside world, it would make headlines in no time.

"This large Shadow Space, speaking of it, should be considered a happy trouble!"

"Unfortunately, no matter how happy it is, trouble is still trouble. I still need to quickly find a way to completely control the ability to make the Shadow Space smaller!"

Ye Chuan sighed with some frustration.

He thought about the skill advancement task he triggered earlier, the "Shadow Space" skill!

Just by killing a level 10 or above "Shadow Earth Demon," his "Shadow Space" skill could successfully advance to the apprentice level.

By then, he might be able to master the ability to make the "Shadow Space" smaller.

However, those kinds of monsters, the "Shadow Earth Demons," were not easy to find.

"Maybe I can check the professional forum?" Ye Chuan suddenly had an idea and immediately transformed back into human form. He took out his phone and logged into the professional forum to search for information about the "Shadow Earth Demons."

As soon as he tapped on his phone, a large number of posts about the "Shadow Earth Demons" appeared.

The "Shadow Earth Demons" were super monsters that lived in the underground world. As super monsters, they naturally possessed powerful shadow abilities. They liked to hide in the shadows, waiting for prey to approach before launching a sudden attack. Some "Shadow Earth Demons" could even transform into shadows and directly pass through the soil, diving deep underground.

Legend has it that there were even talented and mutated "Shadow Earth Demons" who mastered spatial shadow abilities, but whether this was true or not was unknown.

In any case, if you were exploring places like dungeons or underground cracks, you had to be careful of the "Shadow Earth Demons." If you saw a place that was particularly dark or had thick shadows, you had to be on guard against the sudden attacks of the "Shadow Earth Demons." For such abnormal places, it was best to use long-range attack skills to probe first!

The first post was an introduction to the "Shadow Earth Demons."

To Ye Chuan's surprise, the post only mentioned that the "Shadow Earth Demons" naturally possessed powerful shadow abilities and could hide in the shadows or even transform into shadows to overcome obstacles.

However, it did not mention the ability of "Shadow Space" at all.

Even when it mentioned that the "Shadow Earth Demons" mastered spatial shadow abilities, it was in a very uncertain tone and choice of words.

Seeing this, Ye Chuan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

He had thought that the ability of "Shadow Space" was something all "Shadow Earth Demons" could master.

But now, according to the post, it seemed that the ability of the "Shadow Earth Demons" to master spatial shadow abilities was just a rumor and could not be confirmed at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

"While others are still half-believing and half-doubting about whether the 'Shadow Earth Demons' can master shadow spatial abilities, I can already be very certain that the 'Shadow Earth Demons' indeed possess shadow spatial abilities..."

"Of course, maybe only a very small number of talented and mutated 'Shadow Earth Demons' have mastered this kind of ability?"

"But all of this is not very important. What's important is that I need to find a level 10 or above 'Shadow Earth Demon' to complete my task!"

Ye Chuan continued reading.

"According to the post owner's words, the 'Shadow Earth Demons' generally hide in deep underground places, such as dungeons or underground cracks. However, I can't specifically search for those places..."

"So, I need to locate them accurately first, and then strike at the designated location!"

Ye Chuan continued reading the posts below.

The following posts were all over the place, discussing dissecting the "Shadow Earth Demons," using them as ingredients for cooking, and using their blood to refine medicine...

Ye Chuan's horizons were broadened, but unfortunately, they were of no use for his task.

After flipping through for a while, Ye Chuan finally saw a useful post.

"Today was really dangerous. I never expected to encounter a 'Shadow Earth Demon.' Luckily, I've been afraid of the dark since I was young. When I saw that place was unusually dark, I instinctively cast a 'Fireball' spell, only to realize it was a 'Shadow Earth Demon.' I almost wet myself..."

"Great! I finally saw someone posting about encountering a 'Shadow Earth Demon!'" Ye Chuan's eyes lit up, and he became excited. He immediately sent a private message.

"May I ask for the location of the 'Shadow Earth Demon'? I'm willing to pay, and the price is negotiable. If interested, please contact me at V number XXX88XXX."

After sending the private message, Ye Chuan waited for a few seconds.

Seeing no reply, he shook his head and smiled.

"It's not likely that someone will immediately respond to a late-night private message."

"Let's take a look at other posts."

Ye Chuan continued to browse through other posts about the "Shadow Earth Demons," but unfortunately, they were all about gossip, joining in the fun, refining medicine, crafting, and cooking.

Seriously, I couldn't find any posts about the "Shadow Voldemort" that I was looking for.

After spending hours on the forum and finding nothing else, I reluctantly put away my phone.

Thanks to becoming a professional, my physical and mental abilities have greatly increased. Even though it's already 3 a.m., Ye Chuan still doesn't feel the slightest bit sleepy.

At this time, it would actually be a good choice to go out and level up!

But as a novice professional, without the approval of the city lord's mansion, there's no way he can leave the city.

"Sigh, if only I had gone to the city lord earlier to get a pass!"

Ye Chuan scratched his head in frustration.

By now, the staff at the city lord's mansion have already finished work.

Of course, he could go find the city lord and have him personally issue a pass.

With the city lord's high regard for him, he's not afraid of making the city lord angry. But the problem is, why do you need a pass in the middle of the night? Are you planning to level up outside the city in the middle of the night?

If he dares to say that to the city lord, he can forget about getting a pass!

"Forget it, the city lord has worked hard all day. I shouldn't bother him!"

"If there's anything, I'll wait until it's light out to talk. By then, I can also ask about the news on the 'Shadow Voldemort'!"

"For now, let's go to sleep."

Ye Chuan muttered to himself and decided not to go home. He decided to sleep in the Heavenly Tower instead. After all, he's alone no matter where he sleeps, and sleeping in the Heavenly Tower is safer.

He doesn't have to worry about being assassinated or anything like that.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan immediately found a place and comfortably went to sleep.

Imperial Capital City, Yalong University, student dormitory, Chang Mansion.

Just as the sky was getting light, Jiang Yuehan energetically got up.

She quickly got dressed, tied her hair, and freshened up. In just a few minutes, she had everything done.

"That damn guy, Ice Fairy has never been treated like this before. Just wait, once I find out your true identity, I'll make you regret it!"

Looking at her cold and beautiful reflection in the mirror, she clenched her fist and then left the room.

Soon, Jiang Yuehan arrived at Villa No. 3 and knocked on the door.

"Oh, our Ice Fairy, why are you out visiting so early today?" accompanied by a lazy yet charming voice, an elegant and enchanting beauty opened the door.

...Flowers please...

"What's wrong? I couldn't sleep all night, I'm so angry. Xiaoyu, you have to help me." Jiang Yuehan puffed up her cheeks and said angrily.

"Is it that serious? To make our Ice Fairy so angry, it seems that guy is quite formidable. Tell me, how can I help?" Xiaoyu welcomed Jiang Yuehan inside while showing interest.

"Help me find someone, it should be a man, but it could also be a woman. Level 10, or maybe even higher. Skilled in stealth and hiding, and should be a warrior profession with a high level of mastery in the 'Cleave' skill..." Jiang Yuehan recalled as she spoke.

"Is that all?" Xiaoyu exclaimed.

"That's all." Jiang Yuehan said apologetically.

"You really gave me a difficult task. At least give me a range, otherwise, with the world being so big, where should I even start looking?" Xiaoyu said helplessly.

"Hehe, if it wasn't difficult to find, I wouldn't have come to ask for Xiaoyu's help. I know Xiaoyu can do it, right?" Jiang Yuehan hugged Xiaoyu's leg and swayed back and forth, laughing.

"You have a way with words, but whether it works or not depends on luck..." Xiaoyu rolled her eyes helplessly.

"I've always been lucky, of course, there are occasional bad times!" Jiang Yuehan was originally very confident, but as she continued speaking, a hint of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Before today, her luck had always been good. When her application for the Legendary Battle was rejected, someone would forcefully initiate the battle.

Assistance was always readily available.

Unfortunately, her luck ran out in the end, and she crashed.

Tianxing City, Professional Guild, President's Office.

"Lord City Master, why did you come so early today?" Su Qingyun greeted Chen Zhuhe with surprise.

"The reward from the Emperor has arrived for student Ye Chuan. I need President Su to inform Ye Chuan and ask him to come to the office!" Chen Zhuhe smiled.

"It came so quickly. I will immediately ask Ye Chuan to come." Su Qingyun's face brightened, and she immediately started making a phone call.

On the other side, in the Tower of Heaven World.

Although Ye Chuan didn't feel tired at all, he quickly fell into a deep sleep after lying down. He only woke up when his phone rang.

"Hello, teacher?"

"Ye Chuan, where are you now?" Su Qingyun's voice came from the phone.

"I'm in the Tower of Heaven!" Ye Chuan said drowsily.

"The Tower of Heaven?"

Upon hearing Ye Chuan's answer, Su Qingyun fell silent.

"Do you regret completing the professional promotion too early?" she asked.

"You too. The school, the teacher, and the Lord City Master have all emphasized that you must be careful and take the professional promotion assessment seriously. During the assessment, you must push yourself to the limit and strive for a high score!"

"But you, you completed the professional promotion assessment in less than 20 minutes. Now you regret it, don't you? If you had worked harder, tried harder, you wouldn't be regretting it now!"

Su Qingyun said with frustration.

Chen Zhuhe silently drank tea, calm and composed.


Su Qingyun's words were full of concern.

However, when Ye Chuan heard them, he was completely confused.

What's going on?

What does it mean to regret completing the professional promotion too early?

When did I regret it? How come I don't know?

"Teacher, I think my score in the professional promotion assessment is still good, so... I shouldn't regret it," Ye Chuan cautiously replied.

"You, I know you're not an ordinary child. Your assessment score shouldn't be lower than 50 points. But the problem is, people are different. Other people's goal for the professional promotion assessment is 50 points, but you, as the number one in the world, should aim higher!"

"I heard that you made a bet with Li Mengyan. As long as you surpass her by 5 levels, she will be your girlfriend. Is it because of this that you completed the professional promotion so quickly?"

"You're only 18 years old, the time when you're infatuated with love. I understand your thoughts, but without strength, without power, you can't hold onto love..."

Chen Zhuhe had a face full of question marks. What am I here for? What is President Su doing?

"Teacher, you're overthinking. The reason I completed the professional promotion assessment so quickly has nothing to do with Li Mengyan," Ye Chuan said, sweating profusely.

The teacher's ability to make associations is too strong.

How did he connect all these things together?

Wait a minute, if the teacher knows about the bet between me and Li Mengyan, then doesn't everyone know?

Ye Chuan suddenly felt dumbfounded.

"Whether it's related or not, focus on yourself. Remember, if a flower blooms beautifully, butterflies will come naturally. If you shine brilliantly, the heavens will arrange for you. You're still young, it's the time to strive. Don't miss what should be missed, don't choose what shouldn't be chosen."

Su Qingyun said earnestly.

Chen Zhuhe fell silent, helpless, with a black face: "I asked you to inform someone. Can we stick to the topic?"


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