“Lin Yaodong, can you pick it up?”

Heard Nie Mingyu’s flat question in the ring.

It fell in Lin Yaodong’s mind, but it was like thunder.


Can’t help it.

Lin Yaodong began to breathe rapidly, and his whole body became nervous.

No way.

It’s really the oppressive force given by Nie Mingyu is too much!

A quick 18-game winning streak throughout the process.

Nie Mingyu showed amazing magic card reserves, adaptability, and desire to win.


What’s even more terrifying!

Nie Mingyu had not had much experience in actual combat duel in the past.

Every battle, he is learning and absorbing.

Wasteful and incoherent from the beginning.

To the familiarity of the process, easy and comfortable.

Until now.

He can even play with his opponents and completely control the rhythm of the battle!

If you want to be fast, you can be fast, and if you want to be slow, you will be slow.

This is simply not a struggle of the same level.


Although he is also a genius, he has a glorious history and highlights in the past.

But now.

Lin Yaodong had to admit it from the heart.

I’m afraid that I really can’t compare to Nie Mingyu!

Myself, feared….

“Yaodong, what are you doing?!”


In the VIP audience, a stern drink was heard.

The person who spoke out was naturally Lin Guohua, the head of the Lin family and Lin Yaodong’s father.

“Don’t hurry up and take the stage yet!”

Questioning and urging sounded like a heavenly sound in Lin Yaodong’s heart.

“Look at the way you cower now, it’s a shame!”


Lin Guohua took the lead, and it was bound to inspire his son’s bravery and contention again.

At this moment, the public’s eyes are gathered.

are waiting for Lin Yaodong’s response.

Do you dare to take it?!

And in his own heart, he was even more impatient and thoughtful.

But, after thinking a lot.

He still moved forward and clenched his fists.

“I can’t hold back! I can’t let my father down! I want Xiaoxue to get to know me again! ”

Turn fear into strength, hesitation into motivation.

Lin Yaodong ran quickly and grabbed the ring.

Stand on the casting table.

He pointed at Nie Mingyu and said firmly, “I’m different from them!” ”

“You, be serious!”

Abandoning fear, Lin Yaodong’s state of mind entered a new level.


He faced the most important battle of his life.

Must win!


Look at the opponent who has a new look, and the desire to win and the sense of honor and disgrace are full.

Nie Mingyu nodded slightly, and did not dare to relax too much.

After all, his opponent at the moment is already different.

Perhaps, it is not necessary to really bring yourself a challenge?

Both sides are ready.

The referee looks left and right, and the countdown proceeds.

“3…… 2…… 1! ”

“The game begins!”

Between electric light and flint, a new game begins.

And at the last moment when the referee reads the second.

Lin Yaodong, who was completely nervous, pressed the starting line and started the action.

“Shield of Relics!”

“Magic charge!”

First of two magic cards, he chose – defense!

Relic Shield: An epic third-tier shield that can withstand 3 epic low-level attacks, and weaken attacks below epic level by 30~50%!

Obviously, this weapon magic card is not made by Lin Yaodong.

It was sponsored by his father, the Lin family, behind him.

As soon as you make a move, it’s a hole card.

Lin Yaodong made up his mind – first do a good job of absolute defense!

As for his second-hand magic charge.

In fact, it is to charge the safety magic shield on the body, which can increase the thickness and defense of the magic shield by percentage.

Finish with two-handed high defense.

Lin Yaodong did not dare to stop.

The left and right hands continued to move, each took out the magic card, and directly began to catalyze.

This wave must be an attack type.


Just as Lin Yaodong was quickly doing his combat work.

In fact, Nie Mingyu’s first attack was not slow at all.

Compared to Lin Yaodong’s direct defense.

Nie Mingyu still chose to attack.

“Fireball technique!”

“Arcane overflow!”

Two powerful spells in a row are thrown out.

Under the strengthening of the flowing water staff, the lethality is amazing.

Kill in an instant!

Just in time, I ran into Lin Yaodong’s Holy Relic Shield and the enhanced magic shield.


The huge fireball bombarded, bursting the magic shield, causing ripples and muffled sounds.

However, it is not possible to break the defense.

The breakdown degree shows that it is only 7%.

The effect is very limited.

And the more powerful [Arcane Explosion], under the 10% damage increase of the flowing water staff, has reached an epic kill.

However, there is the shield of the holy relics.

It just happened to be blocked.

“Tsk… What a thick turtle shell~”

Seeing that his two strong attacks were blocked, Nie Mingyu frowned.

Sure enough, Lin Yaodong was different from those ordinary students.

It’s very rich!

Immediately, the Hearthstone system in Nie Mingyu’s mind activated, and the details of the [Shield of the Holy Relic] directly appeared.

“Immune to 30~50% damage below epic level, resist 3 epic low-level damage (currently 2 remaining)?!”

“Well, there is no need to waste skills and mental power.”

Nie Mingyu immediately judged that there was no need for him to use magic to attack again.

The efficiency is too low, and you have to switch the idea of attack.


You have to change the way you play.

Lin Yaodong on the other side will not slow down the pace of the attack.

Seeing that the opponent is catalyzing the attack on the magic card, it seems that he is still holding back a big move!

Nie Mingyu decided that he had to defend first.

“Mage Mysteries, Ice Protector! Armor +8”

Ice armor to shoot to avoid overturning.

“Paladin Spell, Escape from the Edge: Immune to a Critical Attack.”

Keep the bottom line.


“Warrior Spell Card, Unidentified Shield: +15 Armor!”

“Mage Mysteries, Spell Countermeasures: Neutralize One of the other party’s magic skills!”

“Paladin Mysteries, Sublime Sacrifice: When facing a physical attack, summon a stand-in to block the attack!”


Continuous, variant, all-round means of defense are played.

Nie Mingyu also did a very good job.

“Since I can’t find a good offensive means for the time being. That, doing a good job of absolute defense is also a top priority! ”

First of all, you have to make yourself invincible.

How to attack and break the enemy in the future, let’s talk about it.

Get all your defenses done.

Nie Mingyu has not stopped yet.

I saw that he was holding three magic cards in his left hand, all of which were of a single damage type.

In his right hand, he holds five sheets, all of which are ice components, single control, group control, damage…

Everything, ready!

Facing Lin Yaodong’s round of attacks, Nie Mingyu waited cautiously.

“Looking at the information before, it was said that this Lin Yaodong was a magic card master of the Royal Beast School. Moreover, there is a group of fierce beast corps, which have fought all over the rare level without opponents. ”

“I guess, I have to control the field to fight.”

Thinking about it.


Lin Yaodong’s biggest counterattack directly pulled away.

“Hundred Beast Battle Group! Go out! ”

A powerful magic card in his left hand, Lin Yaodong has urged the release to complete!

In an instant.

I saw twenty or thirty fierce beasts jumping into the battlefield.

Lions, tigers, jackals, snow leopards…

From the steppe, the jungle, the river valley…

There are all kinds of them.

Without exception, all fierce.

Sure enough, it is a hundred beast battle group!


As soon as all these fierce beasts landed, they followed their master’s orders and went straight to Nie Mingyu to kill.

The speed of the rush is so fast that it is simply too late to react.

However, fortunately, Nie Mingyu was always serious and had been prepared.


He plays two cards in his right hand.

“Ice pick! Frost Nova! ”

Directly hit the core of the ice card set, group control!

To deal with such a high-level opponent, Nie Mingyu can’t keep his hand, and he must also make a big move.

Urged by mana.

The cold wind of the ice pick blows towards the densest herd.

The entire freezing effect of the ice ring spread out under Nie Mingyu’s feet, launching a freezing attack on all fierce beasts.


And that’s not the end of it.

And in the sky!

An eagle falcon, an albatross, an albatross… I don’t know what kind of big bird.

is flying towards Nie Mingyu.

And these three birds are blind spots that cannot be reached by freezing spells.

Nie Mingyu stared coldly, and turned his right hand: “Cold ice arrow, cold ice arrow, ice spear technique, ice spear technique…”

Single control plays, easing the offensive.

At the same time, he also added a magic blast to kill the birds.

At this point, the Hundred Beast Battle Group above his head and on the ground was stopped by Nie Mingyu.

The ice sculptures of beasts were erected, and the scene was chaotic and magnificent.

Everyone watching the battle exclaimed.

“Good fellow! Such a fast pace?! ”

“There’s something! This is a rarity-level battle? It’s too strong! ”

“Wonderful! Sure enough, it is a genius-level battle, and the quality is high!! ”

I have to say.

Compared to the previous battle.

At present, this scene between Nie Mingyu and Lin Yaodong gives people a completely different feeling.

Whether it is ornamental, rhythm, or intensity and depth, it is several notches higher.

Nie Mingyu frowned and mused: “Very powerful beast legion, fortunately, I dealt with it in time.” ”

“Finally, there is some challenging showdown!”

After thinking about it.

Nie Mingyu was even more energetic.

The right hand turns over the cards again.

“Ice blast impact!”

Group ice blast out!

Trying to destroy Lin Yaodong’s frozen beast corps.


The instantaneous crowd ice blast burst out, and immediately exploded through the audience!

The ice sculptures of beasts exploded directly from the inside.

The body of the beast shattered along with the ice, and finally turned into an energy body, which was recovered by the magic card.

Only Nie Mingyu counterattacked.

Directly penetrated more than 50% of the combat strength of Lin Yaodong’s Hundred Beast Battle Group!

And the remaining ones slip through the net and attack dead ends.

Nie Mingyu did not let go.

“Ice blast! Ice guns! Ice Arrow! ”

“Episis Shock!”

Too scattered.

AOE is not easy to make.

Then kill alone!

As if by name, Nie Mingyu’s spell machine gun fired, and each spell took away a fierce beast.

Although it seems to be on the defensive.

However, in fact, it is Nie Mingyu who is quickly counterattacking and killing the enemy!


The unhurried demeanor is displayed.

On the contrary, Lin Yaodong was a little flustered.

“He actually keeps a new magic card that is useless?! How could there be such a powerful group control spell?! ”

“I spent hundreds of millions of dollars, collected countless fierce beasts, and perfected the Hundred Beast Battle Group for several years. Actually, he was actually blocked by him so easily?! ”

Lin Yaodong was unbelievable.

As soon as I started, I used my full strength, how do I feel… It’s still so hard and so powerless!

In the past, I used such a powerful means by myself.

Those other opponents are bound to panic and find it difficult to resist.

Even if you can resist one or two in a hurry.

But in the end, they will be besieged by their own beast corps and surrender in fear.

How did I get to Nie Mingyu here.

The unfavorable lore, but it was easily resolved?

Instead, it has become Nie Mingyu’s counter-killing, magic show?!

“No way!”

“Bang! I can’t stop attacking! ”

Panicked and panicked.

Lin Yaodong did not dare to stop, so he could only concentrate on his last hope.

Bet on the hole card in the right hand.

“Titanium steel war bear!”

“Come out!”

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