Titanium Steel War Bear!

This is an epic fourth-tier powerful follower card.

It is also the biggest hole card prepared by Lin Yaodong’s father for his son.

Epic Fourth Order!

It’s pretty close to the top limit of the game.

Originally, this was used again when Lin Yaodong was preparing to compete with Yun Qingxue.

But no way.

The appearance of Nie Mingyu.

And dominating the arena with a superb posture disrupted Lin Yaodong’s arrangement.

It’s only been two or three minutes since the start of the game.

Lin Yaodong had no choice, he had to use the last hole card, and he fought to the death!

Accompanied by his drinking orders, battle roars.

A huge dog bear like a hill appeared in the ring.

The dog bear is much larger than tanks and combat vehicles.

The length of the front and rear body is terrifying and ten meters smaller.

The shoulder height is also very terrifying, at least more than five meters!

This is simply not a bear, but a giant elephant, a mountain of meat!

The most critical thing is.

This is no ordinary flesh-and-blood bear.

Rather, one end… The whole body is covered with titanium steel, and the mechanical bear is extremely hard.

It can be seen how amazing his defense and weight will be!

“Kill me!”

One summons the titanium steel war bear.

Lin Yaodong felt that his body was hollowed out, and his spirit was very tired.

However, he still beat his spirits and ordered angrily.

“Titanium steel war bear! Charge me and kill that Nie Mingyu! ”

I’ve been holding back for too long.

All of Lin Yaodong’s anger and resentment were accompanied by a roar to vent.

At this moment, the titanium steel war bear is his last hope, the sustenance of all glory and dignity.

Get orders from the master.

The titanium steel war bear that had just been summoned did not have time to adapt to the battlefield environment.

Immediately target it.


The front foot steps out and shakes the ring.


Hind heel, the tank starts.

The initial speed is not fast.

But every step, like a mountain approaching, is full of deterrence and oppression!

Straight to this point.

In and out of the venue, all the spectators were enthusiastic.

“Wow! What a mighty steel dog bear?! I haven’t seen Lin Yaodong come out before! ”

“It is estimated that his family specially prepared it for him, right? The level is definitely not low! Hey…… Now it has to be seen, I guess this Nie Mingyu is lost! ”

“I see it too! After all, what about the Lin family’s background, this kind of magic card that surpasses the level of the competition, how can he defend it? ”


Yun Qingxue looked cautious and muttered, “Indeed… It’s a scary big dog bear. Even if it were me, I couldn’t do it without special methods. ”

“Student Nie Mingyu… Can it be resisted? ”

“That’s right! Yesterday he also auctioned off a Fire Spirit Crystal! He also has hole cards! ”

Considering Nie Mingyu’s fierce record, he is invincible talent.

Plus the favoritism and admiration in the heart.

Yun Qixue didn’t look down on Nie Mingyu like other students.

She was just looking forward to it.

“You… Surely there is still a way?! ”

In fact.

Not only the students are looking forward to it, but they are very excited.

The bigwigs and college teachers watching the game could not hold back the desire in their hearts at this moment.

“This kind of battle deserves to be a genius duel, the finale battle!”

“Can Nie Mingyu carry it? Keep the myth of a winning streak?! ”

“One thing to say, this Lin Yaodong is not weak. In other cities, it’s okay to be a champion. ”


Look back at the field.

With everyone’s anticipation, it is hot.

Nie Mingyu also made a move.

Staring at the steel war bear summoned by Lin Yaodong.

The Hearthstone system automatically gives follower information.

After learning that it was a powerful beast of the fourth order of the epic level.

Nie Mingyu’s face was serious, and he did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

In an instant.

He put away the low-level spell cards and control cards in his hand that he had prepared for defense.

Because, these little tricks are no longer useful.

Take a breath.

Nie Mingyu flipped his left hand, and a brand new card was squeezed in his hand.

This is a dark blue magic card with a dazzling luster.

The level is – Rare level top level!

It is also a magic card made by Nie Mingyu before and ready to be used as one of the hole cards.

Pinch the cards.

Nie Mingyu emptied his mind.

Throw high and gather spiritual power.

With a serious expression, Sen Ran drank: “Lightning… Storm! ”

That’s right!

This is the source from Hearthstone, the shaman’s natural system, overload (excessive use of mental power), lightning spell card – lightning storm!

[Lightning Storm].

[Types]: Spell, Nature, Thunderbolt

[Level]: Rare Tenth Rank

[Effect]: Inflicts a lot of lightning damage on all enemy characters in the field, and dazzles and paralyzes minions. Overload by 20% (excess of mental power consumption by 20%)

[Description]: I’m afraid… Umbrellas are useless~

Mental power is infused in large quantities.

Nie Mingyu concentrated and urged the lightning storm with all his might.

“Knock knock~”

Accompanied by the acceleration of the steel war bear.

Above mid-air.

Billowing cyan blue thunderclouds brewing.

Vaguely visible, the jumping thunder tribulation is like a silver dragon.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire competition field was suppressed.

First of all.

Lin Yaodong felt the deepest: “A spell of this intensity?!” Epic?! ”


The bigwigs watching the game on the sidelines also changed colors.

Look up and gaze: “What a pure thunder and lightning elemental power!” ”

“However, the card level he just used seems to be only rare?!”

“This… Shouldn’t it?! ”

Just when everyone was horrified.

Lightning storm, landing!

Just as the titanium steel war bear sprinted to the half of the ring.

A thunderbolt as thick as a small tree slashed down!



A mournful howl sounded.

The war bear’s wild running movement immediately stopped and staggered.

Followed by.

The second and third thunder continued to land.

In an instant, the magnetic field on the entire ring changed!


The titanium steel war bear was pulled up by a huge suction force and suspended in mid-air.

Dazed and terrified.

It can only emit primitive beast howls.

At the same time, the limbs kept paddling, and the hands and feet were at a loss.

Lightning storm successfully limited the impact of the titanium steel war bear!

Not only that.

Together with the remnants of the Hundred Beast Legion summoned by Lin Yaodong before.

Also suffering from the madness of lightning.

A fierce tiger was struck by a thick lightning pillar, carbonized on the spot, and ashes were extinguished!

The huge eagle falcon flying in the air had long lost its ability to act, and under the burning of the thunder and fire, it shattered into powder!

“It seems that my goal has been achieved!”

Seeing such a magnificent scene, such a powerful strike ability.

Nie Mingyu’s heart was relieved and he was very happy.

I would have chosen Lightning Storm.

Nie Mingyu has two intentions.

First, dispose of the remnants of the Hundred Beast Legion that have not had time to kill before.

The second rule is to block the attack of this powerful single monster, the titanium steel war bear.

Of course, if you can directly kill the war bear, the better!

“But… It still looks like it’s almost hot? ”

Staring closely at the war bear that was pulled up by the huge magnetic force floating in the air.

Nie Mingyu’s heart did not dare to let go.


He saw that the thick lightning pillar hitting the war bear’s body could not completely penetrate the steel armor!

Although the war bear could not move, it was also very painful.

However, in addition to the fact that its limbs were relatively slender, it suffered serious injuries.

In fact, the huge body of the war bear has not been pierced by lightning!

“Epic fourth-order, strong and heavy weakly conductive titanium steel.”

“Tsk… I guess it’s still a little hot. ”


Take a deep breath slowly.

Nie Mingyu concentrated on recovering his spiritual power.

One more card was taken out on the side.

“If it’s really not enough, then use this one to kill…”

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