Chapter 88 Double Serving, Find Us a Bodyguard? was discovered by Yang Zining

Yun Qixue: “Our business is done!”

As soon as I heard her say this.

Nie Mingyu hadn’t reacted yet.

Chuckling and raising his eyebrows, he said disdainfully: “If it’s done, it will become ~, let’s say it first, ha, I won’t be in trouble.

The child has my last name, and the salary is not paid.”

“Hey, don’t make trouble!”

Forbidden cellar, face smashed”.

“It’s really business, don’t joke!”


The girl showed her mobile phone and compared Nie Mingyu back and forth: “What you want, my father has done it!”

Well?! Serious business, something?!” Shhh…”

Nie Mingyu reacted instantly, and said with a serious face: “You mean, the coordinates and admission permission of the secret realm?!”

“Hmph, how about otherwise~” Yun Qixue shook her head and shook her head, pretending to be arrogant.

Rub it a bit.

Nie Mingyu bounced directly from the sofa and rushed to her side.

“Give me Kangkang!”

Pasted behind the girl, Nie Mingyu looked at the message sent on Yun Qingxue’s mobile phone.


It was really sent by his father Yun Hongbo.

(Xiaoxue, I have asked my friend to get the two secret realm permits you want.)

Come home at night and I’ll give it to you.)


“Bullfrog bullfrog!”

Nie Mingyu’s face was full of happiness and excited cheers.

After waiting for more than forty days, most of the summer vacation has passed.

It’s coming!

“You come back! Hurry back to your dad’s news!”

It was about his own interests, Nie Mingyu couldn’t help but urge.

However, Yun Qixue was calm.

Lock the screen mobile phone and say indifferently: “Not now.”

“I told my dad that I was interning in Uncle Li’s card making laboratory.”

“Count the time, this is not off work yet.”

“If I immediately reply to him now, won’t he know I’m not serious?” And doubt us?”

“Oh~, yes and right!”

Nie Mingyu nodded repeatedly.

Sure enough, it’s still a girl who is careful.

…… The goods have finally arrived.

Nie Mingyu was in a good mood and sent Yun Qingxue away.

Until late at night.

The two communicated on the phone as usual.

Yun Qixue: “I got everything.

The secret realm will be open for the first time in three days, so we have to hurry!”

Nie Mingyu: “Three days later?” That’s a bit fast?!”

Have the previous information to understand.

This high probability can produce the original secret realm of high-grade sacred materials.

The approximate orientation is a buffer wasteland on the southwestern border of the Yan Kingdom.

In terms of distance, thousands of kilometers!

The road is far away, and the time to rush is estimated to be a little tight.

Nie Mingyu frowned: “But the first time is the most precious!” The things are the most complete, you still have to catch up.”

Yun Qixue: “So, you have to prepare all kinds of air tickets, train tickets and the like right away.”

“Fortunately, you have been preparing materials one after another to prepare for a rainy day.

Not too much time is wasted now.”

Nie Mingyu: “Uh-huh, this is true.”

“So when will we meet? You give me something, and this matter before and after, even if it is completely over.”

Yun Qixue on the other end of the phone heard this and was silent for a moment.

“Just three days later.

I told my dad.

At the last minute, it is not easy to expose yourself when you meet less.”

Nie Mingyu chanted: “Oh~, it’s reasonable!”

Girls, those who engage in this set underground, have a keen mind.

Immediately after, Yun Qixue continued: “Mingyu, let me remind you.

Remember to prepare a ticket for two people, as well as materials, bring a little more.

Anyway, you have a spicy space bracelet, which is very convenient.”

“Eh… Why prepare a ticket for two?”

Prepare more materials, Nie Mingyu understands.

After all, it is really an adventure deep into the wasteland, not a home.

Traveling thousands of miles, there will always be risks.

Be more prepared, be safer, that’s always right.

But why a double travel ticket?

“Didn’t I go alone?”

“By the way, look at the message sent by your father.

He also got a ticket for two? Why is that?”

Ask your doubts.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long time.

Yun Qixue’s tone was flat, and she said, “I found you a bodyguard here, be safe.”

“This is a secret adventure, it’s very dangerous!”

“Oh, so it is~”

Nie Mingyu’s first reaction was not suspicious.

Indeed, it would not be bad to find a bodyguard.

Although he is still working hard with his own strength now, he does not want to directly find that General Ye to reduce the dimensionality and strike.

But everything is still safety first.

It is impossible for Nie Mingyu to ignore the danger and be too reckless.

“Hey, you’re sweet.

I also got a double admission ticket, and a bodyguard, but thank you~”

“Oh yes, who did you find? I have to meet in advance, do I get to know each other?”


Leng Ding found himself a bodyguard.

Nie Mingyu only thinks that Yun Qixue is kind, and he is happy and satisfied.

But it was also a little sudden.

Air bodyguards, haven’t you ever met?

Yun Qixue said, “No need to meet.

After three days, she will just walk with you and go.”

“Ah~, so urgent?”

“Hey, hide.

Lest my dad find out.”

“Well, that’s okay.

But you have to tell me some information first, man and woman? How strong is it? Is it easy to get along with?”

“Well, woman.

Strength…… Epic high-level bar.

People are fine, you don’t have to worry too much.”

Nie Mingyu listened, his face thoughtful.

How…… Always feel weird?

Today’s clouds and light snow, talking seems to have something left? Suddenly the whole bodyguard, why didn’t you tell me earlier? However, doubts are doubts.

But overall, Nie Mingyu doesn’t suspect too much.

“Okay, then it’s decided first.

In the last three days, I will prepare again, you can contact me at any time, and I will leave at any time.”

Yun Qixue: “OK, then we won’t see each other for the next three days.”

“Before the big war, keep the radio silent! Soldier Nie Mingyu, come on and get ready Nie Mingyu: “What do you call it indiscriminately?” Get out of here, you little scout!”


Three days after that, Nie Mingyu entered the final urgent preparations.

Purchasing everywhere, inquiring about information, and preparing everything that should be prepared.

According to Yun Qixue.

The route was planned, and the trip tickets for two people were also bought.

I also informed the family in advance that I was going to go far away.

However, his true purpose Nie Mingyu has not yet said.

Just a pretext for graduation travel, solo adventure, and increasing knowledge.

At noon on the last day.

Field Zining drove to the airport.”

, “Aunt Ning, okay.

Then you can go back.”

Wearing an adventure singing on his head and wearing sports clothes.

Carry a small bag to hide people’s eyes and ears and shield the existence of the space bracelet.

Nie Mingyu casually sent Zining back.

However, this Aunt Ning was calm and stopped Nie Mingyu and said, “Mingyu, you tell your aunt the truth.”

“Where are you going on this trip?”

Nie Mingyu scratched his head: “Eh~, huh?” Hey, didn’t you say it earlier? Go to the southwest frontier and see the primeval forests and the ruins of the old civilization.”

Yang Zining said blandly: “In the southwest, there is also a buffer zone wasteland.”

“Did you go there to find healing materials for the old man?”

Belch…… How is this seen?

I never told her!

Yang Zining looked at Nie Mingyu’s embarrassment, and added after him: “Don’t withdraw the lie.”

“I can see it by smelling it.”

Nie Mingyu: “….”

“Ah, yes, yes, it’s to go there and help the old man find some materials.”

The bottoms see through, and they cover up what~

The corners of Yang Zining’s mouth glanced down, and she sighed sadly: “Alas… Yes, is it dangerous?”

Nie Mingyu raised his eyebrows and smiled, and waved his hand repeatedly: “No, no!” How could there be…”

“Don’t lie!”

“Uh, a little bit.

But I’m all ready, everything is under control!”

Yang Zining was silent and clenched her fists.

Gradually, the eyes become a little moist.

My own family’s affairs, why do you have to risk mixing them with others?!

An incompetent self-blame and helpless sadness welled up in his heart, which made Ba Zining’s emotions stumble.

“Ouch, goodbye! Don’t do that!”

Nie Mingyu hurriedly relieved: “I just went to find out the situation, and I didn’t fight and fight for my life.”

“We’re not stupid!”

“Don’t worry~, if I don’t do it, I will quit in time, and I will definitely ensure my own safety.”

“Not this time, I’ll find a teacher.

Let him help.”

Yang Zining wiped his face and complained, “Then why don’t you just look for General Ye?!” You have to run it yourself, which doesn’t make people worry about dying… Awkward”

“He’s so strong, it’s not a matter of a word?”

Look at the look and posture of this man’s wife, aggrieved.

Mature and feminine enough to squeeze out water to do both.

Nie Mingyu was helpless, and the corner of his eyes twitched: “I have to try it myself first, right?” It’s not appropriate to trouble people as soon as you come up!”


Eighty percent of me have to go to the front after graduation.

Now I have such an opportunity to go to the buffer zone to exercise and accumulate experience, which is also very good for my development.”

“Ga, ~”

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