Chapter 89 Farewell, Old Silver Coin Cloud Light Snow! Running away from home?!

Stop at the airport entrance.

Nie Mingyu persuaded Zi Ning with good words.

It took a lot of tongue to slowly stop the wife’s sobs.

“Mingyu, if you have to go, I naturally can’t stop you.

Besides, you’re still running for my old man’s business, I’m doing my daughter…”


On the one hand, I don’t want Nie Mingyu to go thousands of miles to take risks.

On the other hand, it is also an important opportunity for his own father to heal the curse.

Yang Zining was caught in the middle.

A weak woman is really powerless.

Nie Mingyu chuckled: “Aunt Ning, don’t think about it so much.”

“My friendship with the old man is our business in itself.

Without his guidance and cultivation, I would not be where I am today.”

“So, no matter what, I must help him solve the curse!”

“This is my job, and you have nothing to feel guilty about.”

“As for the danger.”

“Haven’t I said it all several times? I’ll control it myself, not take too much risk.”

“Hi~, okay, okay.”

Field Zining was finally thoroughly persuaded and no longer dissuaded.

But then.

She couldn’t help but talk and ding.

“Mingyu, it’s no more comfortable to go out than at home.

Everything is safety first, be vigilant!”

490 “The heart of harm must not exist, and the heart of defense must not be dispensable!”

“Don’t be soft on dealing with bad people!”

Nie Mingyu nodded: “I know and know~”

“Also, you have to pay attention to personal hygiene.

The outside environment is not good, there are a lot of small bugs.

Your clothes are dirty, wash them diligently, or you will lose them and wear new ones.”

Nie Mingyu nodded: “okok~”

“By the way, are you prepared for your panties and socks?” It’s hot in these three days, and it’s uncomfortable to sweat.”

“Are you also prepared for sun protection and mosquito repellent?”

“If not, I’ll buy it for you now!”

Nie Mingyu gradually became impatient: “Okay, okay~, I have already prepared a strategy, and I am fully prepared.”

“Oh~, that….. It’s just fine.”

“Are you all right again? I’m gone.”

“Eh, wait!”

There was always worry in his heart, and the worry on Yang Zining’s face could not dissipate.

Stopping Nie Mingyu, Yang Zining squatted down and checked Nie Mingyu’s shoes and pants again.

“When you get on the plane, loosen your shoes, sit for a long time, and the blood does not circulate.”

“And the pants, don’t tighten too tight.

Your age, shadow, affects development.”

“Poof~” Nie Mingyu sprayed blood.

Aunt, what are you talking about?! What a trespass!

Grinding for too long, it’s really irritable.

Nie Mingyu turned around and left: “It’s really gone, otherwise I won’t be able to catch the plane.”


“Aunt Ning, you go back quickly.”

Watching Nie Mingyu quickly turn around and leave, his back gradually shrunk.

Yang Zining’s face was undiminished, and the worry could not be hidden between his eyebrows.

“Oh~, I really didn’t expect it.

Our family’s worries are now all supported by such a child.”


Cherish it for a long time.

Finally enter the interior of the airport.

Nie Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief: “These adults, every time they see them off.

Fortunately, I didn’t add any more melon seeds and fruits and other burdens.”

Just thinking about it.

Another familiar voice sounded.

“Hey, Mingyu!”

“This way this way~”

The voice is clear and full of youthful atmosphere.

As soon as Nie Mingyu looked up, he saw Yun Qingxue who was beckoning.

Hurrying away, the two converged.

Yun Qixue chuckled and complained, “Why is it so slow?” Almost late.”

Nie Mingyu casually coped: “Arrived early.

There was a delay at the door.”

And then there’s the question, “What about my stuff?”

Nie Mingyu refers to the coordinates of the secret realm and the admission permission.

Yun Qixue was not in a hurry to give: “Uh… I’ll give it to you later.”

Nie Mingyu frowned: “Hey~, this is still waiting for a der?”

“Boarding immediately!”

“By the way, what about the bodyguards you are talking about? Why haven’t you seen anyone?”

This girl, what are you doing?!

All come and don’t give yourself anything.

The bodyguard who said yes was also not seen.

In such an emergency, what about fooling around?! Seeing Nie Mingyu anxious.

Yun Qingxue raised her eyebrows and smiled: “The bodyguard is here~” Nie Mingyu looked left and right, there was no one at all?


Yun Qingxue continued to laugh: “Right in front of your eyes~”

“Right now?”

“What a joke! You’re not the only one in front of you…”

Broken! Nie Mingyu’s pupils shrank, and he finally reacted.

“You… Don’t tell me…”

“You’re going too?!”

Yun Qingxue pursed her lips and nodded: “Hmm~” Nie Mingyu was silent for a moment, his face serious:

“At this time, I really don’t have time to joke with you.”

“Hurry up and give me the admission information.

And then you! Hurry home!”

“It doesn’t matter if you have a bodyguard or not.”

Things are a bit out of control anymore.

Nie Mingyu sternly asked Yun Qixue not to make trouble.

“What’s the joke, you’re still going?”

“This is not tourism, don’t mix it up!” I don’t believe it, can your father agree?”

Yun Qixue: “He doesn’t agree~” Nie Mingyu: “Then you still don’t go home?”

“So… I’m running away from home, haven’t you seen it yet?”


“Don’t do it! Be serious!”

Yun Qixue stopped laughing, and her expression switched to seriousness: “Nie Mingyu, I’m serious!” It’s about running away from home!”

“I’ve had this plan ever since I mentioned the secret realm to you.”

“I just don’t want you to see each other for the last three days.”

“Besides, I said that the bodyguard is a woman, am I not a woman?”

“Okay, okay, I don’t want to quarrel with you now.”

“Just say it! Take me with you?!”

“Anyway, the admission information is still here.”

“Without me following, you can fly to the southwest frontier for sightseeing by yourself!”

Nie Mingyu gritted his teeth: “Shhh…..”

Ah blanch! Finished! This girl confessed to death.

Today the designation is not able to get her.

Nie Mingyu’s brows furrowed deeply, and he shook his head and sighed: “You are like this… It’s really hard for me.”

“In case something happens.

Your parents, I can’t explain it.”

Yun Qixue: “You don’t have to explain to them.

I’m an adult, and I can take charge of myself!”

Nie Mingyu mouthed, unable to speak for a long time.

Scratching his ears and cheeks, the score is helpless.

Yun Qixue hugged her arms, raised her chin slightly, and slowly said with a winning expression: “I said Classmate Nie~, the root of life is still in my hands.

If you don’t take me with you, the plan won’t work.”

Nie Mingyu rolled his eyes: “Don’t use random words!”

“Old silver coin, I am about to set off to ambush people!”

“I really can’t take you, just leave if you want!”

“Keep up! Hurry!”

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