
Su Mu took the lead and soon found the sandworm wriggling in the grass.

"Let me do it!"

You Lin shouted, dismounted, and charged forward, starting the battle.

"Everyone, keep in formation and attack with all your strength!"

After he gave the order, he pulled the sandworm's hatred.

Others also launched attacks one after another.

At a close distance, Su Mu observed the sandworm's health and narrowed his eyes.

【Grassland Sandworm (BOSS)]

Level: Tier 2, Level 1

HP: 74208/80000

Attack Power: 1500

Physical Defense: 300

Spell Defense: 300

Skills: Acidic Venom, Drill, Sweep.

Compared to the BOSS he encountered before, the attributes of this sandworm BOSS are not very high. Except for the slightly thicker HP, the other attributes are even worse than some first-level BOSS.

But the difference is that there are quite a few sandworms of this kind on this plain.

Rather than saying it is a BOSS, it is better to say that it is a stronger elite monster.

It is precisely because of this that Youlin and others did not feel any pressure against this BOSS.

"The damage of these people is not that high!"

Su Mu stood aside and watched the battle, but he was not in a hurry to attack.

The attack of You Lin's group was obviously not that high. The combined attack of all of them was not as good as the thunderbolt he released.

If he attacked, they would be all scared silly.

"Roll the fireball!"

Su Mu gave up using lightning and began to chant the fireball that he hadn't used for a long time.

Facing these NPCs, he didn't intend to reveal all his strength, but he didn't mind showing some of his strength.


He pretended to chant for two seconds, and a fireball flew towards the sandworm boss.


An extremely exaggerated number appeared on the top of the sandworm BOSS's head.

The BOSS's health dropped a lot.

This damage also made Yu Lin and others stare at it.

"Damn, what kind of harm is this?

"One of your skills is worth ten of mine?"

"Are you really an adventurer?"

Especially the mages in the team, after seeing the damage done to Su Mu, they couldn't help but shout out. It

's not like they haven't learned the skill of Fireball, but for this most basic skill of the mage, who can learn it to the full level?

"My fire spells have a bonus, and that was my ultimate move just now."Su Mu replied calmly.

""Don't watch, keep attacking!"

At this time, You Lin, who was carrying the BOSS, roared.

The others also reacted and continued to attack.

Su Mu stood aside and had no intention of continuing to attack.

""If you can use it continuously, it's not called a big move!"

You Lin was pulling the BOSS while looking at Su Mu from the corner of his eye.

As the main force to carry the monster, he knew the state of the sandworm when it escaped.

The sandworm, which seemed to have little health, still had more than 20,000 health points left.

Now Su Mu could deal nearly 8,000 damage to the sandworm with one skill, so it was no wonder that he could pick up this"leak".

"With this guy's help, our mission can be accomplished more easily!"

You Lin showed an excited smile on his face.

"But what kind of reward should I give to an adventurer like him?"

Yulin's smile quickly disappeared, replaced by a look of embarrassment.

"Oh, I still have that thing!" He suddenly thought of something, and a smile appeared on his face again.

Su Mu did not notice the change in You Lin's expression, and his eyes were fixed on the health of the BOSS.

No matter what, the sandworm is marked as the BOSS, and the experience after killing it is not low!

And it can also steadily trigger the glory of the god of magic. This last blow must be done by himself.

"Oh, my staff hasn't been upgraded yet!"

Su Mu suddenly thought of the magic staff in his hand.

In order to hurry along the way, he didn't kill any monsters. The only one he killed was the BOSS just now.

【Scepter of the God of Law (Level 0): +100 Intelligence +100 Spirit +100 Constitution (Growth value can be obtained after killing monsters. Each growth will increase the attribute and unlock the entry) Current growth value 5000/10000】

"A BOSS actually gave 5,000 growth points directly?"

After seeing the description of the scepter, Su Mu's pupils dilated slightly.

This is too easy!

In this way, he will have to take the final blow on the BOSS in front of him.

Su Mu did not notice that when he was observing the scepter in his hand, several people were also looking at the weapon in his hand.

Those people glanced around, as if conveying some information.

However, they looked at Su Mu with obvious fear.

Compared with the tens of thousands of health points of the BOSS, the health points of these NPCs are not that high.

Especially as a ranged profession, thin blood is the norm.

If they are hit by the"fireball trick", they will basically have residual blood.

These NPCs don't have a second life!

The battle soon came to an end, and the blood volume of the sandworm BOSS also reached the killing line

"Use all your strength, this guy wants to run away!"

Just like the previous sandworm, under the threat of death, the sandworm burrowed into the ground and tried to escape.


But just before it burrowed into the ground, an ordinary fireball hit its body.

The powerful flame enveloped it and took away the last bit of its health.

【You killed the grassland sandworm and gained 10,000 experience points!】

【Gain 1 intelligence point through the Glory of the God of Law! 】

Two prompts also appeared on Su Mu's interface.

Su Mu quickly opened the equipment bar and checked the status of the scepter in his hand.

【Scepter of the God of Magic (Level 1): +150 Intelligence +150 Spirit +150 Constitution Use powerful magic items to grant the corresponding entries to the scepter. Current number of entries: 1 Growth value 0/20000】

"The three attributes have been increased by 50 points each, and I can also open entries?"

Su Mu's eyes revealed excitement.

Is this the power of growth equipment?

"Oh, didn’t I find a gem before?"

Su Mu quickly opened the package and found the shadow gem that was found in the Goatman dungeon.

This thing should be considered a magic item.

【Do you want to use the Shadow Orb to grant the Scepter of the Mage an attribute? The attributes that can be granted are: Shadow Boost (all shadow damage increases by 10%)】

As a prompt popped up, Su Mu narrowed his eyes.

Of all his current skills, only Crow Storm was shadow damage. A

10% damage increase was indeed very strong, but would a single attribute damage be a waste of an entry?

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