"Forget it, don't worry about it. This is a growth weapon, so I have to get some powerful entries!"

After careful consideration, Su Mu put away the Shadow Orb.

The things dropped by the first-level BOSS are definitely not as good as the second-level treasures.

I just arrived at the second-level map, so there is no need to be so anxious.

"You, did you do this on purpose?"

Just as Su Mu was thinking, a shout rang out.

The speaker was a mage in the team.

He glared at Su Mu and clenched his fists.


Su Mu turned to look at him, his face calm.

"Are you still playing dumb? Did you kill the sandworm last on purpose?" The man looked at Su Mu's expression, his face became more and more angry, and his voice was roaring.

Not only him, but the others in the team also looked at Su Mu angrily.

Let's not talk about the problem of drops. For NPCs like them, killing powerful monsters can also gain experience and increase levels.

The people in the team had already reached a consensus that the last blow of the BOSS would be left to Youlin.

Su Mu had already grabbed a BOSS before, and now���The second one was snatched away, and the suppressed mood of the crowd could no longer be suppressed.

"That’s right, what’s the difference between what you did and snatching the BOSS?"

"You, you still don't admit it?"

Others continued to accuse him, pointing their fingers at Su Mu.

""Shut up!"

At this moment, a roar sounded.

It was You Lin who spoke.

As the leader of this team, he had a high prestige, and the voices of rebuke were immediately suppressed.

"What's there to argue about? If this adventurer hadn't taken action, the sandworm might have escaped. Wouldn't our efforts have been in vain?"

Compared to the anger of the crowd, You Lin saw it very clearly.

Sandworms are not difficult to deal with. The biggest difficulty in killing them is how to keep them.

You know, sandworms that burrow into the ground can escape very quickly.

Su Mu can give the sandworms the final blow at the right time, which is something none of them can do!

As long as the efficiency of killing sandworms can be guaranteed, what does it matter even if some experience is given up?

"Sorry, they have bad tempers!"

You Lin looked at Su Mu and smiled apologetically.

"But since you got the experience, can you give us all the drops?"

His tone was negotiating, not demanding.

"Sure!" Su Mu did not refuse

"Thank you very much!" Hearing this, You Lin let out a long sigh and shouted to the archer:"Qiu Fei, go find the next target!"

"The others stay where they are and rest!"

You Lin said, and smiled at Su Mu:"Adventurer, come with me!"

Su Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, glanced at the others, and followed You Lin.

The two walked to the side, and You Lin took something out of his arms.

"This is something I got by chance. According to the people in Xiaoyue City Mage Association, this stone contains a strange magical energy, but no one knows how to unlock it."

"I think you might be able to find a way!"

As he spoke, You Lin handed the stone to Su Mu.

"Thank you very much!"

Su Mu took the stone in his hand without thinking.

【You have obtained the dusty Philosopher's Stone!】

【Dusty Philosopher's Stone: This stone contains powerful magical energy, which may be activated by some special method.】

"What a good thing! I wonder if it can be used as an entry for the scepter?"

After seeing the description of this magic stone, Su Mu's thoughts began to stir.

【Do you want to use the Forgotten Philosopher's Stone to grant the Scepter of the Magic God an attribute? Attributes that can be granted: Magical Power (Final spell damage +5%)】

""Fuck, is it that awesome?"

Su Mu was really shocked when he saw the pop-up message in front of him.

Final damage +5%, this is much better than increasing spell damage by 5%!

"This is still an unsealed stone. If this stone is unsealed, will this entry be even more powerful?"

Resisting the urge to activate the entry, Su Mu put away the magic stone.

This thing is definitely a good thing. If it can be completely unsealed, it may increase the final damage by more than 20%.

If so, this entry will be amazing!

"Adventurer, how often can you use the skill that trapped the sandworm before?" Seeing that Su Mu was very satisfied with the magic stone, You Lin spoke again.

"Release it once an hour!"

Su Mu put away his excited expression and exaggerated the cooling of the gravity field.

He now understood that these NPCs were actually no different from real people. Those tasks with unknown rewards required him to play games with the NPCs, or to fight for benefits. He could even kill the NPCs!

Compared with those tasks with known rewards, the unknown was full of uncertainties, but it was really interesting!

"Let’s put it this way. If the next sandworm escapes, I hope you can release that skill to stop it, and then I will make the final blow!"You Lin thought for a while and spoke.

After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Su Mu would misunderstand, so he explained:"I'm not saying that you are stealing monsters. It’s mainly because other people have already expressed their opinions, and I have to take care of their feelings!"

"No problem!"

Hearing this, Su Mu smiled and nodded.

Since You Lin had already given him the reward for the mission in advance, he had to help him complete the task of killing the sandworm.

""Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Just as the two reached a consensus, a strong wind suddenly blew over the grassland.

Huge dust was stirred up.

""Woo! Woo!"

The horses on the field were suddenly frightened and became restless.

"It's a sandstorm!" someone shouted

"Everyone stay where you are and don't move, watch the horses!"

"Qiu Fei, pay attention to the surroundings!"

You Lin's expression suddenly became serious.

Su Mu looked at the fearful expressions on everyone's faces and also reacted.

This sandstorm might have bad intentions!...

In the real world

, a video quickly circulated on the Internet.

It showed a man kneeling on the ground, with a miserable face and tears streaming down his face.

"The video of Sufa God’s fireball on the Internet was made by someone I asked to do. Those are all special effects!"

"Those remarks accusing Su Fashen of being the murderer were also the opinions brought about by me who hired internet trolls!"

"I was instructed by someone to find Su Fashen, so I did these stupid things!"

The video quickly caused a stir in major communities.

"Is it really like this?"

"In fact, when I first watched that video, I thought it was like a special effect!"

"I'm sorry, Su Fashen, I'm such an idiot that I believe such things!"

"Sufashen, I was wrong, I will never be led by the rhythm again!"

"Sufashenyyds, Idol, I will always support you!"

"From now on, I will no longer believe any remarks that bring up Su Fashen’s rhythm. He is China’s future God of Law and must be protected!"

"That’s right, we can’t let people with ulterior motives succeed!"

All the previous remarks criticizing Su Mu fell on deaf ears, countless people came forward to apologize, and countless people posted to express their trust in Su Fashen.

The hot searches on major platforms were all about"We owe Su Fashen an apology!"...


"It's just stupid!"

"How could I raise such a waste!"

"Damn it!"

The United States looked at the report in front of it, and its angry roar resounded through the sky.

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