Sandy plain.

The wind was howling, and the sky was covered with dust.

Su Mu was in the sandstorm, and he felt that his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were full of sand.

""How are you?" a loud cry rang out.

You Lin raised his voice and asked about everyone's situation.

"We are fine!"

"This sandstorm is too big. I'm afraid it won't end anytime soon. What should we do next?"

Soon someone shouted in response.

"Hold the horses, we'll wait here for the sandstorm to pass!"

You Lin gave the order and walked towards the horses in the wind and sand.

""Magic perspective!"

Su Mu stood in place and activated the skill.

Although the sandstorm obscured his vision, the magic perspective was not affected.

Under this perspective, he could clearly see where everyone was and the direction of the storm.

"What is this?"

It was from this perspective that Su Mu discovered something was wrong.

The magic perspective is a very powerful skill.

Not only can you see the vital signs of each creature, but you can also see the hostility of those creatures towards you!

Among this group of people, five of them were looking in his direction, and they were emitting red light.

Obviously, the red light meant that these people were particularly hostile to him!

Su Mu immediately looked at You Lin.

There was only a majestic breath of life on his body, and there was nothing else unusual.

"Are these NPCs trying to cause trouble?"

After confirming that You Lin had no hostility towards him, Su Mu stroked his chin and began to think.

Ever since he killed the sandworm just now, someone had already been dissatisfied with him.

""Let's wait and see!"

Su Mu silently watched the movements of those people.

If these guys were not NPCs, he would have taken action.

Just like Xinde before, before he became a hostile red name, his damage was all MISS.

Although he didn't know if these NPCs were in the same situation, if he took action first, it would definitely cause some impact.

""Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Suddenly, Su Mu's private chat channel rang.

It was the guy who had privately chatted with him to negotiate the terms.

"Mr. Su, I have already done what you asked. Are you satisfied with the good show on the Internet?"

The message from the other party went straight to the point.

""Did it work?"

Su Mu was not offline, so he naturally did not know what was going on online.

He did not rush to reply, but opened the chat channel instead.

"I'm sorry, Sufashen!"

"God Sufa, we were wrong, you are the best!"

"Su Fashen, we shouldn't have questioned you, sorry!"

Unlike the previous debate, the chat channel now is almost entirely filled with apologies.


Seeing those apologies, Su Mu couldn't help but laugh.

"This guy is quite reliable!"


After thinking for a while, Su Mu edited a message

"You are being too ostentatious in this matter. I never like to be high-profile!"

There was a bit of blame and dissatisfaction in his tone, which showed his low-key personality.

"Um, didn't Mr. Su say before that he wanted to see a good show? If you are too low-key, you won't be able to see the show!"The other end replied quickly.

Seeing this, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

The wind and sand around him were still whistling, but it couldn't interfere with his thinking.

"Do you really think I can't solve this problem?" He raised his lips slightly and sent a message:"But why did I let you do it?"

A full minute passed before the other end sent a message:"We were too ostentatious this time. Sorry, Mr. Su"

"This is exactly what I want!"Su Mu smiled.

He took out the bright silver dagger and five hundred gold coins and sent a mail to the other party.

"Anyway, you helped me solve a problem, this is your reward!"

In a few words, Su Mu deducted the previous leather armor and clothes.

""Thank you, Mr. Su!" The other end quickly expressed his gratitude.

After a while, the other end sent another tentative message:"If possible, we would like to do something for Mr. Su!"

""Will you do something for me?"

Su Mu looked at the message and wanted to laugh.

Judging from the man's tone, he was obviously a master in real life.

Such people are generally difficult to control.

However, Su Mu did not think about controlling the other party.

"There are so many people who want to do things for me!"

This simple sentence was both a rejection and a way of putting my identity aside.

As expected, the man didn't reply to the message.

""Be careful, something is approaching!"

At this time, another voice was heard on the field.

It was Qiu Fei, the archer who was in charge of the reconnaissance.

"Get ready for battle!"

As he spoke, You Lin's face became tense.

There were many sandworms in the windy grassland. Now that the sandstorm had come, those sandworms might have come out to move.

With the strength of this team, it would not be difficult to deal with one sandworm even in a sandstorm, but if there were more than two sandworms, they would be in danger.

"There is movement, there is more than one enemy!"

Qiu Fei spoke again soon, his tone was solemn.

His ears were extremely sensitive, and he could hear the movement around him even in the wind and sand.

"Magic perspective!"

Compared to Qiu Fei's ears, Su Mu was able to see the surrounding situation more intuitively after activating the skill.

"Three-headed sandworms?"

From the perspective of magic, three sandworms were following the trajectory of the sandstorm and approaching them....

In a novice village

"That guy is really a shrewd businessman!"

A man looked at the contents of the email and sneered.

Compared with his previous offer, Su Mu only said a few words casually, and he lost a thousand gold in reward.

""Did he agree?" the woman next to him asked.

The man shook his head and said,"My previous judgment should be correct. His identity is definitely not ordinary."

"Can we find him then?"The woman looked worried when she heard this.

The man looked confident when he heard this.

"In this world, no one can hide from me!"

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