Real world.

Su Mu picked up his phone and watched the video circulating on the Internet.

"These people are really good, they can find this out!"

After watching the content of the video, he laughed.

Although there was only an apology in the video, the fate of the person in the video was obvious.

This also made Su Mu understand.

The people who traded with him had a lot of"power". They were hinting at his identity and must have wanted to find out his identity.

"Guess what you want!"

Putting the phone aside, Su Mu had no worries in his eyes.

The previous intentional or unintentional revelations would definitely make those people feel that his identity is extraordinary.

They would not pay attention to those"little people"!

Su Mu showed a self-deprecating expression.

Even in an ordinary community in this third-tier city, there are not many people who know his name. To be realistic, someone like himself would not care even if he suddenly disappeared one day.

This feeling is indeed very lonely.

But only those who can endure loneliness can become truly strong!

Closing his eyes, Su Mu began to feel the power in his body.

Unlike before, now he can clearly feel that extraordinary power

"What is this?"

While sensing this power, Su Mu noticed something.

""Come out!" he whispered softly, and a staff appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"The Scepter of the God of Magic?"

After seeing this staff, Su Mu was stunned.

He actually took this equipment out of the game!

"What about summons?"

""What about the clone?"

Su Mu suddenly had a bold idea.

He closed his eyes and began to feel the power in his body.

"Phantom clone!"

The next second, he suddenly split into two, and a clone that looked exactly like him appeared in the room.

"Summon Skeletons!"

He didn't finish yet, he continued to murmur.

The twisted energy began to deform, and four skeleton warriors appeared in the room together.

The originally small room suddenly became a little crowded.

"Did you really do it?"

Su Mu looked at the four skeleton warriors, his eyes widened and his eyelids twitched wildly.

"If summoned creatures can come to reality, doesn't that mean that monsters in the game can also come to reality?"

This discovery gave Su Mu a terrible idea.

Maybe one day, the monsters in the game will also step into reality!

"No matter how everything develops, strength is the most important!"

Su Mu took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

Even if those monsters came to reality, what would happen?

He would still AOE them!

"If these four skeletons run outside, they will probably scare people to death, right?"

He looked at the skeleton warriors standing there stupidly and laughed.

"Cancel the summons!"

But of course he couldn't let this happen, otherwise someone would target this community tomorrow.

"It's your turn next!"

Su Mu looked at his clone again.

No matter from which angle he looked, the clone looked exactly like him.

Except for not being able to speak, the clone had no flaws in the real world.

Su Mu transferred part of his thoughts to the clone.

The clone's perspective was shared with the original body.

He controlled the clone to pick up the phone, opened the door and walked out.

It was evening, most people were in the Shentu game, and there were almost no people in the community.

Su Mu controlled the clone and walked towards the supermarket outside the community.

There were quite a few people here, buying things.

The clone walked into the supermarket and picked up some things at random.

"A total of 87, scan the code!"

The clerk said after calculating the price.

Su Mu controlled his clone to open his phone and showed the payment code.

"Ding! Payment successful!"

After paying, the clone picked up the things and started to return.

Along the way, he met some people again, but no one greeted him.

Everyone was unfamiliar with each other, and after the game of Shentu was launched, everyone planned their time very tightly, and they were in a hurry on the road.

The clone quickly returned to the house.

"This skill is very powerful!"

Su Mu looked at the clone in front of him, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

The clone will not disappear as long as it is not fatally injured!

And even if it is far away from you, you can still keep in touch with the original body.

If those time management masters have this skill, management science will definitely be able to reach a new level!

"Let’s take a rest first, and we’ll talk about it when we get to Xiaoyue City tomorrow!"...

The next day.

Before dawn, Su Mu got up from the bed.

"Enter the game!"

The surrounding scene changed, and he came to the windy sand plain.

You Lin and others were sitting around the campfire to rest.

When Su Mu appeared, Qiu Fei suddenly opened his eyes.

His ears were extremely sensitive, and he was like a sentinel in the team.

When he saw that it was Su Mu, he closed his eyes again.

"I'll go take a look around!"

Su Mu said softly and left the camp.

The windy sand plain is a good place.

Those sandworm bosses have low health and low defense, and the experience is also good. This is why he went online so early.

"Magic perspective!"

"Eagle Eyes!"

Riding on a horse, Su Mu activated the dual-viewing skill and searched the surrounding sand.


The horse ran very fast, which also expanded Su Mu's search range.

"There's one over there!"

More than ten minutes later, he found a sandworm curled up in the grass, seemingly taking a rest.


A few hundred meters away, Su Mu was not polite at all, and the thunderbolts kept greeting

【You killed the grassland sandworm and gained 5,000 experience points!】

【Gain 1 intelligence point through the Glory of the Magic God! 】

After the kill prompt appeared, Su Mu quickly checked the properties of the magic staff and scepter.

【Scepter of the God of Magic (Level 2): +200 Intelligence +200 Spirit +200 Constitution Use powerful magic items to grant the corresponding entries to the scepter. Current number of entries: 2 Growth value 0/30000]

The scepter is successfully upgraded to a second-level weapon, and the number of entries is also unlocked to 2

"I'm about to level up too!"

Su Mu continued to search for the whereabouts of the sandworms on the grassland.

After a long time, he killed two more sandworms.

【Congratulations on your upgrade���, gain 30 attribute points, 20 skill points! 】

The prompt of successful upgrade popped up, and the sky was also turning pale.

Su Mu added all the upgraded attribute points to his spirit and returned to the location of You Lin and others.

You Lin and others were all waiting there, and when they saw Su Mu coming back, they all got on their horses.

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and dust flew.

When the sun rose to its highest position, a city also appeared in Su Mu's sight.

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