On the big map of the Shentu world, each novice village is the initial location.

Some novice villages will arrive in the same town.

Then some towns will arrive in the same city.

Finally, these cities are divided into the territories of the eight main cities.

The area behind the eight main cities is the real challenge.

However, if you want to go to the eight main cities, you must complete the main quests in front.

This is also a test of the player's strength!

In the major novice villages in China, many people are frowning.

"Damn it, the main mission is too difficult. Even if we have established an elite group now, it is difficult to complete the mission while ensuring that most people do not die!"

"I really don't know how Su Fashen got through the second main storyline? Could his team be composed of all top-level experts?"

"I was thinking, can we ask him to help us through the main quest?"

They are all the local tyrants who are ahead.

Relying on the equipment and medicines bought from Su Mu, their upgrade speed has increased a lot.

But facing the first-level BOSS of the main quest, many of them are still helpless.

It's not that they can't beat it. It's just that if they fight at this stage, at least half of them will lose a chance to revive.

The chance of revival is equivalent to their life, and no one will joke with their life.

"Ask Su Fashen to help us with the main storyline? I'm afraid there's no chance!"

"Even if he is willing, we can't afford it!

"I really envy the players in the same novice village as Su Fashen, who can go to the next map without lying down!"

"Please, let me go to White Mist Town next, so that I can complete the second round of the main storyline without any hassle!"...

In Xiaoyue City.

After Su Mu said goodbye to You Lin and his group, he wandered around the city.

""What a big city!"

Compared to Baiwu Town, Xiaoyue City is much bigger.

There are guards wearing armor and standing in neat rows everywhere in the city.

Every building is very impressive.

Not only that, there are signboards on all the main roads in the city, marking the locations of different places.

"Let's go to the hotel first!"

Su Mu followed the sign and came to the hotel.

It's better to say it's a luxury hotel than a hotel.

It's much more magnificent than the hotel in Baiwu Town.

"Hello, adventurer. This is Xiaoyue City Hotel. The daily accommodation fee is fifty gold coins!"

The owner is a middle-aged man dressed in a proper manner. The price he offered made Su Mu's eyes widen.

Fifty gold coins a day is really not something that ordinary people can afford.

"I'll stay for ten days first!"

Su Mu took out five hundred gold coins and handed them to the boss.

""Dear guest, please come this way!"

When the boss saw the gold coin, his eyes lit up and he immediately led Su Mu to the door of a house.

"Put your hand on it. For the next ten days, only you can enter this place!"The boss said, motioning Su Mu to put his hand on the rune at the door.

Su Mu curled his lips and put his hand on it.

The rune lit up and the door opened.

Inside was a luxury suite.

"If you want to eat, you can go to the lobby!"The boss smiled and left.

Su Mu walked into the room and went to the storage box first.

""Not bad!"

After opening it, the storage box could hold 200 items.

Su Mu put some of the things in the parcel box into it.

After sorting them out, he left the room and headed to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who is it?"

Arriving at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, Su Mu was stopped by a team of guards.

"I'm from Baiwu Town. I have something to report to the city lord!" Su Mu said what he wanted to do.

""Wait a moment!"

A guard nodded and turned to enter the City Lord's Mansion.

After a while, the guard returned and shouted to Su Mu:"Follow me!"

Following him, Su Mu entered the City Lord's Mansion.

"This place is so grand, the city owner is so rich!"

Stepping on the path paved with jade, looking at the colorful flowers around, Su Mu muttered to himself.

Soon, the guard led Su Mu to a hall.

"Adventurer, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Above the hall, a handsome man with extremely pale skin was sitting on a chair with carved railings and jade.

""My Lord, an incident has occurred in Baiwu Town."

Su Mu did not elaborate and took out a letter.

The guard took the letter and walked to the side of the Lord.

The Lord opened the envelope and looked at the contents. His face gradually darkened.

"This is a big deal!"

After reading the letter, the city lord stood up suddenly.

"Adventurer, did you kill Xinde?" He stared at Su Mu and asked

"It's me!" Su Mu nodded.

"You did a great job!" The city lord's eyes showed appreciation.

【mission accomplished!】

【You have obtained the title: Warrior of Xiaoyue City (increases the favorability of everyone in Xiaoyue City)】

"That's it?"

Seeing the reward for completing the task, Su Mu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

The city lord seemed to notice Su Mu's rolling eyes and frowned.

"Adventurer, you come from White Mist Town, so you must be very familiar with the Misty Mountains and the Sandy Plains, right?"


"Since I'm going to appoint someone to be the mayor of Baiwu Town, how about you escort him?"

【Do you accept the mission: Escort the new mayor to Baiwu Town? (Reward for completing the mission: Shining Star Ring)

Su Mu looked at the reward item and opened his mouth wide.

【Shining Star Ring (Special): +200 Intelligence (The ring has a storage space for a 100-grid inventory)]

Not to mention the 200 intelligence attribute, just the storage space for a 100-grid inventory, I have to complete this task no matter what!

"I accept!"

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