[You have accepted the mission: escort the new mayor to Baiwu Town!]

After Su Mu accepted the mission, the city lord Yuebai nodded slightly and said,"I still need to report to the capital about the selection of the next mayor. It will take about three days. You can take a good walk around Xiaoyue City during these three days!"

At this point, the city lord Yuebai waved his hand.

"Please, adventurer!"

The guard turned to look at Su Mu and led him out of the city lord's mansion.

"Let's go around first!"

Su Mu stood next to the sign and looked around.

"Living quarters?"

A sign caught his attention.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Walking towards the living area, Su Mu walked very fast.

After more than ten minutes, a bustling street appeared in front of him.

The so-called living area is almost all related to life skills, with various shops.

On the heads of some NPCs, the words"missions can be received" were displayed.

Su Mu touched his chin and thought for a while, then walked to the door of a pharmacy.

"Hi, is there any recipe I can learn from here?"

"Dear adventurer, I have a lot of potion formulas that you can learn, but they require a certain price."

The NPC answered Su Mu's question very respectfully and took out several potion formulas.

【Super Vitality Potion: Vitality Grass x2, Life Vine x2, restores 2000 HP after use, cooldown of one minute】

【Magic Blood Potion: Magic Grass x2, Mana Blood x2, +1000 mana limit after use, lasts for one minute, cools down for three minutes】

【Venom: Poisonous Flower x2, Venomous Snake Liquid x2. After use, you can poison a weapon for 5 minutes, making it have a chance to cause 50 points of damage per second to the enemy when attacking, which lasts for 10 seconds.】

"These recipes are all good!"

Su Mu chose to learn all of them.

The price of learning each recipe is 80 gold.

Because of the title of Xiaoyue City on his head, all consumption in the city is 20% off.

However, these herbs cannot be bought in the drugstore. Players need to collect them in the wild, and the store also has the task of collecting materials.

Su Mu did not accept the task.

For a master-level player like himself, it is more cost-effective to collect those materials and make them into medicines directly.

""Go to other shops!"

After saying goodbye to the pharmacy owner, Su Mu went to other shops.

After the conversation, he learned a lot of production drawings from the owner.

Forging has various second-level weapons, tailoring has various second-level clothes and pants, etc.

What Su Mu cares about is that there is an additional life skill that can be learned in this living area.

The owner of the shop is a dwarf, wearing pilot glasses, and is studying some kind of engineering machinery.

"Adventurer, do you want to study engineering? It's a complicated subject!"

"Yes, I want to learn!"

Su Mu replied with a smile

"Then you have to invest some gold coins!"The boss also laughed.

【Spend one hundred and sixty gold coins and successfully learn the skill: Engineering!】

【Engineering has been upgraded to master level! 】

After learning this skill, Su Mu maxed it out without saying anything.

Then, Su Mu also learned several engineering production drawings from the boss.

After learning, Su Mu looked at the empty area behind the living area.

It was similar to a shop, but no one was running it.

Su Mu quickly realized that this should be a shop open to players.

Although there are not many people in Xiaoyue City now, as the number of players increases, this kind of shop will become very popular.

After all, the 10% tax of the auction house is no joke!

"Go to the mission hall, take some missions, and go out of the city to upgrade!"

There are a lot of gold coins in the package column. Su Mu has no plans to invest in these shops for the time being.

After all, he is the only player in the entire Xiaoyue City.

Even if this shop is opened, there is no customer flow!

"But I can definitely open a store here!"

"The auction house's handling fee is too expensive!"

On the way to the mission hall, Su Mu touched his chin and thought.

Xiaoyue City can take an airship to the capital city of Sun City, which means that the two places are very convenient to travel back and forth.

He can go to Xiaoyue City to consign items every once in a while.

Of course, before he reaches the third level, these can be put aside.

"It’s bigger than the one in Baiwu Town!"

When we arrived at the mission hall, it was ten times bigger than the one in Baiwu Town.


After entering the hall, there are many windows, each with the level and the location of the task marked.

Su Mu looked at his current level.

The highest level he could accept was the second level 3 task.

He walked to the window and checked it.

【Go to the Howling Swamp and collect one hundred venomous snake fangs. The mission rewards 200 gold coins and a venomous snake dagger!】

【Shadow of the Howling Swamp: Go to the depths of the Howling Swamp to investigate. The mission rewards 500 gold coins and the Dance of the Giant Snake!】

【Collection Task: Collect 100 swamp snake flowers to obtain the recipe: Antidote!

There are three tasks that can be accepted, and the rewards are all very good.

Su Mu accepted the three tasks one by one and headed towards the Howling Swamp.

""I'm going to get a mount!"

After leaving the city, Su Mu recalled his style when riding a horse.

It was much faster than walking.

But what he wanted was a mount that could be summoned and dismissed at any time.

That kind of physical mount did have some limitations.

"First, complete the quests to upgrade. If there are no mount skills here, then go to Day City to have a look!"

Speeding up the pace of the journey, Su Mu soon saw a swamp in front of him.

There was a rotten smell in the air.

""Ah! Ah!"

Several crows cried.

Su Mu looked at the bubbling swamps in front of him, frowning.

"Magic perspective!"

I closed my eyes and opened them again, and the perspective suddenly changed.

"I can actually see it!"

Su Mu smiled happily.

The magic perspective skill is really powerful. Even the bottom of the swamp can be seen clearly.

"Is that a monster?"

Su Mu quickly discovered the red life signs in the swamp.

They were all snake-shaped!

"Can the Frost Storm hit them?"

The monsters were all below the swamp. Su Mu narrowed his eyes and tentatively released a skill towards that area.

"No damage?"

To my surprise, the frost storm did not cause any damage to the monsters under the swamp.

"We have to lure them all out!"

Su Mu finally realized it.

If you want to kill monsters in this swamp, you have to lure the monsters out from underground.

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