This feeling was very strange.

Simon's body was cold, not like a normal person's body temperature.

Su Mu noticed the man's dress.

It was a bit out of place.

First of all, judging from his dress, he must be a noble, but he had some minor flaws.

For example, there were many places on his expensive clothes that were worn out.

"Adventurer, it's not polite to look at others like this!"Simon seemed to have noticed Su Mu's gaze and said after letting go of his hand.

Su Mu raised his eyebrows and retracted his gaze.

"Well, such a big thing happened in Baiwu Town, we must investigate it thoroughly, Simon, the rest depends on you!" Yue Bai's voice sounded above.

The city lord gave the guard a look, and the latter nodded, then turned to look at Su Mu and Simon.

"I will escort you two to Baiwu Town. The horses are ready outside the city. Please come in!"

Simon saluted Yuebai and turned to leave the City Lord's Mansion.

Su Mu followed him and the guards, feeling that something was wrong.

First: the previous task required him to escort the new mayor to Baiwu Town in three days, how come it was suddenly brought forward, and two days earlier?

Second: This Simon gave him a very strange feeling, and the captain of the guard seemed to have a lot of hostility towards him.

Su Mu looked at his task bar.

The task on it had become [Escort Simon to Baiwu Town! (Completion reward: Yaoxing Ring!)]

The task has not changed, and the reward has not changed.

"Get the reward first!"

Su Mu was very envious of the Shining Star Ring!

No matter what, he had to complete this task.

When he arrived outside the city, dozens of horses and a team of guards were waiting here.

"Let's go!"

The guard didn't say much. After getting on his horse, he gave the order.

A group of people rode on their horses and marched towards Baiwu Town.

Su Mu rode on the horse, not showing his master-level riding skills, and followed the crowd slowly.

The windy sand plain is very large. In addition to those sandworms, there is also the threat of sandstorms.

The escort mission is more troublesome and needs to be watched at all times.

It is not safe along the way.

As everyone stepped onto the windy sand plain, a sandworm stared at the team.

It moved quickly under the sand and took the lead in attacking.

""Line up!"

The guards in Xiaoyue City were well-trained and immediately surrounded Simon.

The leading guard was the first to attack the moving sandbags.

With just one move, he could take away thousands of points of health from the sandworm boss.

"This guy is really good, he is very agile, his level should be quite high!"

Looking at the guard's agile movements, Su Mu was amazed.

With this guy's strength, he can be regarded as a humanoid BOSS, and it is no problem for him to fight the sandworm BOSS alone.

"Do you really need me for this escort mission?"

The sandworm was quickly dealt with, and Su Mu didn't even have a chance to attack. He couldn't help but murmur.

At the speed these people were traveling, they would definitely reach Baiwu Town in one day.

If there were any threats on the road, besides the sandworm, it would be the monsters in the Misty Mountains.

"The difficulty of this mission is not right!"Su Mu narrowed his eyes.

The sandworm boss was easily solved, so are those monsters in the Misty Mountains considered a threat?

"Could it be that there will be changes along the way?"

A bold idea popped up in Su Mu's mind.

This escort mission doesn't seem as simple as it seems.

"Speed up, travel overnight, and rest after reaching Baiwu Town!"After dealing with the sandworms, the guards shouted.

The group quickly mounted their horses and sped up their actions.

Su Mu followed behind the team, silently observing everyone's actions.

However, the result was somewhat disappointing.

Each of these guards looked normal, and there was nothing wrong with them.

"So will there be an ambush on the road?"

Su Mu changed his mind again.

But as the night fell, apart from a few blind sandworms, there was no sandstorm along the way.

The group also came to the trail leading to the windy sand plain from the Misty Mountains.

At this place, Su Mu was very cautious and directly turned on the Eagle Eye and Magic Perspective.

"No ambush? Or I just can't see it?"

The result still surprised him.

There was no one in this best ambush location.

He even suspected that the enemy's concealment skills were relatively advanced and could not be seen from the magic perspective.

But after the team walked out of the Misty Mountains, the so-called"ambush" still did not happen.

As night fell, the familiar White Mist Town appeared in front of Su Mu.

"Is it really that simple?"

Su Mu couldn't believe it.

"Adventurer, take me to the residence of the previous mayor!" Simon said to Su Mu with a smile after entering the town.

"This way!"

Su Mu did not refuse and led the way to Xinde's residence according to his memory.

The group soon arrived here.

"This place looks great! Simon seemed very satisfied when he saw the mansion.

"Adventurer, come in with me and tell me the details of what happened in Baiwu Town before!"

He walked into the house first and invited Su Mu.


Su Mu nodded and followed him into the house.

At this time, Simon took out a ring with a faint starlight on it.

"As a reward for escorting me, this thing is yours!"

【You completed the task and received the Shining Star Ring! 】

As a prompt appeared, Su Mu also had an extra ring on his hand.

"Got it!"

After getting this equipment, Su Mu couldn't hide his excitement.

This is a 100-slot inventory!

But at this moment, Simon suddenly laughed.

The next second, the door of the house opened with a"bang".

A strange black energy emerged from the Yaoxing ring and flew towards Simon.

Under this impact, Simon slammed into the wall behind him, and a huge damage number appeared on his head.


At the same time, an angry roar came from outside the door.

"You killed the new mayor!"

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