All this happened so fast that at the same time as the shout, the captain of the guards outside the door charged at Su Mu.

His eyes showed a strong murderous intent, and he was obviously planning to kill Su Mu on the spot!

At this moment, from Su Mu's perspective, the captain of the guards had already turned into a red name.

Just as his charge skill was about to hit him, Su Mu decisively used a skill

"Ring of Resistance!"

The captain of the guards' charge skill was instantly interrupted, and the whole person was bounced out by the energy ring.

At the same time, a large damage number appeared on his head.

"You really have surrendered to the darkness, how dare you attack the guards of Xiaoyue City!"

The injured captain of the guards roared, and after stabilizing his body, he did not continue to attack.

Su Mu stood where he was, frowning.

He also reacted, this is obviously a conspiracy!

"I didn't kill this guy." He shouted and explained to the guards.

"We all saw it. You killed Simon with your own hands. Do you still want to quibble?"The captain of the guard said with a sullen face.

Su Mu's eyes suddenly turned cold.

There is definitely something wrong with this captain of the guard!

"From today on, you are the enemy of Xiaoyue City!"At this moment, the captain of the guards spoke again.

As soon as he finished speaking, an announcement appeared.

【Player Su Mu surrendered to the darkness and killed the new mayor of Baiwu Town. He was listed as the mortal enemy of Xiaoyue City. Players who helped Xiaoyue City kill Su Mu will receive generous rewards!

This is a world announcement!

When this world announcement appeared, all the players in the Shentu game were shocked....

On the world channel, all kinds of opinions emerged

"What the hell, why did Sufashen kill the NPC?"

"Oh my god, an idol is worthy of being an idol!"

"Su Fashen is really amazing, he can even kill NPCs? We can only be killed in seconds in front of those NPCs!"

"Surrender to darkness? Is this some hidden mission? Is the reward generous?"

"Shit, doesn’t this announcement make Su Fashen a public enemy?"

"Generous rewards? How generous? I want it. Is Su Fashen in Baiwu Town? Or Xiaoyue City?"

"Is there anyone who wants to form a team to kill Su Fashen? I think the reward for this mission must be very good, maybe even god-level skills!"

Some people admired Su Mu, and some were extremely curious about the mission Su Mu was doing.

However, more people cared about the"generous reward".

The announcement has appeared, how could the reward be low?

Even if they were not Su Fashen's opponents, with the help of NPCs, as long as they formed a large team, could they still be afraid of one person?...

"These NPCs are more ruthless than each other!"

Looking back at Simon's body, Su Mu's eyes were stern.

He had sensed something was wrong from the beginning, but he didn't expect these NPCs to be so playful!

【You have been listed as a death zone in Xiaoyue City, and all NPCs and players within the scope of Xiaoyue City will regard you as an enemy!】

【Trigger the hidden task: Prove your innocence!】

【Prove your innocence: Simon's death was obviously a frame-up. Find the mastermind behind all this, don't hurt innocent people, and prove your innocence (Completion reward: God-level skill fusion book!)】

【Trigger the hidden mission: Throw yourself into darkness!】

【Throw yourself into darkness: Kill all NPCs in White Mist Town and become the enemy of all human beings. (Completion reward: Become a Fallen Mage!)

Compared to the announcements that other people saw, Su Mu saw two more task selection prompts.

"Fallen Mage? Doesn't that mean I should surrender to the evil god?"

Su Mu narrowed his eyes when he saw the content of the second task.

It was clear who was behind it!

"Do you want to force me to submit in this way?"

"Evil God, right?"

Su Mu's eyes revealed a murderous intent.


A powerful magical energy appeared, and Su Mu disappeared into the mayor's mansion without saying a word.

"This guy ran away, everyone hurry up and chase him!"

The captain of the guards shouted when he saw Su Mu disappear, and he immediately searched the surroundings.

However, after searching around for a few times, he still couldn't find any trace of Su Mu.

"This guy must still be in Baiwu Town. Pass on my order, gather all the guards in the town, seal off the entire town, and kill him if you find him!" The captain of the guards said in an extremely cold tone. The guards he brought with him quickly took action, integrating the original guards in the town and guarding the various important roads in the town....

White Mist Town, upstairs in the mayor's mansion.

Su Mu sat in Xinde's study, one hand on his chin, thinking.

He played a psychological game with the captain of the guard.

With eagle eyes and magical perspective, the actions of the captain of the guard and his men were completely within his expectations.

The captain of the guard thought he would escape from White Mist Town, but he never thought that he would return here.

As for the two tasks, he accepted the first one without thinking.

The black energy that killed Simon was exactly the same as what he had seen on Xinde before.

This conspiracy against him looked like a conspiracy by the so-called"evil god" to enslave him.

Even if there was no reward for the first task, he would never accept the second one.

"I am a man who wants to become a god. Why would I need a fallen wizard like you?"

"Do you want me to be your evil god's lackey?"

""Go to hell!"

Su Mu kept complaining, showing great disdain for the"evil god".

"This mission was given to me by the city lord. The captain of the guards who was extremely hostile to me was also the confidant of the city lord. So, was it the city lord who was plotting against me?"

He began to analyze the situation in front of him.��

Su Mu took out the Shining Star Ring.

This was the reward for completing the escort mission. Not many people could tamper with this equipment!

"There's something wrong with Simon, is he looking for death?"

Thinking back to Simon's expression and behavior when he handed the ring to him, Su Mu also realized something was wrong.

He walked slowly downstairs.

There was another purpose for returning to this place.

To check the scene!

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