real world

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

A series of urgent phone calls continued.

"Who is this? You're calling me so late. Are you crazy?"

A man rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up from the bed, cursing.

"You'd better have something important to say, otherwise!" Picking up the phone, Xu Shijie yelled at the other end

""Mr. Xu, please come online quickly, something big has happened!"

The voice on the other end was very urgent, and the words made Xu Shijie sober up all of a sudden....

"There's something wrong with this guy's body!"

In the lobby on the first floor of the town mansion, Su Mu was observing where Simon fell. His strong insight allowed him to quickly notice that something was wrong.

The place where Simon hit the wall was not the kind of place where he hit it after being hit by an impact, but more like he deliberately hit it.

"Is the impact damage caused by the black energy really that strong?"

Su Mu began to recall the situation when the black energy was launched.

The energy did not feel strong to him!

This is a game world, even those NPCs cannot escape the rules of the game.

One hundred thousand points of damage, how could it be possible for those black energies to do so.

Thinking of this, Su Mu suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He stretched out his hand and measured Simon's temperature.

"It’s too cold!"

A chill came over him.

How long has it been?

There is definitely something wrong with this temperature!

Su Mu recalled the scene when he met Simon in Xiaoyue City.

The first time he shook hands, his body temperature seemed abnormal!

"Could it be that this guy has already died?"

A terrible thought emerged from Su Mu's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more possible it seemed to him.

On the way from Xiaoyue City to Baiwu Town, Simon had always given him a feeling that something was not right.

Su Mu couldn't figure it out before, but now he understood.

The"Simon" he saw was not Simon

"Controlling a dead body? This evil god is something!"

Su Mu smiled slightly, not worried about his situation at all.

"How should I complete this task now? Go and confront the city lord? Or capture the captain of the guard and interrogate him?"

He began to plan his next move.

After accepting the first task, there was a warning on the task prompt.

【Killing innocent NPCs will lower your reputation in the main city!

In other words, you must find the NPCs that are really problematic.

"How can we lure out the captain of the guard alone?"...

In Baiwu Town, people appeared out of nowhere.

It was already late at night.

The moonlight was dim.

But they continued to appear.

Soon, nearly a hundred people appeared in this area.

"Have you all gathered?"

Xu Shijie looked at these people and said in a loud voice.

""Everyone who has arrived at Baiwu Town is here!" A subordinate immediately replied.

Xu Shijie nodded, and then showed excitement:"You all know our goal, right?"

"Got it!"

Everyone responded in unison, shouting loudly.

After they came online, a task popped up on the interface.

【Assist the NPC in Baiwu Town to kill the player Su Mu!

Although this task does not specify the reward, the content of this task alone is enough to drive Xu Shijie crazy.

Kill the player Su Mu!

There is a limit on the number of entries into the Shentu game.

Now that Su Mu has become the public enemy of the NPC, this is his best chance to deal with Su Mu!

As long as he kills this Su Fashen 10 times, then in this Shentu world, Su Fashen will become a thing of the past!

Of course, Xu Shijie's goal is not this.

He is more concerned about the"leveling skills" that Su Mu has mastered."

"Even if we have to turn the entire Baiwu Town upside down, we must find that guy for me!"Xu Shijie clenched his fists, full of confidence.

The current Baiwu Town is no longer the novice village it once was!

With the advantage of numbers, the 100 of them, if each of them releases one skill, will be enough to solve the problem of Su Fashen.

A group of people began to search in Baiwu Town in a mighty manner.

""Mr. Xu, there's someone over there!"

Not long after they walked, a figure appeared in front of them.


Xu Shijie's face lit up, and he called everyone to rush over.

"It's not a red name!"

"Who is this guy?"

"Look at that dress, he doesn't look like the mage we met before!"

After approaching, everyone was stunned when they saw the man's appearance.

They obviously didn't expect that in this White Mist Town, besides them, there were actually other players.


Xu Shijie also stared at the man's attire and frowned.

After a while, he suddenly thought of something and blurted out:"Are you Xuanyuan?"

"Oh, you know me?"

After his identity was revealed,"Xuanyuan" smiled and asked back.

His generous admission also made Xu Shijie and others look at each other in surprise.

"What are you doing here?"Xu Shijie's expression was not friendly.

After all, it was heard that Su Fashen and Xuanyuan seemed to be good friends.

"Of course I am here for the reward announced!"

But Xuanyuan's words once again stunned him.

"Reward?" Xu Shijie quickly responded:"Are you talking about the reward for killing Su Mu?"

Xuanyuan did not answer, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, giving people a sense of mystery.

"Are you kidding? Aren't you friends with that Su Mu?"

"That’s right, you two had such a tacit understanding in hiding your levels before, how could you not know each other?"

"You and Su Mu are in the same group, right? Are you here to find out the situation for him?"

Several voices sounded in succession, not believing what Xuanyuan said.

"I don't need to explain to you!"

Xuanyuan also ignored these people, with a very indifferent expression on his face.


Just as he was about to leave, Xu Shijie's voice rang out.

Xuanyuan paused, turned his head and looked at Xu Shijie:"What?"

"According to the announcement, you should be able to get a reward every time you kill that Su Mu. He is a player and has ten chances to revive. You should know better than me how generous the reward is, right?"Xu Shijie said with a smile.

Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes when he heard this, as if he was making a decision.

Seeing this, Xu Shijie continued,"You know that guy's strength better than us. We can cooperate. As for those rewards, you take the biggest share!"

At this point, the smile on Xu Shijie's face became brighter.

Even if Xuanyuan and Su Fashen are friends, what are friends in the face of absolute interests?

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