As expected, Xu Shijie heard the most pleasant words he had heard recently.

"make a deal!"

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Xu Shijie smiled and stretched out his hand to Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan raised his mouth slightly, ignored the hand, turned around and left

"" Tsk!"

Xu Shijie looked at Xuanyuan's back with an unhappy face.

But in order to deal with Su Mu, he still followed Xuanyuan with a group of men.

Xuanyuan walked in front, and the whole person was already lost in thought.

Who is Xuanyuan?

Isn't that Su Mu after transformation!

After transforming into Xuanyuan, Su Mu's perspective also returned to the normal player state.

As expected, no NPC could see through his identity.

He walked swaggeringly on the streets of Baiwu Town, ready to find the captain of the guard.

Who would have thought that he would run into Xu Shijie and his group on the way.

When Su Mu saw this group of people, he instantly guessed their plan.

This group of people is obviously here to cause trouble for him!

He originally wanted to avoid these people, but on second thought, this group of people might be worth using.

"Hey, where are you taking us?"

"That's right, you're not going to take us around here to buy time for your friend, are you?"

"Do you know where that guy is?"

After leading everyone for a long time, several impatient questioning voices rang out.

Su Mu turned back and glared at them. His sharp eyes made those people immediately behave themselves.

To be honest, the aura of a strong man emanating from Xuanyuan was quite intimidating.

Soon, a team of NPCs appeared in front of everyone.

The position they were guarding happened to be the main road from Baiwu Town to Xiaoyue City. Obviously, they didn't want Su Mu to escape to Xiaoyue City.

The leader of this team of NPCs was the captain of the guards from before.

"Hello, is there anything we can help you with?"Su Mu stepped forward and greeted him warmly.

The captain of the guard looked Su Mu up and down, then looked at Xu Shijie and his group, and said,"An adventurer has killed the new mayor. I need your help, and I will give you a generous reward!"

"How rich is it?"Su Mu showed a greedy look.

Xu Shijie and others behind him also had the same expression.

【Do you accept the mission: arrest the real murderer? 】

At this time, a prompt popped up in front of Su Mu.

"Accept it!"

He took the task without thinking.

【Catching the real murderer: Help kill the enemy of Xiaoyue City! (Completion reward: Bloodthirsty Rage (A-level))】

"It really seems to be the case!"

After seeing the content of the task, Su Mu was a little surprised.

His second identity must be something special. He actually received a task to kill himself!

"It’s actually an A-level skill?"

"This skill looks very powerful!"

"Is this for every kill?"

On the field, except for Su Mu, everyone else also accepted this task.

After seeing the reward of A-level skills, everyone was a little uneasy.

With their level, how many skill points do they have?

Including Xu Shijie, none of them has A-level skills!

""I know you adventurers have multiple lives. Every time you kill that guy, you can come to me again to receive the task, and the reward will be generous." The captain of the guards spoke again.

The meaning of his words was very clear.

As long as they can kill Su Mu ten times, they can get ten rewards of the same level as A-level skills!

"What are you waiting for? Find that guy right away!"

"If I could get ten A-level skills, it would be incredible!"

"No, ten A-level skills? That Su Fashen doesn't have any either, right?"

Everyone kept discussing.

Their words made Xu Shijie's eyes light up.

On the field, one person fell into deep thought.

Su Mu looked at the task reward, and a very bold idea popped up in his mind.

He had dealt with NPCs many times, and he also had some experience in completing tasks.

"If we run into that guy and kill him, and you can't see him, who should get the reward?" Su Mu touched his chin and asked the captain of the guards.

"Of course, you must kill the adventurer under witnesses to get the reward."

The captain of the guard gave the answer.

Su Mu laughed when he heard this answer.

It was exactly as he thought.

As long as he made these NPCs think that they killed"Su Mu", then in their eyes, he would have completed the task.

In other words, as long as he made these NPCs think that the person they killed was"Su Mu", then they would obediently hand over the reward. As for the so-called witness?

Su Mu looked at Xu Shijie and others.

Aren't these guys the best witnesses?

The principle is the same.

As long as Xu Shijie and others think that the person they killed is"Su Mu", then the task can be considered completed!

"I'm determined to get the wool from this sheep!"

Su Mu already had a plan in mind.

Originally, he had approached the captain of the guards to find a way to lure him away alone, but now he was no longer in a hurry.

"What are you laughing at? Do you know where that Su Mu is?"

Xu Shijie, who was standing by, also noticed Su Mu's smile and couldn't help asking

"Of course I know!" Su Mu replied directly.

This also made Xu Shijie's eyes light up!

"Without further ado, what are you waiting for?"

"That’s right, take us there quickly!"

"How is that Sufa God going to escape now?"

Others were even more eager to make a move.

"Come with me!"

In front of these people, Su Mu acted confidently and took the lead.

Now it's time to show his acting skills!

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