Walking in front of everyone, Su Mu looked at his own skills.

Phantom clone!

This skill was the most critical part of his plan to steal the sheep.

Behind him, Xu Shijie and others deliberately kept a distance from Su Mu.

"Mr. Xu, I don't think this guy is a good person. We have to be careful of him!"

"We can't really let him take away the bulk of the reward!"

Several people stood beside Xu Shijie and whispered.

"I know what's going on!"

Xu Shijie waved his hand, staring at Su Mu's back, as if thinking about something.

The group of people stopped talking.

They followed Su Mu silently and came to a place.

"That guy is here?"

"You didn't lie to us, did you?"

When they saw the hotel in front of them, they looked at each other in bewilderment.

They had been here before since they came to Baiwu Town.

Even Xu Shijie couldn't afford the high accommodation fee!

"Is that guy really in here?"Xu Shijie also looked at Su Mu with a puzzled look on his face.

That Su Fashen didn't escape from Baiwu Town, but hid in this hotel instead?

Isn't he just waiting to be caught?

"I opened a hotel for him, how could I not know about it?" Su Mu replied with a smile


"So what are you waiting for? Go in and kill him!"

""Everyone, come together!"

Hearing this, everyone became restless.

If Su Mu was really in here, wouldn't that A-level skill be within easy reach?

"You guys wait outside first, that guy is a fast runner, the terrain is narrow inside, it's easy for him to escape, I'll lead him out!"

Su Mu signaled everyone not to act rashly, and gestured around the hotel gate.

"You're not trying to tip that guy off, are you?"

"Or do you want to take the reward for yourself?"

Su Mu's actions aroused the suspicion of many people.

He showed a calm smile and explained:"If I really wanted to help that guy, I would not bring you here!"

"Besides, if I can handle that guy by myself, I won't need you guys!"

These words immediately shut everyone up.

Su Mu smiled and walked into the hotel.

It was night time, and the proprietress had obviously gone to bed.

Su Mu walked in and changed back to

"My defense is too high, I can't let those guys have no chance at all."

Looking at his panel, Su Mu curled his lips.

With his current physical defense and spell defense, the damage to those people outside is probably only 1 point of health.

How long will it take to reduce their health?

After thinking about it, Su Mu took off all his equipment.

The attributes of the phantom clone are the overall attributes when you release your skills. After taking off the equipment, the attributes of the clone will be greatly reduced.

"Phantom clone!"

The next second, a clone that looked exactly like Su Mu appeared in the hotel.


Then, Su Mu turned into Xuanyuan.

He was carrying a rubbish bow bought at the blacksmith shop in Baiwu Town, and the arrows in the quiver were of the lowest quality.

However, with the blessing of high attributes, his long-range attack was not low.

Transferring part of his consciousness to the clone, Su Mu controlled the clone and attacked himself.


Only a little bit of mandatory damage.

At the same time, it also turns the clone in front of him into a red name state that can be attacked.

"The show is about to begin!"...

Outside the hotel.

According to Su Mu's request, Xu Shijie and others ambushed on both sides of the door.

"Why hasn't that guy come out yet?"

"Xuanyuan is not teasing us, right?"

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement in the hotel, and someone couldn't help but mutter

"You betrayed me?"

"Su Mu, what do you mean by I betrayed you? If I were you, I'm afraid you would also betray me with this generous reward!"

"You little villain!"

At this moment, two voices rang out in the hotel.

Before everyone could react, a figure rushed out of the hotel.

"It’s the wizard I met before!"

"That’s right, it’s him, he is indeed that Su Mu!"

"Great, we can get revenge!"

When they saw that figure for the first time, many people recognized him.

The life lost in the Novice Village left a deep impression on them.

Especially Xu Shijie.

At this moment, he was already gritting his teeth.

"Don't let him run away, kill him!"

A loud shout sounded, and Xu Shijie took the lead.

As a mage, he directly used his most powerful instant skill.

The next second, his skill hit Su Mu, but the damage number that appeared on it made him stunned.

"Double digits?"

He shouted subconsciously, with only"incredible" on his face.

As a first-level mage, his skills have also been upgraded to B-level, and he is wearing a good set of equipment.

But his strongest attack only hit a double-digit number?

Just when Xu Shijie was stunned, others also launched attacks one after another.

However,"Su Mu" moved too fast, and many attacks missed directly.

And those skills that hit, all caused single-digit damage!

"Damn, a C-level skill took away 6 points of this guy’s health?"

"This is too good to be true? My magic missile only hit 3 points of health?"

""Shit, how high is this guy's magic defense?"

Of course, most of these are magic skills.

There is no way, even without equipment, the basic spirit value of the clone is still too high, plus 50% spell resistance, how can these people do any harm

"I only took away more than 30 points of his health. Is this guy's physical defense so high?"

"This is ridiculous. My strongest skill only does over 50 points of damage."

"His health bar is a bit thick. Aren't mages said to be fragile?"

Soon, many archers' attacks hit, and they couldn't help but roar.

Su Mu is not a mage at all, this is obviously a wizard!

Especially the speed of escape, all the assassins are ashamed of themselves.

""Chase him, don't let him run away!"

A loud shout rang out on the field.

The others didn't even think about it and chased after"Su Mu".


The person who shouted this was following the crowd at a leisurely pace, smiling.

This person was Xuanyuan.

The perspective of the clone was shared with the original body.

Su Mu paid attention to the health of the clone and controlled his escape direction, which was exactly the direction where the captain of the guards was.

The reason for running there was to take down the fatal blow to"Su Mu" in front of the captain of the guards.

"I have to be ready too!"

Grabbing the longbow in his hand, Su Mu put an arrow on it.

This is the troublesome thing about archers. Not only do they need to be equipped with a longbow, but they also have to carry a quiver.

Behind the main force, Su Mu was ready to attack.

The archer skills he had mastered were all S-level.

As long as he attacked, the clone would be killed instantly!

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