Under the flames, everything ceased to exist.

The fire was unstoppable.

Su Mu, who was 800 meters away, seemed to feel a burning sensation.

"This is a warning!" He whispered softly, expressionless.

Su Mu knew very well that there were too many people who wanted to kill him!

With his current ability, he might be able to find all those people, but it would take too long.

And those people are probably not in China.

When he can teleport across the ocean, it won't be too late to find those people to settle accounts.

This is why he killed Doug and others directly.

Even if he could get something out of interrogation, he didn't plan to take action next.

After another"good show" tonight, he had to catch up with the progress of the main task and leveling up.

"I can still go back for dinner now!"

Looking at the time, Su Mu's mouth curled up and suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared....

A meeting room in a group building in a certain city

""Everyone, cheer up, tonight is very important!"

A man in a suit and tie, who looked like a leader, was giving a speech.

There were nearly a hundred people sitting in the huge conference room, all of them were in high spirits.

These people were Xu Shijie's men.

They gathered in this place just to facilitate the collective online.

The young leader looked at the enthusiasm on the faces of those people on the field, smiled with great satisfaction, and then shouted:"Our slogan is!"

Soon, a deafening sound rang out.

"Kill Su Mu and kill Xuanyuan!"

"Kill Su Mu and kill Xuanyuan!"...

Late at night.

Su Mu cooked a pot of noodles for himself, and after eating and drinking, he entered the game world.

According to the time,"Su Mu" can enter the game.

In this game, death will not deduct any experience, but after ten deaths, you can no longer enter the game world.

It can be said that this punishment is far more cruel than having to start all over again after death!

"How should we act out today's scene?"

Outside Baiwu Town, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

The method he used yesterday obviously didn't work anymore.

"Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone!"

Su Mu suddenly thought of a great plan

""Transform into Xuanyuan!"

After changing into an archer, Su Mu walked towards Baiwu Town.

The captain of the guards was still guarding this important road.

Obviously, the captain of the guards was trying to prevent Su Mu from escaping to Xiaoyue City!

"Hello, adventurer!"

After seeing Su Mu, the captain of the guard greeted him.

Xuanyuan's arrow killed"Su Mu" yesterday, which undoubtedly increased his favorability.

""I'm here to take the mission!" Su Mu said directly.

The captain of the guard nodded, and a mission appeared in front of Su Mu.

It was the same mission as yesterday, but today's mission reward became a piece of equipment.

【Stone Chain Mail (Grade A): +100 Constitution +100 Strength Additional Skill: Stone Skin (After use, reduces physical damage received by 80%, becomes ineffective after three attacks, cooldown of 10 minutes) Required Level: Tier 2 Level 5】


Judging from the attributes of this equipment and the accompanying skills, this equipment is top-notch for both offensive and defensive warriors.

But compared to the A-level skill yesterday, this reward really made Su Mu feel disappointed!

"What's wrong? Adventurer? The captain of the guards seemed to have noticed Su Mu's expression and asked

"Um, I want to ask, are all the rewards like equipment next?" Knowing how to deal with NPCs, Su Mu pretended to be puzzled and asked back

""Yes!" the captain of the guard replied.

Su Mu didn't say anything and turned away.

Looking at Su Mu's back, the captain of the guard also frowned.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out....

In Baiwu Town, when Su Mu was talking to the captain of the guards, there was a thief sneaking around not far away, and he saw everything.

""Master Xu, Xuanyuan is here, but he hasn't found Su Mu yet!" The thief immediately privately chatted with Xu Shijie.

"Got it, pay attention to Xuanyuan's position, Su Mu will definitely cause trouble for him!"

Xu Shijie gave the thieves an order, and hid in a corner of Baiwu Town, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

"Today I will let you see my strength!"

He had a big smile on his face, and he was obviously very confident....

"Something is wrong!"

In Baiwu Town, Su Mu was looking for a suitable place to summon his clone, but he always felt that someone was watching him.

He quickly thought of something and raised his eyebrows.

"Magic perspective!"

As soon as the perspective skill was turned on, Su Mu laughed.

"Xu Shijie is trying to cause trouble!"

I have the level advantage, and my magic perspective skill is maxed out, so these thieves' low-level stealth skills have nowhere to hide.


As the sprint skill started, Su Mu took a few quick steps and left all the thieves who could only move slowly in stealth mode behind.

The next second, he came to an empty corner.

"Phantom clone!"

Su Mu used the clone skill directly.

The next second, another"Xuanyuan" appeared!

Then, Su Mu changed back to himself.

This was not a mistake, but his plan.

This scene tonight will be a little different!...

HF City.

Outside a villa, a group of people are cleaning up

"All four people in the house died. The fire was so cruel!"

"Yes, judging from the situation, the four people were probably drinking at the time, probably drunk, and didn't notice the fire!"

As they cleaned up, they discussed, with a sigh in their tone.

"Have their identities been ascertained?"

"After checking, we found out that they are all international students. This should be their usual gathering place."

Several people looked at the identity documents in their hands and continued to investigate the scene.

""Have you found the cause of the fire?" someone asked.

"It is not clear yet. Judging from the environment, the sofa where they were sitting should be the first to catch fire. It may be that the cigarette butt was not put out, which caused the fire!"Someone answered immediately.

"Is there anything suspicious nearby?" the man continued to ask.

"We have checked everything, and there is nothing abnormal!"Another person came over with a report.

The man took the report and read it.

After a while, he nodded.

"Everyone has worked hard, let’s call it a day!"

"This incident is tentatively classified as an accident!"

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