After changing back to himself, Su Mu flashed directly to another place in the town.

The next plan is very simple.

He is going to stage a scene of escaping from Baiwu Town!

There is no need for the clone"Xuanyuan" in the front, the clone only needs to keep"chasing and killing".

Su Mu will lead Xu Shijie and others to rush to the main road guarded by the captain of the guard.

Then find a way to separate the captain of the guard from the others.

Then it is the scene of"Xuanyuan" taking action to kill Su Fashen!

To do this, the clone of the mage who cannot use skills cannot do it.

As for how this play should be performed?

Su Mu already has an excellent plan in his mind!

He looked at his attributes.

Occupation: Mage

Level: Tier 2, Level 6 (8000/30000)

HP: 8180 Mana

: 39800

Melee Physical Attack: 716

Spell Attack: 2978

Physical Defense: 918

Spell Defense: 1295

Attributes: Strength 308, Constitution 338 (+280), Agility 308, Spirit 605 (+390), Intelligence 764 (+590) I have been in White Mist Town for the past two days and have done nothing. My experience and attributes have not changed.

However, after putting on the Shining Star Ring, my intelligence value is indeed a bit exaggerated.

"This damage is really too exaggerated!"

Su Mu calculated his own damage.

Xu Shijie's group might not be able to withstand the first jump of the frost storm.

He didn't care about the life and death of Xu Shijie's group. He was worried that killing those guards would reduce his reputation in the main city.

"Forget it, there are only a few NPCs, so what if I lose some reputation? I should be able to make it up by completing tasks later!"

But on second thought, Su Mu didn't bother about it.

It wasn't a mass killing, and it was"self-defense", there was nothing to be vain about!

"Take off some of your equipment, don't show too much strength."

Yesterday, when I faced Xu Shijie and others, I took off my equipment. If I put on all my equipment today, it would obviously make them notice something was wrong.

Su Mu took off all the Goblin suits, leaving only the basic 764 intelligence points. Without the 10% magic attack bonus of the suit attribute, the magic attack at this moment is 1582.

Even so, the damage of each jump of the frost storm reached 3056 points.

With the magic defense and health of Xu Shijie and others, 80% of them will still be killed instantly by the damage of the first jump.

"I can't do anything about this!"I have taken down all the equipment that increases intelligence, but the attack is still so high. Su Mu smiled helplessly.

"Let's get started!"

He ran quickly out of the town, not trying to hide his whereabouts along the way....

"Is that Su Mu?"

"That’s right, it’s him, he is online!"

"Is he planning to seek revenge on Xuanyuan?"

Su Mu walked around in Baiwu Town with a swagger and was soon discovered by the lurking assassins, but they followed Xu Shijie's orders and did not act rashly.

"Something is wrong, he is running out of town!"

"Report to Master Xu quickly!"

But when the assassins found out that Su Mu did not seek revenge on Xuanyuan at all, but wanted to escape from Baiwu Town, they immediately chatted with Xu Shijie privately.

"Damn it, this guy is so cowardly!"

After receiving this news, Xu Shijie gritted his teeth.

His so-called"perfect plan" was over before it even started!

"Su Fashen? I think you should change your name to Su Song!"Xu Shijie's eyes were angry, but he could do nothing.

Su Mu was determined to escape, could he let Su Mu fight Xuanyuan to the death?

"Notify everyone to go online. We can't let Su Mu get away no matter what!" Xu Shijie made a prompt decision.

He wanted Su Mu to die more than he hated Xuanyuan.

His subordinates were also very capable and entered the game almost at the same time.


Xu Shijie gave an order, and the more than 100 people immediately chased in the direction of Su Mu's escape.

With the hidden assassins acting as spies, they soon"caught up" with Su Mu.

"Kill him for me!"

Xu Shijie shouted and took the lead.

The others also attacked.

""You're here just in time!"

Looking at the crowd behind him, Su Mu laughed.

He was now in his true form, so it was easy for him to dodge the attacks of these guys.


Su Mu flashed ten meters away.

All the attacks of Xu Shijie and others were in vain.

"Don't run!"

"Su Fashen? You are a coward!"

"What a bullshit magic god, in my opinion, he is just a lost dog!"

Seeing that he could not pose a threat to Su Mu, Xu Shijie and others started to curse.

""Impotent and furious, if you have the guts, kill me!" Su Mu listened to those words and responded.

This sentence immediately made Xu Shijie and others speechless.

A group of people had red eyes and were extremely angry. They chased and attacked at the same time.

Many of their attacks"occasionally" hit Su Mu, but the damage caused was minimal.

The expression on Xu Shijie's face became more and more gloomy.

But soon, his eyes lit up.

In this chase, they have come to the main road of Baiwu Town, and the NPC guarding there has already discovered Su Mu.

"Now let's see where you can run!"

With the help of those NPCs, Xu Shijie instantly gained confidence.

But at this moment, he was surprised to find that Su Mu, who was running wildly, actually stopped!

"What does this guy want to do?"Xu Shijie's eyes widened, and his heart skipped a beat. He suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Mr. Xu, that guy has stopped. It seems that he is afraid of the NPC. Now is a good opportunity for us to attack!"

"Everyone, go all out, use your strongest skills, and kill him!"

"The reward is waving to us!"

Xu Shijie's men were all excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they all wanted to get the"ultimate blow".

No one noticed.

On this already cold night, there seemed to be frost in the air!

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