Various shouts broke the silence of the night.

Su Mu stood still, his attention focused on the captain of the guards.

He was his biggest threat!

"Mana Shield!"

When the shield skill was activated, frost appeared in Su Mu's eyes.

"Frost storm!"

The next second, a violent wind raged, and the main exit of Baiwu Town was suddenly covered by a powerful frost force.

At the same time, all kinds of four-digit damage appeared on the heads of Xu Shijie and his men.

Except for high-health professions like warriors, other fragile professions were instantly killed without exception!

Even Xu Shijie was the same!

Although his equipment was good, most of them were output equipment.

Facing the high damage of the frost storm, his health was not enough.

""What the hell? What's going on?"

As for the tanks with high HP, they turned into white light as the second jump of damage appeared.

Xu Shijie and his gang didn't even react to what happened before they were all"forced offline".

All this was within Su Mu's expectations.

Killing these players didn't affect his reputation.

He looked at the damage on the captain of the guards and other NPCs.

The captain of the guards only had more than a thousand points.

The other NPCs had two thousand points.

But their HP was not low, and they could completely withstand the damage of a round of storms.

"You bastard, why don't you surrender?"

The captain of the guards was slowed down by the frost storm and glared at Su Mu.

""Cut, you're here to catch me?"

Su Mu sneered and fled away.

""Don't run!"

The captain of the guards roared, and his body suddenly changed.

His eyes turned blood red, and his speed suddenly increased by more than double.

The deceleration effect of the frost storm was useless to him!

In this state, the captain of the guards rushed towards Su Mu.

"Running so fast?"Su Mu frowned.

In front of the captain of the guards, he did not intend to use other professional skills.

The purpose of doing so was naturally not to let the other party see anything.

It was also for the next plan.

"Ring of Resistance!"

As the captain of the guards approached, a ring of energy emerged from Su Mu's body.

Unlike the last time, although the captain of the guards was bounced back, the distance was only a few meters.

He raised his weapon and charged towards Su Mu.

Su Mu did not dodge and let the captain of the guards hit him with his skills.

A 4000+ damage appeared.

With the mana shield, Su Mu had no pressure at all.

The captain of the guards attacked again.

The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose slightly.


A force of ice appeared, freezing the captain of the guards in place.

After mastering the frost storm, he hadn't used this skill for a long time. In terms of control effect, this skill is still very strong.

Provocatively making a gesture to the captain of the guards, Su Mu strode forward.

"You damned fellow!"

The captain of the guards became more and more angry.

He looked up at the night sky.

The moon was very round today. Even though it was late at night, the moonlight was still bright.


The captain of the guard suddenly made a strange sound.

"What is this?"

Su Mu paused when he saw the changes in the captain of the guards.


The captain of the guards had completely transformed into a monster covered in hair, and his face had turned into that of a wolf.

His mouth was full of sharp teeth, which was particularly creepy.

"The captain of the Xiaoyue City guards is actually a werewolf!"

Su Mu didn't know what to say.

The situation before him had overturned his cognition.

"Human, you forced me to do this!"

At this time, the werewolf guard captain spoke up.

"What on earth are you?" Su Mu took a deep breath and did not miss this good opportunity to get information.

The captain of the guards did not intend to chat with Su Mu and directly launched an attack.

Before, he ran on two legs, but after transforming into a werewolf, he ran on four legs, and his speed was faster than before.

At this moment, the information in Su Mu's eyes also changed.

【Werewolf (BOSS)]

Level: Unknown!

HP: 150000/150000



Except for a health bar, all other information is unknown

"Has it become a BOSS?"

But Su Mu laughed.

The captain of the guards has changed from an NPC to a BOSS, which is a good thing!

Originally, I thought I couldn't get any money from this guy, but now it seems that as long as I kill this BOSS, not to mention what good things will be dropped, the experience points will definitely not be low!

"Uh ah!" Seeing the smile on Su Mu's face, the werewolf roared.

He opened his bloody mouth and bit Su Mu.

"I won't be polite with you!"

Su Mu was not afraid and calmly opened the parcel column.

Things had evolved to this point, and he no longer needed to act.

After putting on the equipment, Su Mu's attributes instantly improved a lot.

The werewolf also rushed in front of Su Mu and bit Su Mu's shoulder.

A 3000+ damage number also appeared above Su Mu's head.

The damage of this attack was completely blocked by the mana shield, and he was not hurt at all.

Su Mu smiled slightly, raised the staff in his hand, and slammed it on the werewolf's head.


The next second, the werewolf fell into a dizzy state....

"This is impossible, how is this possible!"

"That guy killed hundreds of us in one skill?"

In a certain corporate building, angry roars continued.

Xu Shijie's face was terribly gloomy, and the others in the conference room dared not even breathe.

Even if they couldn't believe it, they had to accept the reality.

They also completely understood that Su Fashen was not on the same level as them.

The reason why Su Fashen was chased by them was because he was afraid of Xuanyuan!

Without Xuanyuan, Su���God backhanded them in seconds

""Master Xu, how about we form an alliance with Xuanyuan?" one of his subordinates asked.

Xu Shijie's face was so gloomy that water could drip out of it.

He had just fallen out with Xuanyuan yesterday, and now he wanted to curry favor with him. How could he put his face?

The subordinate guessed what Xu Shijie was thinking, and added nervously:"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We have to deal with Xuanyuan and Su Mu first, right?"

Xu Shijie gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and struggled.

After a long time, he regained his composure.

"We have to solve one first!"

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