Outside Baiwu Town, on the road from Misty Mountains to Xiaoyue City.

Su Mu looked at the werewolf in a coma, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"Holy Light Strike!"

A beam of white light descended from the sky and landed on the werewolf.

The peaceful holy light carried a sense of solemnity and announced judgment!


The powerful force made the werewolf let out a heart-wrenching scream.


As the number appeared, the werewolf's health suddenly dropped by one-sixth.

"This guy has such high magic defense? And magic resistance?"

Su Mu raised his eyebrows when he saw the number.

The sum of his spiritual value and intelligence value was nearly 2,500 points, and the basic damage of the holy light attack was as high as 35,000.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Just as Su Mu was calculating, the werewolf roared angrily, and a strange black energy appeared on its sharp claws.

Obviously, this guy used some kind of skill.

At this distance, with the werewolf's attack speed, Su Mu had no way to avoid it.

"I have a shield value of tens of thousands, so why should I be afraid of you?"

Su Mu showed a contemptuous look, raised the staff in his hand, and hit the werewolf's waist with a stick.

"Kidney shot!"

Two damage numbers appeared above Su Mu and the werewolf's head.

The difference was that the werewolf's head was dizzy again.


Thunderbolt fell from the sky


There is another five-digit damage number on the werewolf's head.

"How is this possible? How can your damage be so terrible?"The werewolf was completely confused.

Su Mu's two attacks directly took away one-third of his health.

The damage he caused to Su Mu was simply dwarfed by the damage he caused to Su Mu.

"What's impossible?"Su Mu smiled and answered, raising the staff in his hand again.

The werewolf ran very fast, and only by controlling this guy could he ensure that his output would hit the target.

""Crazy Axe Shock!"

The werewolf fell into a dizzy state again.

Even as a BOSS, it could not be completely immune to these highest-level skills.

The short dizziness gave Su Mu a chance to attack.




"Good luck!"

Two injuries appeared in succession, and Su Mu laughed.

This triggered the effect of the mana surge.


The werewolf was torn apart by the lightning, and his ferocious face was full of fear.

He was not an unintelligent monster. On the contrary, he had a very high intelligence.

After realizing that he was no match for Su Mu, he thought of running away.

As long as he could escape and turn back into human form, he could gather more people to encircle and suppress Su Mu.

"Want to run?"

Seeing the werewolf give up the attack and retreat, Su Mu instantly understood his plan.

"Gravity field!"

The powerful gravity immediately pressed down on the werewolf, making him feel like he was stuck in a quagmire.


The werewolf realized that something was wrong and used the skill again.

His eyes glowed red, and his strength and speed were greatly enhanced. He actually ran against the gravity field!

"It is indeed a BOSS-level monster!"

Su Mu was amazed when he saw this.

With his current intelligence, even those elite monsters and NPCs would not be able to break free from the force field. This werewolf BOSS gave him a little surprise.

"I won't play with you anymore!"

With a slight smile, Su Mu began to gather energy.



Suddenly, the area was filled with lightning and thunder.

One after another, the lightning struck the werewolf boss.

Under the control of the gravity field, the werewolf boss could avoid some attacks, but his health was still dropping.

If this continued, he would die here today.

Suddenly, the werewolf boss seemed to see something, and a hope surged in his eyes.

"Adventurer, I am the captain of the guards, Su Mu is here, come and help me!"

What he saw was the"Xuan Yuan" who was catching up with him.

Regardless of the werewolf appearance at the moment, he sent a call for help to Xuan Yuan.

"As long as you help me kill that Su Mu, I will give you a generous reward!" The captain of the guard in werewolf form kept shouting.

The scene of Xuanyuan killing Su Mu in seconds was still fresh in his memory.

But he overlooked one thing.

How did Xuanyuan kill Su Mu in seconds when even he couldn't?

Fear had made the captain of the guard lose his mind.

He looked at Xuanyuan eagerly, hoping that someone could hold Su Mu back so that he could escape.

Everything was just as he wished.

Xuanyuan raised the longbow in his hand, bent the bow and drew the arrow.


The arrow pierced the night sky and shot out.


The captain of the guards widened his wolf eyes, revealing a husky expression.

The arrow landed squarely on his head, causing considerable damage!


Then, another lightning bolt fell, accurately hitting the stunned captain of the guards.

He looked at Xuanyuan who was drawing his bow and arrow again, as if he understood something.

"You guys!"

But before he could finish his words, the arrow and the lightning struck him again.


The werewolf body of the captain of the guards fell straight to the ground.

His wolf eyes were wide open, as if he was dying with his eyes open.

【You killed the werewolf and gained 50,000 experience points.】

【Gain 1 point of intelligence through the Glory of the God of Magic!】

【Congratulations on your upgrade, you have gained thirty attribute points and twenty skill points!】

【Congratulations on your upgrade, you have gained thirty attribute points and twenty skill points! 】

At the same time, several prompts popped up on Su Mu's interface.

After killing this BOSS, the rich experience allowed him to directly upgrade two levels!

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