"This place is their home turf, I have to be careful!"

"Let's add attributes first!"

Without rushing to find out, Su Mu opened the attribute column.

After the continuous upgrades, his attribute points have not been allocated yet.

According to the previous arrangement, the basic attributes of the upgrade should all be added to the spirit.

But now his spirit value is already very high.

The mana is also very sufficient.

The physical fitness has been improved by the magic god's scepter, which is generally better.

In comparison, the two attributes of strength and agility are a bit not good enough.

"We're supposed to be a full-time magician, but it's not good if you're too biased in your studies!"

"Let's add them evenly to the other two attributes first!"

After thinking for a while, Su Mu divided the 60 points of attributes obtained from these two levels equally into strength, and followed up with agility.

The skills of other professions that he mastered all require the blessing of strength and agility.

Open the attribute bar.

Player: Su Mu

Occupation: Mage

Level: Level 10 of the second stage (to be advanced)

Health: 9680 Mana

: 48200

Melee physical attack: 876

Spell attack: 3036

Physical defense: 1068

Spell defense: 1505

Attributes: Strength 338, Constitution 338 (+430), Agility 338, Spirit 665 (+540), Intelligence 820 (+560)

"This attribute is too exaggerated!"

"Is this the joy of being a full-time mage?"

Seeing his current attributes, even Su Mu felt a little abnormal.

After killing so many elite monsters in the cave, the God of Mage Glory gained more than 50 points of intelligence, and his basic intelligence was already heading towards four digits.

With the blessing of equipment and basic attributes, his mana is about to break through 50,000!

With his current mana and this spell attack, even if he was facing a three-headed werewolf BOSS, he could solve them all.

"The blood volume is almost 10,000!"

"If I were still in Baiwu Town, even if I stood there and let Xu Shijie and his gang attack me, they wouldn't be able to kill me!"

Of course, to be able to achieve such attributes, my unlimited skill points played a great role.

And even if I broke the restrictions of my profession, I could learn any skill.

"Could it be that I am the man chosen by God?"

Su Mu had also guessed why he had obtained all these, but this question obviously had no answer.

"Let's deal with the BOSS first!"

Putting aside these thoughts, Su Mu slowed down his pace and walked towards the deepest part of the cave.

He kept the magic perspective skill.

It was too dark in this cave. Even if he couldn't see the BOSS, the magic perspective could allow him to identify the environment.

"Is there light?"

Just when the cave was about to bottom out, a faint light appeared in front of him.

In this dark cave, such light looked indescribably eerie.

Su Mu frowned and slowly moved towards the location where the light was emitted.

"What is this?"

No need for magic vision, under the pale blue light, an open area appeared in Su Mu's sight.

This is a cave full of stalactite caves.

The first thing that attracted Su Mu was an area with red light at the back of the cave.

The red liquid was emitting a scorching heat, which should be the entrance to the copy of the magma cave.

"Where is the boss?"

Just as Su Mu was about to look for the boss's location, a burst of laughter suddenly rang out.


"Is there anyone?"

It was the sound of a person's laughter, and it also made Su Mu feel somewhat familiar.

He looked in the direction of the laughter and suddenly widened his eyes.

It was a big rock with a person sitting on it.


"Isn't this guy dead?" Su Mu couldn't help but murmur.

Seeing a dead person in such a place, he really felt a little eerie.

"With this body, I don't have to stay in this place anymore!"

At this time, Simon spoke again.

His voice was still the familiar voice that Su Mu had known before, but the tone was a little wrong.

"This guy is not Simon!"

Su Mu quickly realized that Simon's body was possessed by some kind of monster!

"That means the BOSS of this place ran to Xiaoyue City, killed Simon, and then possessed him, just to frame me?"

"Can the BOSS in this place still run away?"

Su Mu was really confused.

Judging from the shadow demons outside, the BOSS here should also be a kind of shadow demon.

It was not surprising that this kind of monster had the skill of possession.

What he could not expect was that the BOSS on this map could still leave?

"Of course, this is all thanks to the gift of the evil god!"

Simon's voice rang again.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed devoutly.

"My Lord, I will be your most loyal servant!"

The slightly fanatical voice filled the entire cave.

"It turned out to be the evil god’s doing!"

"So, that guy can influence the rules?"

Su Mu listened to these words, his eyes gradually became cold.

When he killed Xinde, it seemed that he offended a great existence!

"That evil god wants to make me a public enemy and use up my ten chances of resurrection?"

After careful consideration, Su Mu understood the other party's intention to frame him.

This is to drive him out of the world of God!

"In that case, I won't be polite to you!"

Su Mu's face was as cold as frost, staring at Simon who was kneeling on the ground.

This loyal servant of the evil god would definitely die today!

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