With his eyes fixed on Simon, Su Mu began to plan the battle in his mind.

After all, he was the boss of this place, and he had the support of the evil god behind him, so he had to go all out!

"There is no need to explain the combo!"

Taking a deep breath, Su Mu decisively activated the mana shield.

"Energy awakening!"

The mana recovery skill was used immediately afterwards. Seeing the mana increasing little by little, Su Mu's eyes turned to"Simon"

"Holy Light Strike!"

The most powerful output skill at the beginning.

A holy light appeared out of nowhere in the dim cave and accurately hit"Simon"."


An extremely high damage number popped up.

Simon, who was kneeling on the ground, obviously hadn't reacted yet. He quickly got up from the ground and kept looking around.

Suddenly, he felt a dizziness in his head, and the whole person was like a wooden chicken.







"Kidney shot!"...

Su Mu did not explain his combo and attacked Simon all at once.

In the cave, lightning flashed continuously. Under the powerful attack of Su Mu's spell, Simon's health dropped rapidly.

""I triggered the surge of mana three times in a row. It feels so good!"

Another lightning bolt was fired. Seeing the two damage numbers that appeared one after another, Su Mu couldn't help but smile.

The damage caused by this series of combos was as high as 130,000 points!

Sure enough, sneak attack is the kingly way!

"Is it you?"

On the field,"Simon" woke up from his dizziness. When he saw Su Mu behind him, he suddenly opened his mouth wide with an expression of great surprise.

In his opinion, Su Mu should have been trapped in Baiwu Town. How could he suddenly appear here?

"Hello, mayor!"

Su Mu smiled and greeted him, not as"friendly" as he looked.

As soon as he finished speaking, another bolt of lightning fell.

"You guy!"

"Simon also felt the power of the lightning, staring at Su Mu with his eyes.

Facing Su Mu's previous bombardment, he had lost most of his health, but it all happened so fast that he could only respond now.


At this moment, Su Mu was surprised to find that when the lightning struck Simon, it did not cause any damage.

Simon's body seemed to have lost its strength and he collapsed to the ground.

"Ran away?"

Su Mu's pupils dilated, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Gravity Field!"

The next second, a skill was used directly.

"Where is it?"

Under the control of the powerful force field, Su Mu knew that the BOSS could not escape, and quickly looked around.

There were shadows everywhere!

For the BOSS, these shadows were perfect hiding places.

"Magic perspective!"

Su Mu decisively activated the perspective skill.

"Still can't see it?"

What surprised Su Mu was that the magic perspective seemed to have completely lost its effect when facing this BOSS.


Without hesitation, Su Mu flashed to the exit.

There was only a narrow passage here, and if the BOSS wanted to escape, he had to pass by him.

"You can't run away!"

Stay at this place, Su Mu shouted loudly, while observing the shadows.

Although the magic perspective has lost its effect, his keen insight is still there.

""Jie! Jie! Jie!"

Suddenly, a terrible laugh rang out in the cave.

The sound surrounded the cave, and it was impossible to tell where it came from.

"Frost Storm!"

Su Mu snorted coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

""Whoosh! Whoosh!"

A strong storm swept through the entire cave.

With the scope of the frost storm, it undoubtedly covered every corner.

"You lowly ant!"

Under the ravages of the storm, the boss in the shadow was obviously suffering damage, and he let out a roar of anger.

"Haha, I told you that you are a coward!"Su Mu stood where he was and retorted directly

"How dare you insult me?"

The angry voice sounded again.

The boss in the shadow was obviously angered by Su Mu's words.

But he did not show up.

"This guy is different from those ordinary monsters, he has high intelligence!"

"Was it given by the evil god?"

Su Mu had been observing the shadows and trying to identify the direction of the sound, but there was still no trace of it.

The other party seemed to have completely disappeared into the darkness.

""If that's the case, I'll grind you to death!"

Su Mu was no longer in a hurry.

The magic defense of this shadow demon BOSS was as high as 5,000 points, and it had 30% magic resistance.

The damage of each jump of the frost storm was 750, and the damage that could be caused within 8 seconds was 6,000 points.

This BOSS had a total of 180,000 health points, and there were probably less than 50,000 points left.

After ten storms, this guy would definitely die!

"We can't lose this position, my control skill is about to cool down!"

Su Mu didn't care about the shadows in the cave.

He just needed to guard this escape exit.

Time passed second by second. After the time of one frost storm ended, Su Mu raised his hand and another storm.

In the already cold cave, the cold wind was biting.

"Boy, stop it now, do you know who you are facing?"The boss in the shadow lost his temper and threatened:"I am the spokesperson of the evil god in Xiaoyue City. If you kill me, you will never have a good end!"

Su Mu listened to these harsh words and remained indifferent.

If the so-called evil god could really attack him, he would be finished when he was dealing with Xinde.

"Are you determined to be the enemy of the evil god?"

In the cave, the surrounding voice sounded again, with a tone of anxiety.

Every jump of the frost storm is real-time damage.

If it were any other boss, it would have launched an attack on Su Mu at this time.

It happened to be the kind of intelligent being that was bound by fear of death.

"Adventurer, let's talk. I can help you become a powerful fallen mage. Believe me, that is a force you cannot resist!"After failing to force him, the boss chose to bribe him.

"As long as you have this power, you will become the most loyal servant of the Evil God, and you will get everything you want!"

"You can even become a being on par with"God"!"

The tempting voices continued

"It sounds good!"Su Mu smiled and said

"Believe me, it is your supreme honor to follow the Evil God!" The BOSS thought Su Mu was tempted and raised the stakes:"As long as you become an apostle, all your sins in Xiaoyue City will be forgiven!"


Su Mu ignored the first sentence, but the second sentence piqued his interest.

Maybe he could get some information about the mastermind from this boss.

"I want to know, how can you help me get rid of the crime? You know, I killed the"mayor" of Baiwu Town!"He asked towards the cave.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

After a long while, the voice of the boss sounded.

"You don’t need to know this!"

"Haha!" Su Mu sneered:"If that's the case"

"Ice! Frost!"


He deliberately raised his voice and shouted word by word.

Sure enough, such threats were very effective.

"I tell you!"

The panicked voice of the boss sounded immediately afterwards.

"The Lord of Xiaoyue City is a monster!"

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