"What did you say?"

Su Mu's eyes widened at this sentence, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

For such a big city, the mayor was actually a monster?

However, after thinking about the identity of the captain of the guards, Su Mu was not surprised.

"Are you telling the truth?" He emphasized

"I swear to the evil god, everything I said is true!"

"As long as you surrender to the evil god, you can become the city lord or even the king in the future!"

The shadow demon answered confidently, and did not forget to tempt

"Become the king?"Su Mu curled his lips.

Whether it is powerful strength or being king, it sounds good!

"But it's a pity, my goal is not so small!"

But these are meaningless to me.

"Frost storm!"

Frost storm blew in the cave again.

"You don't keep your word!" The furious voice rebuked

"Do you need to keep your word with a monster?" Su Mu sneered.

"Why, as long as you become a fallen mage, you can become a half-step god-like existence"

"How can a mortal resist such power!"

As his health was decreasing, the Shadow Demon roared, extremely puzzled.


Su Mu said indifferently.

"The pattern is small!"


Accompanied by a thunderbolt, a prompt popped up in front of Su Mu's eyes.

【You killed the Shadow Demon BOSS!】

【Gain 1 intelligence point through the Glory of the Magic God! 】

Through the previous conversation, he had been trying to determine the location of the boss.

When the other party was on the verge of death, he also caught the extremely subtle movements of the black shadow.

Of course, even if there was no last lightning strike, it would only be a matter of releasing a few more frost storms.

"This guy's drops should be very rich, right?"

After easily defeating a big BOSS, Su Mu smiled and walked towards that location.

Don't look at this shadow demon BOSS with high defense and high blood. It's easier to deal with him than the previous swamp snake BOSS.

""Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Just as Su Mu approached the shadow, a strong storm suddenly appeared there.

A black vortex was forming!

"Why does this scene seem familiar?"Su Mu frowned.

It seemed like this was the same scene when Xinde died!

""Holy Light Strike!"

After a brief hesitation, Su Mu used his strongest skill.

A holy light flashed and hit the black vortex.

There was no damage number.

But the black vortex dissipated in an instant.

Su Mu's attack was effective!

Before he had time to rejoice, the black energy condensed again and turned into a pair of eyes.

"This is it!"

When he looked at those eyes, Su Mu suddenly felt a palpitation.

Sweat began to drip from his forehead.

Those eyes were like the soul-sucking god of death, sucking him in firmly.

"Are you the evil god?"

Fortunately, relying on his strong mental strength, Su Mu was not overwhelmed.

He raised his head and stared straight at the eyes, without any fear on his face.

Then, Su Mu made an amazing move.

He raised his middle finger to the eyes!

At this moment, the eyes disappeared.


The pressure that enveloped him suddenly disappeared, and Su Mu let out a long breath.

The pair of terrifying eyes made him realize one thing.

There was still a huge gap between him and the so-called God.

"There is still a long way to go!"

Su Mu smiled bitterly and walked to the side of the shadow demon's body.

There was a ball of light next to the shadow.

【You have obtained a secret fragment!】

【You gained: Shadowmeld!】

【You get the Shadow Soul! 】

A total of three things exploded.

One of them happened to be the fragment that Su Mu was missing. Su Mu took out the secret realm fragment that was pieced together from the previous four fragments.

After putting the last fragment on, this thing also changed.

【Secret Key: can open the lava cave deep in the dark cave!】

"Finally got the key. Next, I'll see if it can drop fire-attribute items."

"As long as I can activate this gem, I can change my job to a hidden job!"

Holding the key tightly in his hand, Su Mu looked at the entrance to the dungeon in the cave.

Even though he was far away, he could still feel the burning energy of the flame.

And this dungeon was also related to the third-level job change.

He had to do it!

Su Mu looked at the second thing.

【Shadow Escape (S-level): After using it, you can blend into the shadows!

The description is very simple.

There is no duration and no cooldown.

It seems that it can be used wherever there is a shadow.

"Even my magic perspective can't see it. The concealment effect of this skill is even better than stealth!"

""I've learned it!"

After learning this skill, Su Mu directly upgraded it to SSS level.

The description is still the same, but it is obvious that the concealment effect of SSS level is more powerful.

""Try it!"

Walking to the shadow, Su Mu used this skill.

The next second, he completely merged into the shadow.

""Amazing! As long as there is a shadow, I am as good as non-existent!"

Su Mu shouted excitedly.

The power of this skill cannot be explained in a few words.

If an assassin gets this skill, he will definitely be like a ghost in the dark!

The most important thing is that this skill can also be used in the real world!

As long as you want, you can become the world's top assassin.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Su Mu looked at the last thing.

【Shadow Remnant Soul: There is a will left on it! 】

The introduction is also very simple, and there is no indication of its use.

However, since it is produced by the BOSS, I think it will not be garbage.

"Keep it for now, the next step is to brush the book, you have to brush out the advanced certificate first!"

"But my bag is a little full, how about putting something in it first?"

The dungeon was just around the corner, Su Mu thought about it and didn't rush to start.

Simon's body had to be taken to Xiaoyue City first.

It was just right that he could free up his bag....

Xiaoyue City. The city lord Yuebai was dressing in front of a mirror.

���The face was painted with women's clothing.

If other people in the City Lord's Mansion were here, they would be shocked.

Their Lord City Lord is a man!

But at this moment, the Lord City Lord was wearing a glamorous red makeup, which was not in line with his identity as a City Lord.

"What a handsome face!"

What's even more strange is that the"city lord" touched his face with an infatuated look in his eyes.

"The city lord spoke again, with a doting tone in his voice.

"Even if I'm threatened, I won't put you in danger!"...

The world of God.

This is a bottomless abyss.

Below is endless darkness.

In this darkness, a monster with black wings and a hideous face is flying upwards.



Just as he reached a certain position in the abyss, a force of order emerged and completely enveloped his body.

Under this force, the monster turned into ashes in an instant.

However, this is not the end.

Under the abyss, another monster with the same appearance flew up.

It seemed to be controlled by some existence and wanted to pass through the invisible order!

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