"Is this the place?"

Under a building, Su Mu was wearing a black cap, the brim of which just blocked his sight.

But under the magic perspective, everything in the building was clearly captured.

There were not many people in the huge building.

"Xu Shijie is not here?"

Su Mu scanned the entire building and did not find Xu Shijie's whereabouts.

"I actually forgot about this!"

He curled his lips and understood.

At this time, Xu Shijie should be leveling up in the game.

"In this case, we can only wait until night to act!"

Su Mu was not in a hurry. He walked to a remote location and used flash to enter the building.

This is a utility room, and no one would come here even on normal days.

"What should I do now?"

With Xu Shijie away, Su Mu was in trouble.

According to the previous situation, he could directly enter the Shentu game and wait until the evening to deal with Xu Shijie, which would not waste any time.

But now, at home thousands of miles away, his clone was still being monitored.

The only thing Su Mu was worried about was that after he entered the game, his clone would disappear.

In this case, he would not be able to go back in a short time. Once he did not appear under the camera for a long time, it was very likely that something would be discovered.

"In fact, there is no need to worry so much. After all, as long as I kill Xu Shijie, I can greatly reduce the possibility of"me" being suspected!"

After careful thinking, Su Mu made a plan.

He couldn't just stay here.

After transferring his consciousness to the clone, Su Mu controlled the clone to walk into the hall.

Under surveillance, he controlled the clone to change clothes, brush his teeth and wash his face, then opened the door of the house and walked out.

Not long after, the clone bought some food and returned, soaked a bucket of instant noodles, sat in the hall to eat, and then stretched his muscles.

All these behaviors, in the eyes of outsiders, were just like a person who had just woken up, eaten and drank enough, and was ready to start playing games.

Then, the clone returned to the bedroom.

At the same time, Su Mu, thousands of miles away, also summoned the Divine Path Crystal.

"Enter the game!"

While sinking his consciousness into the crystal, Su Mu also maintained the consciousness left in his clone.

A light flashed around his main body, and he also entered the Shentu game.

"Didn't disappear?"

After entering the game, Su Mu was surprised to find that he was still connected to his clone.

Although the connection became extremely weak, he could clearly know that his clone was still in the bedroom!

"There is no way to control the clone!"

However, under some kind of barrier, even if the clone is still there, Su Mu cannot control the clone's every move here.

He looked at the skill bar.

The phantom clone is in the activated state.

"Now my plan can be perfectly realized!"Su Mu's mouth curled up.

As long as he didn't cancel the summon, the clone would stay in the bedroom.

Even if he couldn't control it in the game, he just had to quit the game.

"Let's go to the dungeon!"

Su Mu temporarily put aside the things in the real world.

He rushed towards the dark cave.

After arriving at the depths of the dark cave, Su Mu ignored the elite monsters and went directly to the entrance of the dungeon.

【Open the lava tube?】


The scorching wind blew towards him, and Su Mu did not hesitate and pressed both skills at the same time.

"Mana shield!"

"Energy awakening!"

After more than ten seconds, he activated another skill.


After his movement speed was increased, Su Mu smiled and ran forward.

Several flame demons soon discovered his presence and launched fireball attacks.

Su Mu ignored them and flashed to appear next to the next group of monsters.

"Freeze spell!"

A frost appeared all over his body, and more than a dozen flame demons were frozen in place.

Su Mu glanced behind him.

The flame demons on the outermost side also caught up.

He was not in a hurry to attack.

After mastering the terrain of the entire dungeon, it would be the easiest to clear it in one go.


Arriving at the lava pool, Su Mu bravely stepped forward despite the burning damage.


His method of pulling monsters was also very simple. When approaching those flame demons, he directly used the freeze spell to attract their hatred while freezing all the ranged monsters in place.

After all, they were all ranged monsters, and their attack range was not low. In terms of the number bonus, once hundreds of flame demons attacked at the same time, Su Mu still had the pressure of pulling monsters.

"Should we kill the BOSS together?"

Pulling a large group of monsters behind him, Su Mu came to the innermost rock cave.

There stood eleven flaming two-headed dogs.

The flame demon behind him had not caught up yet, which made Su Mu's mind active.

"Forget it, that guy has a silencing skill, we can't take risks!"But after repeated consideration, Su Mu put away this idea.

If the Flame Demon is a melee monster, even if he is silenced by the BOSS, he is absolutely sure that he can kill the BOSS together. Forget about the ranged one!

""Let's start!"

Su Mu turned his attention to the approaching flame demons.

Frost Storm paved the way, and Crow Storm filled the damage.

Under the damage of these two large-scale AOE skills, the flame demons were on the road to death.

They fell one after another and fell on the path of the area damage.

【You killed the fire demon!】

【You killed the fire demon!】

【Gain 1 point of intelligence through the Glory of the God of Magic!】...

Su Mu looked at his attribute bar.

The advancement value brought by the high-level elite monsters was very high, and the advancement value continued to rise. After killing 100 flame demons, the progress bar also reached 100.%

【Congratulations on your advancement, you have gained a 40-point improvement in all attributes! 】

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