With a pop-up of the promotion, the second level on Su Mu's level bar instantly became the third level.

At the same time, his attributes have been greatly improved!

The attribute bonus of each advancement is the basic attribute. With the blessing of the super-limit promotion, his five dimensions have all increased by 80 points.

Player: Su Mu

Occupation: Mage

Level: Level 3, Level 1 (0/30000)

HP: 9860 Mana

: 62000

Melee Physical Attack: 912

Spell Attack: 4896

Physical Defense: 1086

Spell Defense: 1850

Attributes: Strength 356, Constitution 356 (+430), Agility 356, Spirit 1010 (+540), Intelligence 1480 (+560)

"It's really comfortable to watch!"

Looking at his own panel, Su Mu smiled.

Nothing is more joyful than improving attributes!

【You killed the Flame Demon! 】

On the field, other Flame Demons continued to arrive, but none of them could get out of the overlapping area of the Frost Storm and the Crow Storm.

For them, the front where Su Mu was.

No passage!

"Didn't trigger the Glory of the Magic God?"

After all the flame demons fell, Su Mu looked at his intelligence value again.

The value did not change.

Logically speaking, the probability of triggering the killing of elite monsters could not be so low.

"Is it because I have been promoted to the third level?"

Su Mu narrowed his eyes and thought of a possibility.

As his level gets higher and higher, the probability of the God of Law's Glory will gradually decrease.

Of course, these are just his personal guesses.

"Pick up the things first!"

The flame demon corpses were scattered all over the ground, and Su Mu began to pick up the dropped

【You obtained the Flame Magic Core!】

【You obtained the blueprint: Demon Flame Gloves!】

【You got the Iron Wall Gauntlets!】...

The drops are still rich. More than 200 flame demons have dropped more than ten second-level equipment. The blueprint of the mage's magic flame suit has also dropped the gloves.

"Considering what I have, one hundred flame magic cores are enough!"

Su Mu looked at the magic core placed in the first inventory.

The number on it was 115.

He was already able to summon the phantom of the Flame King!

"It's your turn!"

If you want to summon the Flame King, you have to defeat the BOSS guarding that area.

Su Mu turned on the energy awakening and locked his eyes directly on the Flame Dog.

"Holy Light Strike!"




Two skills were used in succession, and two extremely exaggerated numbers appeared on the head of the Flame Dog BOSS.

This was when neither skill triggered spell crit and mana surge.

"Frost storm!"

""Crow Storm!"

Su Mu used two AOE skills at the same time.

This combo was completed in one go, taking less than 10 seconds in total.

When one Crow Storm ended, Su Mu added another one.

The health of the BOSS and its minions had already reached the bottom when they arrived next to Su Mu.


Su Mu used a freeze spell to finish off the attack, and while controlling the opponent, he also added damage.

【You killed the Flame Two-Headed Dog BOSS!】

【Gain 1 point of intelligence through the Glory of the God of Magic!】...

The kill prompt appeared. Only the death of the BOSS triggered the Glory of the God of Law, and this BOSS did not bring any experience to Su Mu.

"So, the third level is a big change!"Su Mu whispered softly.

He didn't dwell on the issue of experience, but looked at the magic scepter in his hand.

The growth value on it was 0.

This scepter reached the third level before him, but after he killed a large number of second-level monsters, the scepter did not even gain any growth value, which also made Su Mu know.

【You have obtained the Flame Core!】

【You have obtained the warrior advancement certificate!】

【You obtained the blueprint: Magic Flame Hat!】

【You have obtained the certificate of assassin advancement!】...

After picking up the drops, everything Su Mu needed exploded.

With the materials in his bag, if he didn't summon the Flame King, he could make the Magic Flame Set directly.

And with two advanced certificates, all five major professions can complete the advancement.

Now he can return to Xiaoyue City and wait for the refresh time of the dungeon.

【The current copy will refresh in five hours! 】

After taking a look at the refresh time of the copy, Su Mu frowned.

Five hours of refresh time is not too long.

He has reached the third level now, and even this highest level copy cannot gain experience, let alone other places.

Either go to other places to collect herbs or dig for minerals, otherwise there is really nothing to do.

"Since it is the phantom of the Fire King, that guy must have a high fire resistance."

Su Mu touched his chin and thought.

He wanted to wait until the Magic Flame Set was completed and the sheepskin set was replaced before dealing with the phantom of the Fire King.

After all, the attribute improvement of the second-level equipment is much higher than that of the first-level equipment.

When you don't know the opponent's strength, you can only take your strongest posture to ensure that you are safe.

"Fight or not fight?"

Su Mu looked at the rune over there, his expression tangled.

"Forget it, there's nothing to wait for, just get started!"

After careful consideration, his eyes became firm.

The attributes of the sheepskin suit are a bit low, but the 10% spell attack bonus is enough.

Taking out a hundred flame magic cores, Su Mu walked to the location of the rune.

【Do you want to summon the phantom of the Flame King? (Note: The Flame King is extremely powerful, please be careful!)

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Su Mu decisively chose to confirm.

The runes on the stone wall suddenly lit up.

The one hundred flame magic cores also burned.

After dozens of seconds, a huge phantom appeared from the flames.

""Who woke me up?" A voice followed.

At the same time, an option popped up in front of Su Mu.

【The Shadow of the Fire Lord is summoned for the first time, and the player triggers a hidden quest】

【Servant of the Flame King: Accept the gift from the Flame King, bear his mark, and gain powerful flame power! 】

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