"Power of Fire?"

The appearance of the hidden mission made Su Mu frown.

After experiencing the evil god incident, he had no good feelings towards the so-called servants.

Especially the word"brand".

It didn't seem like a good thing at all!

"With that ash gem, why would I need the power of fire?"

Su Mu made a choice quickly.

At this time, the voice of the phantom sounded again.

"Human, did you summon me?"

Su Mu did not answer, but looked at the shadow silently with a faint smile on his face.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the shadow.


"No damage?"

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

This phantom should not have been fully formed.

Facing this sudden attack, the phantom seemed to be stunned for a moment.

"Human, how dare you attack me?" It asked Su Mu.

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't surrender to you, just fight!" Su Mu shrugged and answered very straightforwardly.

This sentence made the phantom that wanted to speak suddenly silent.

Its illusory eyes stared straight at Su Mu, with an inexplicable meaning.

"If you surrender to me, you will become my spokesperson. When I step into this world, you will become my servant. This is your supreme honor!" The shadow's voice was high and mighty, with a tone that could not be refused.


Another lightning bolt responded.


Still no damage done.

"Are you done with your nonsense? Hurry up and start fighting!"

Su Mu still spoke in that impatient tone.

"You lowly ant!" The shadow was obviously angered by Su Mu's words.

It roared:"Feel the wrath of the flames!"

The next second, the shadow began to change and slowly became clearer.

More than ten seconds later, Su Mu saw its attributes.

【Shadow of the Flame King (Special BOSS)]

HP: 300,000/300,000

Spell Attack: 4,000

Physical Defense: 4,000

Spell Defense: 4,000

Spell Resistance: 50%

Fire Resistance: 80%

Skills: Blazing Flame Flame Explosion Inferno Sea

""What a stunner!"

Even though Su Mu had seen many BOSSes, he couldn't help but shout out when he saw the attributes of the phantom.

This guy's attributes might not be achieved by some low-level third-level BOSSes!

Even if there were fifty elite players here at the moment, they would only die in the face of this BOSS.

Unless these fifty players were equipped with a full set of second-level equipment and at least one S-level output skill, they would have the strength to fight.

"Ants, witness my power!"

The shadow still had that high and mighty attitude.

As its voice sounded, a flame flew towards Su Mu.


A damage number popped up from Su Mu's head.

"Sure, one skill has 8,000 damage!"

Su Mu calculated that the basic damage of this flaming attack was about 8,000 points.

If it were any other warrior at this stage, they would probably be killed instantly.

But for him, this attack was not painful at all.

"Holy Light Strike!"

Su Mu responded with a skill.


The phantom has 50% spell resistance, and Su Mu's strongest attack only caused more than 20,000 points of damage.

But compared with the damage of the BOSS, he is more like that BOSS.

"You damned fellow!" This attack also made the shadow roar again.

The boss's address to Su Mu changed from"ant" to"fellow".

"I'll give you another chance. If you join me, you will gain unparalleled power!"

The shadow once again extended an olive branch to Su Mu.

"Thunder and lightning!"

Thunder and lightning roared, and lightning came


This time, another damage number popped up, 20,000 higher than the Holy Light Strike!

""It's a critical hit!"

Su Mu was delighted when he saw this.

If this critical hit could continue, this Fire King might not even be able to break his mana shield before he killed him!

"You are courting death!"

This attack also made the phantom furious.

It put its illusory hands together.

A powerful flame energy began to gather.

After a few seconds, a huge flaming sphere took shape in its hands.

Obviously, the boss was going to release a big move!

"Defensive stance!"

Su Mu did not hesitate and activated the defensive skill.

This skill can reduce 30% of spell damage and lasts for 30 seconds.


A large damage number popped up from Su Mu's head.

"How is this possible?"

But after seeing that number, the phantom roared in surprise.

This is its highest single-target damage skill, and it is aimed at killing Su Mu instantly!

"Nothing is impossible!"


Su Mu smiled faintly and stood still.

In the next 30 seconds, he was a little worried about whether the boss could break his magic shield!...

Baiwu Town.

Xu Shijie is leading a team to kill monsters.

""Master Jie, most of our people have been deployed and we are eliminating the targets. Among them, the ones with the biggest suspicions don't seem to have any problems!" One person said as he was killing monsters.

They had seen Su Fashen, but after adjusting his appearance, Su Fashen's appearance was still very different from the real one. They could only vaguely distinguish some similarities in his face.

As long as there was a little resemblance, they would be the targets of their key surveillance.

"No problem, keep watching. That guy is not simple. He may have discovered that the surveillance camera is acting!"Xu Shijie smiled and didn't seem to be in a hurry.

As he attacked, a first-level monster fell down.

Xu Shijie, who got the experience, looked satisfied.

"I just want to put pressure on that guy and make him jump out on his own!"

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