If you sell a single piece, the price is basically 3,000 to 4,000 gold coins.

But if you sell the five pieces together, I'm afraid someone would be willing to pay 50,000 gold coins.

"Can those guys afford so much money?"

Su Mu looked at his parcel column.

Killing monsters will also drop gold coins. Although the number is not large, after accumulating over this period of time, the gold coins in his parcel column have reached 300,000.

For an individual, this is definitely an extremely exaggerated number, and it can even be said to be an unimaginable number.

But with a huge player base, this amount of gold coins is really nothing.

As the player's level increases, the level of the monsters killed also increases, and the number of gold coins obtained increases exponentially.

Since the game was launched, the price of gold coins has fallen to one-tenth of the initial price.

And those who bought equipment first also gained greater profits by virtue of the advantages of the equipment.

Su Mu didn't understand these.

He didn't pay attention to the gold coin market, and his mind was focused on killing monsters and upgrading.

""Sell it now!"

Su Mu opened the chat channel.

He sent the properties of the sheepskin suit.

"First-level suit for sale, the highest bidder wins, don't mess it up!"

Because of his special title, he immediately attracted attention as soon as he spoke.

"What the hell? A first-level suit? This equipment is kind of badass!"

"Oh my god, is this a magical equipment? 10% spell attack bonus? Are they selling this equipment?"

"As expected of Su Shen, he must have changed to a better set, so he sold this one!"

"This set of equipment, I'm in a 10,000 second position!"

"Ten thousand? I'll just double it to twenty thousand!"

""Su Shen, can you reveal some information about the new event?"

Various comments emerged in the chat channel.

Su Mu's simple words affected countless players.

At the same time, his private chat messages exploded instantly!

There were countless messages with prices of tens of thousands.

It can be seen that the value of this set of equipment has driven many players crazy.

"Continue filtering the messages and list the top ten in terms of price!"

Su Mu continued filtering the messages, and soon there were only ten left.

"Hello, I'm Li Xiao. We've traded before. I can buy this set of equipment for 40,000 gold coins!"The first person in line seems to be an acquaintance.

"Li Xiao?"

Su Mu touched his chin. He had some impression of this name.

After all, he was ranked third in the ranking.

"Too low!" Su Mu ignored the following message and replied to Li Xiao.

"How much do you want to sell it for?"Li Xiao replied in seconds

""10,000 for one, 50,000 for one!" Su Mu added 10,000 directly.

Li Xiao fell silent.

Su Mu was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

As the third on the ranking list, Li Xiao's financial resources were very strong.

"Deal, but you have to wait for me for a while, I want to collect all the gold coins!"A few minutes later, Li Xiao replied

"No problem!" Su Mu was also very straightforward

""Well, I have something to ask you." After a while, Li Xiao sent a message.

Su Mu thought about it for a while and understood what the other party wanted to ask.

"Regarding the event, I know nothing about it just like you do. I am just the one who started it!" He was the first to send a message to reply

""I understand!" Li Xiao was also very straightforward.

While waiting for Li Xiao to raise gold coins, Su Mu took advantage of the night and used Shadow Escape to collect herbs in the dark cave.

Tens of minutes later, Li Xiao directly sent 50,000 gold coins.

"Rich and powerful!"

After receiving 50,000 gold coins, Su Mu was stunned for a moment.

The other party was really not afraid that he would default on the debt!

Su Mu did not hesitate and sent the sheepskin cover to Li Xiao

"By the way, you should have a lot of high-level potions, right? Can you sell me some? The price is negotiable!"

After the transaction was completed, Li Xiao asked again

"We have medicines, but they are all in the warehouse."Su Mu certainly won't refuse business when it comes to him.

"Then add me as a friend and wait for you to contact me?"Li Xiao took the opportunity to send a friend request.

Su Mu chose to accept it and did not continue to reply.

Under the night, the shadow escape state allowed him to collect resources very comfortably.

After collecting the dark cave, he ran to the Howling Swamp to collect a wave, and instantly killed the swamp giant snake BOSS that refreshed there.

Returning to Xiaoyue City, Su Mu made some more medicines and then sent a private message to Li Xiao. After sending the medicines in his hand one by one, Li Xiao finally spent 5,400 gold coins to buy a lot of 200 bottles of potions.

Su Mu set the price at 30 gold coins per bottle and gave Li Xiao a 10% discount.

After doing all this, Su quit the game.

Late at night, the airport was very deserted.

Su Mu found a remote corner, closed his eyes and rested.

The sky soon brightened.

Planes slowly began to land and take off at the huge airport.

Su Mu quickly found his flight and flashed into the cargo hold.

A few hours later, he returned to his bedroom

"Cancel the summon!"

After canceling the summon of the clone, Su Mu used the magic perspective to look at the probe hidden in the socket.


The red dot on the probe that was previously lit up was no longer lit.

Obviously, the probe was in the off state.

"Is it because of Xu Shijie's death?"

Su Mu reacted quickly.

With Xu Shijie's death, his subordinates obviously had no reason to continue the mission.

In other words, since he had ruled out the suspicion, there was no need for surveillance.

Thinking of this, Su Mu couldn't help but raise his lips.

His purpose of this trip to Huadu had been achieved!

At this moment, a prompt suddenly popped up in front of his eyes.

【The national event will officially start at 3 pm. All players who are determined to participate are requested to enter the waiting area at the top of the crystal before 3 pm!】

【Attention! Players who have not entered the waiting area inside the crystal at 3 o'clock will not be able to participate in this event! 】

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