After the prompt appeared, Su Mu's first reaction was surprise.

This was not in the Shentu game.

But this prompt appeared so abruptly in reality.

"Do I have to enter the space inside the crystal and wait?"

He summoned the Divine Path Crystal, muttering and thinking.

His intuition told him that this activity might not be that simple.

"Three o'clock?"

Looking at the time, it was not far from three o'clock.

Su Mu originally wanted to go to the Lava Cave dungeon again, and then go directly to the Sun City.

Now it seems that he has to wait until the event is over.

He picked up his mobile phone and checked the hot news.

Almost most of the heat was related to himself.

What Su Fashen, as the initiator of the event, should have known the specific content of the event.

And what about this national event was actually planned by Su Fashen.

Seeing those people talking seriously, Su Mu really wanted to reply: I don't take the blame for this!

Continuing to browse, Su Mu saw a news.

Xu Shijie, deputy general manager of Daheng Group, died in a fire.

He smiled slightly and clicked in.

It said that Xu Shijie drank a lot of alcohol last night, which led to drunkenness, and then a cigarette butt accidentally ignited the carpet, which caused the fire.

"Was it covered up?"

This surprised Su Mu.

He did not fake any accident scene when he did it, so this should not be the result.

"The people at Daheng Group who handled this matter are quite smart!"

Su Mu figured it out quickly.

There shouldn't be any trouble coming to him in the next period of time.

He continued to browse the hot news, waiting for three o'clock to come...

SZ City.

Bay One Residential Quarter.

In SZ City, where every inch of land is valuable, Bay One Residential Quarter is a leader.

As long as you stand on the building and look out, you can see the sea view in the distance.

On the top floor of one of the buildings, some people are having an open-air pool party.

"Xu Shijie died in his home yesterday. It was said to be an accident!"A man stood by the swimming pool and said to the man who was playing in the water with several beauties below.

"Accident?"The man in the water stopped playing and sneered."Xu Shijie went to look for Su Mu with great fanfare, and then an accident happened?"

"Isn't this just a coincidence?" He frowned.

"Now it seems that Xu Shijie can't fulfill what he promised us. What should we do next?"The man by the swimming pool asked

"Xu Shijie is gone, so we have to look for him on our own. He must have found something, which is why he got into trouble. The man in the water looked gloomy.

"But what if we take over?" The man by the swimming pool had a worried look on his face.

The man in the water smiled and said in a relaxed tone:"We can find allies!"

"As far as I know, the United States sent quite a few people!"

"Isn't this a bad idea?"The man by the pool widened his eyes when he heard this.

The man in the water showed a meaningful expression.

"That Su Mu is not that easy to deal with"

"The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind!"...

Time passed by minute by minute.

People from all over the world were watching the clock.

Even though some places in China had time differences, the time to start the event was the same.

"It's almost three o'clock!"

Su Mu looked at the number on the timetable and summoned the Divine Path Crystal.

A white light flashed, and he came to the space inside the crystal, without continuing to enter the game.

There were still a few minutes until three o'clock.

Everyone participating in this event was waiting anxiously.

Finally, the second hand completed its last circle.

【This event is open. Please go through the portal for the specific event rules! 】

Accompanied by an announcement, a portal appeared in the space inside the Shentu Crystal.

Su Mu looked at the door and raised his eyebrows.

With great skill and courage, he strode through the portal.

The next second, a ruin appeared around him.

"Where is this place?"

He looked around and was surprised.

This place didn't look like a game world.

"Oh my god? Where is this place? This seems to be a city!"

"My goodness, this place is too modern, isn't it? Look at that building in the distance, it must have at least a hundred floors, right?"

"That's right, what kind of activity is this? Why is it completely different from the Shentu game?"

Just when Su Mu was wondering, noisy voices rang out one after another.

A large number of players appeared in the area where he was.

Within a few seconds, at least tens of thousands of people came to this broken ruin.

"The style of painting is wrong, is there something wrong?"

"Where exactly is this place? What is the content of this activity?"

"Who knows? Let’s wait for the announcement!"

The discussion continued.

Almost everyone wondered if they had come to the wrong set.

The modern scene in front of them was no different from the real one.


Su Mu stood in the crowd and silently activated his vision skill.

"Is this a modern metropolis full of technology?"

"It looks a bit like the Magic City, but it's different!"

After observing for a while, Su Mu narrowed his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, this place is incompatible with the Shentu game!

Just when everyone was full of doubts, an announcement appeared.

【The activity of this time is: Monster Killing for Everyone!】

【In the city you are in, there are monsters of various levels everywhere. Killing them will earn you points, a lot of experience and drops.】

【The event will last for three days, during which promotion ranking matches will be opened at regular intervals!】

【Dying in the activity area will not deduct the chance of resurrection, but after each death, you must wait three hours before you can re-enter the activity area!】

【After the event ends, the top ten players in the world ranking will receive generous rewards! 】

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