"Everyone kills monsters?"

"Points ranking?"

"Promotion to the qualifying round?"

"This event sounds interesting!"

After the specific information of the event was announced, the discussion on the field started again.

Judging from the rules of the announcement, this event is not difficult, and the rewards sound very generous.

"This activity is a bit..."

But after Su Mu saw the details of this event, his brows knitted into a straight line.

At this time, another announcement appeared.

【The monster level in the current activity area is 1-5. After 5 hours or when the number of monsters reaches 50,000, the top 100 players can go to a higher level activity area! 】

At the same time, Su Mu also saw the red dots scattered outside the ruins.

However, the light on those red dots was extremely weak, and the threat value to him was almost zero!

Fortunately, there is a promotion mechanism, and Su Mu was slightly relieved.

If these three days were all low-level monsters, I would have wanted to quit directly.

"Is this event open? I can't hold back my sword any longer!"

"Go, go out and kill the monsters!"

"Don’t be anxious, everyone. In my opinion, we should divide the areas and not crowd into the same place!"

"Yes, let's divide it up!"

The 10,000 people in the ruins were ready to move, and many of them shouted at the top of their lungs.

Their words also made everyone present realize one thing.

If they really crowded together to kill monsters, no one would get any benefit.

"I see there are quite a few exits here, how about we divide the crowd equally according to the number of exits?"

"This is a good idea, let's take action!"

Someone even directly led the pace.

When these people were dividing the number of people, Su Mu curled his lips, ignored them, and walked towards an exit on his own.

"Buddy, don’t be anxious, wait for everyone!"

"That's right, there are so many monsters outside, you won't get any benefit if you go out alone!"

Several people saw Su Mu's actions and shouted immediately.

Su Mu ignored them and walked away quickly.

"Is this guy in a hurry to reincarnate?"

"Forget it, maybe he’s at a high level and wants to earn more points to advance to the next area. Forget about it!"

""Tsk, why are you pretending to be such an expert? Even if all the monsters outside are given to him to kill, can he kill them all by himself?"

Many people looked at Su Mu's back and started to complain.

Some people who thought they were powerful didn't bother to care about the number of people after seeing Su Mu's actions, and ran directly to the nearest exit.

After all, there is a promotion mechanism, and those with high levels are naturally unwilling to fall behind.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.


Su Mu looked at the crowd behind him and did not hesitate.

"Damn, that guy runs so fast!"

"He looks like a mage from his attire, how come he runs faster than an assassin like me?"

"Could that guy be the God Sufa?"

"No way? That guy looks ordinary!"

Everyone looked at Su Mu who ran away in a flash, and couldn't help but speculate.

If you want to know what kind of mage can have such speed, it must be Su Fashen!

"Idol, wait for me!"

"Sign an autograph for me!"

""Everyone, charge! Let's capture the God Sufa alive!"

Many people shouted, their faces were more excited than when the event started.

They all ran as fast as they could towards the exit.

After passing through a passage of several hundred meters, the fastest group of people also arrived at the outskirts of the ruins.

"What is this?"

When these people saw the scene in front of them, their mouths widened in surprise.

The air was scorching hot.

The road ahead of them was covered with walls of fire.

In those walls of fire were corpses of monsters one after another.

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Is this fire wall the skill of that mage?"

"Damn, this guy is definitely the God of Sufa, otherwise who can be so awesome?"

"I was wondering, how can we get through?"

A group of people looked at the scorching wall of fire, full of fear.

"Let me give it a try!"A player who seemed to be of a high level walked up to the firewall with courage.


When he touched the flame, his health dropped to zero instantly, and he quickly retreated:"Fuck, this guy must be Sufashen, there is no place for us here."

Without hesitation, he turned around and ran back.

Not to mention that he couldn't withstand the damage of the fire wall, even if he could, how many monsters could he grab?

As he ran, others followed him and ran back.

Those who had complained about Su Mu before were now embarrassed and blushed.

Some even regretted it....

Not far from the crowd, Su Mu was laying a wall of fire all around.

【You killed a crypt worm and gained 1 point!】

【You killed the locust and got 2 points!】....

One after another, prompts came one after another.

Although the damage of each jump of the fire wall is low, it lasts for a long time.

Not to mention dealing with these low-level monsters.

As long as the monster steps into the range of the fire wall, it will be melted instantly.

"There is no need to pick up the things!"

As for the light balls bursting out by the monsters in the fire wall, Su Mu really had no interest in them at all. All he had in his eyes was the points and the accumulated kill numbers in the current area!...

In the activity area of the United States, a wizard, surrounded by a group of people, was heading to the outside area.

"All warriors go fight the monsters, priests keep an eye on the health, mages use fire rain to output!"

The mage walked while giving orders to the others.

"When the monster's health is down to the last bit, everyone stop!"

"This time, I, Langt Nader, must get the world's number one ranking!"

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