National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 123 The Second Pet: Egg Beast!

Originally, Lin Feng killed a lot of level 70 bosses and took two dungeons of Zhao's Tower. He almost reached level 49 with experience, so he dropped one level. After level 47, he was almost level 48.

This time he killed the rare level boss and directly rose to level 50, which also surprised him.

This time he has been promoted to three levels, and Xiao Hei has also been promoted to level 33. Xiaobow is upgraded to level 38, and Shuanger is upgraded to level 41.

Afterwards, Lin Feng quickly collected all the things that the rare boss, the night wizard Kapori, exploded.

Count the harvest

70 gold coins, a little less.

Guild Token: After the player uses it, he can establish a primary guild (5000), and can buy villages and towns in the main city.

Eggball Beast Pet Egg: A mutated pet created through forbidden techniques.

Dark Holy City Teleportation Scroll: After use, you can directly teleport to the Dark Holy City.

"I'm going to explode another guild token! This time I'm going to make a fortune." Looking at the things in the backpack, Lin Feng was extremely happy.

Now they are the only guild. The first to establish the guild will naturally develop the fastest. A week earlier, they will vigorously develop the village, that is, develop their own territory.

"The teleportation scroll is good. I was thinking about how to go to the Holy Church of the Night, but this time it will save a lot of trouble."

Then, a black pet egg with the size of a human head appeared in Lin Feng's hand.

"It's the first time I've seen a mutated pet, but unfortunately... I can't use it, what a pity! Forget it, let's learn the level 50 skill first! Otherwise, I can only look at the name of the skill, and I don't know the skill Effect."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng directly learned all the 50-level skills of the Apprentice Death God and the 50-level skills of the Guardian of Light.

Trainee Reaper

1 passive:

[Blade of Death Lv1] The normal attack issued by the player has a 50% increase in magic attack.

2 active:

[Phantom Flame Realm Lv1040] Consume 150 HP to create a Phantom Flame Demon Realm that surrounds the whole body, burning enemies within 20 meters and causing 400% magic attack damage per second. The Phantom Flame Realm can move with the player or stop At the position the player wants to select, the duration is 20 seconds, and the cooling time is 120 seconds.

[Death Harvest Lv1] consumes 100 health, and the next normal attack will cause 800% magic attack damage. If the enemy dies from this skill, the skill cools down instantly. Cooldown: 200 seconds.

guardian of light

Level 50 skills

1 passive:

[Guardian Contract Lv1] Players can have 5 pets.

2 active:

[Guardian Cross · Psalm Lv1] Consume 50 mana, create a guardian cross, play the hymn of light, enhance the physical defense and magic defense of companions within 30 meters by 50%, and last for 30 seconds. Cooldown for 180 seconds.

[Guardian Holy Hammer Lv1] Select a circular area with a diameter of 5 meters within a range of 100 meters, summon the holy hammer to drop from the sky, causing 1000% magic attack damage, and causing the target to be stunned for 3 seconds, cooling time: 90 Second.

At the same time, when reaching level 50, some other skills of Lin Feng have also been upgraded.

Today's skills are:

12 Apprentice Reaper Active Skills: Gate of Hell Lv2, Sea of ​​Hell Lv4, Ghost Claw Lv4, Death Repel Lv3, Soul Absorbing Circle Lv3, Death Wings Lv2, Blood Mist Lv2, Soul Chain Lv2, Soul Binding Circle Lv2 , Death Form Lv2, Nether Flame Domain Lv1, Death Harvest Lv1

6 Apprentice Reaper Passive Skills: Reaper's Armor Lv2, Scythe Mastery Iv2, Nether Body Lv1, Wandering Soul Possession Lv1, Spirit Variation

10 active skills of Guardian of Light: Starlight Resurrection Lv2, Guardian Unicorn Lv3, Guardian Cross Healing Lv2, Power of Steel Lv2, Guardian Counterattack Lv2, Guardian Star Shield Lv2, Guardian Light Array Lv2, Guardian Cross Cut Lv2, Guardian Cross · Psalm Lv1, Guardian Saint Hammer Lv1

8 Guardian of Light Passive Skills: Dual Weapon Mastery, Guardian Knight Mastery, Aegis Shield Lv2, Guardian Light Lv1, Son of Light Lvl, Guardian Magic Surge Iv1, Guardian of Light Lv1, Guardian Contract Lvl

6 other active skills: Light and Dark Form, Pact of All Souls Lv3, Death Rush Lv2, Remnant Blood Kill, Dragon Transformation Lvl, Thunder Clap Lv1

2 other passive skills: Gift Lv1 of Holy Cult of Light, Gift Lv1 of Holy Cult of Dark Night

Up to now, Lin Feng has learned 28 active skills, and there are still 2 empty skills in the skill slot.

After watching his new skills, Lin Feng looked at the pet egg in his hand and was instantly happy.

"The passive of the guardian of light is very cool. Normal players can only have one pet, and only special professions, such as hunters, can have multiple pets. Originally, I was just a pet.

This time you can directly have five, well, directly hatch. "

Lin Feng couldn't wait to choose to hatch.

"Boom!" The black pet egg burst into black light directly in Lin Feng's hands, and then exuded a sinister aura, accompanied by a strange and ear-piercing ghostly cry.

It's like a demon is about to be born!

"What the hell! This lich's pet is so weird?" Lin Feng was so startled by the sudden scene that he almost threw the pet egg in his hand.

Afterwards, the black light quickly shrank back, and finally entered the eggshell.

"What's the matter? The egg shell is not rotten yet?" Lin Feng wondered.

At this time, there was a crackling sound, and the pet egg with the size of a human head cracked a gap, and as the fragments of the eggshell fell, a big tongue protruded from it, "Then the fragments were entrusted to the eggshell minister again.

"The Egg Beast hatched successfully, please name the player."

"Eh!" Lin Feng looked at the pet egg with a big mouth and a mouthful of sharp bladed teeth in his hand, and said with a strange expression: "It's really... an egg beast. It's still a black one. egg!"

Without even thinking about it, Lin Feng said, "Name it: Eggy."

"The naming was successful."

Afterwards, Lin Feng looked at the attributes of his second pet.

egg beast

Dual Form: Eggshell Form/Unknown

Grade: Normal (Growable)

Name: Eggy


Level: Level 1 (cedh) Level: 1

HP: 50

Mana: 50

Physical Attack: 5

Magic Attack: 5

Passive skill: [Devouring Alienation] The Egg Beast can devour living beings to undergo heterogeneous evolution. (Evolution: 0/100)

"This initial attribute is very low. Looking at the attribute alone, it is an ordinary monster with no special features. However... this growth, coupled with this passive skill, makes this pet have infinite possibilities. It is not allowed to eat A few dragons, maybe they can all become dragons, or better yet, become phoenixes, after all, I already have a dragon king." Lin Feng thought in his heart, and suddenly he had some expectations.

At this time, Murong Xiaoyi sent a message: "Send me your bank card information on WeChat in a while, and I will transfer you the 100 million. I have prepared the money as agreed earlier."

"I have another plan. Erer plans to set up a game studio, but she doesn't know much about the second world, and only recruited 50 people in the early stage. I know the game now, and your combat power and all aspects are in the current game. The strongest. I think, the three of us will join hands to grow this studio directly."

"Each person invests 50 million, you take 40%, each of us 30%. The main business is sub-jobs, making equipment, potions, food and then selling them in your city. Because it mainly occupies some shops in your city, so you It only needs to provide the venue. After that, I will run the operation and ear ear management.

"The initial scale is tentatively set at 500 people, 300 people are specialized sub-professionals, 100 people are material teams, and 100 people are task teams. We will expand the scale later depending on the income."

"In this way, Erer and Wuwu can directly lead a team of 200 people to collect materials and do tasks. They all recruit people offline, and the tentative salary is 5,000 plus performance commission. Do you want to cooperate?

Lin Feng was a little moved. If you save money, you will die. Now he doesn't have much to spend it on. Even if Murong Yiyi gave him the money, he really saved it and continued to play games.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Lin Feng responded.

Murong Xiaoyi: "Well, the legal person will directly appoint you, and you can be considered the chairman of our group. I will find someone to draft the contract, and I will go to you if I need to go through any procedures. Remember to send me your bank card number, I will transfer the remaining 50 million to you. By the way, your friend is quite business-minded, and it is not difficult for us to cooperate."

Lin Feng: "That's great! I'll leave everything to you! If you have anything to do, just send me a message."

Murong Xiaoyi: "Okay, Caitlin wants to kill a saint, she said that you agree to help her, as long as you are sure, I will find a way to trick a saint of light, and then you go kill it, because I am 100% sure No."

Lin Feng: "I'm sure, you guys have a plan and let me know."

Murong Xiaoyi: "No problem."

At this time, Li Yuan also sent a message to Lin Feng.

The stream continued: "Crazy, you are really good. It turns out that Murong Wuwu has four older sisters! Quintuplets! It's so simple, there are still five such big beauties. It's so real, it's amazing! You are convinced."

"Besides, that Murong Xiaoyi seems to be very powerful! He is wearing a gold suit. I heard that Qinghuo went to Murong Wuwu to inquire about it. This Murong Yiyi opened a company abroad. What he said was so logical that I almost fainted, but it's okay. The green tiger is also there, and we can keep up with her pace of work together."

Lin Feng smiled wryly: "She is a workaholic, and she pays attention to efficiency in everything. I don't know how to manage guilds. Next, I will leave it to you. By the way, the city is short of money and told me that I will collect gold coins quickly. Tens of thousands, very easy."

The stream continued: "You are awesome, I am still worrying about hundreds of gold coins! Your opening is tens of thousands, which is simply enviable! By the way, I will ask you a serious question."

Lin Feng: "What's the problem?"

The stream continued: "If there are five of them together, do you recognize who is who? Murong Wuwu, can you recognize?"

"Get out!" Lin Feng replied, what the hell is a serious question, not serious at all.

Afterwards, Lin Feng recalled Dandanmon back to the space, and at the same time recalled his pet Xiaohei and the two guardian beasts.

First of all, I walked around the secret room. Lin Feng wanted to find something valuable, but unfortunately... except for some blood samples, there was nothing else, and these blood samples did not indicate that they were props, that is, the sun point Value no.

It's worthless, and Lin Feng doesn't plan to stay for long.

Afterwards, he put away the sword of the archangel, cast the dark form, and the black mist wrapped around his body, took out the dark holy city teleportation scroll, and directly clicked to use it.

Now that he has it, of course he has to take a trip, maybe he might become the Son of the Dark Night.


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